We're all adults hereThe profanity in that piece has no place on a Christian site. If it takes that to make a point the point is beneath making.
We're all adults hereThe profanity in that piece has no place on a Christian site. If it takes that to make a point the point is beneath making.
Then we should differ maturely. I shouldn't have to tell an adult or a Christian to refrain from that sort of thing. If you wouldn't use the language yourself before Christ, don't use it in the first place.We're all adults here
The thing about generalization is that it has no teeth without particular. So gum away, but we both know it's only breath, metaphorically speaking.You say a lot of things to make a point that is beneath making.
That's no defense or excuse for being a conduit for the profane either. Redact the worst and make the point if it's a point worth making.The left is so disgusting that it is hard to find a pic of them that does not offend.
Nick I'm asking the mods to ban you from this thread for posting profane images and language. You should know better than that.
:doh:Trouble at USC
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
August 19, 2017
Mascot under fire for name similar to Robert E. Lee’s horse.
Rusha's much too intelligent to ignore someone just because she disagrees with them.
Maybe Nick's rejoicing at the thought of her burning in hell or his repeated lies about her might have something to do with it. Or maybe he just bores her.
Tsk tsk ...on assumptions ... or perhaps blatant dishonesty. I do NOT ignore Patrick because he for voted Trump ... even though I hate Trump, I do not hate Patrick. Insofar as Nick, based on his character, any effort to read or have a discussion with him would be without merit.
I know. This is out of hand...
I can't remember a time when it was this easy to be offended..
Umm, I don't think those two disgusting pieces of filth in the photos were defenders of Trump.
That's what your side looks like.
Thanks for acknowledging that we're enemies Tambora, I cherish that thought. While the two crude pictures that your ally Nick posted weren't Trump supporters, they easily could have been. You see Tambora, the United States was founded under Christian principles, not that the white race is supposedly superior. Hence the KKK, the American Nazi Party and the Alt Right, all strong supporters of Donald Trump, hate the American flag and what it really stands for as much as those that they pretend are their enemies.
Your right, they have no idea about that flag....sadly, neither do you...
Educate me, I'm listening.