Alt-righter plows into crowd of anti-racists in Charlottesville

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
To bad facts are not on your side.
They not only are, you noted it when you dismissed the words of the states as they withdrew.

You just cant admit both sides were wrong can you for their own sins in this matter.
I have more than once noted the foibles and failures of our founders on the issue of slavery. I have been hard on the failures of Jefferson, Washington and others, have noted the enrichment of the North in the old molasses to rum to slave complicity.

But at the end of all that, we have one attempt to raise an expanding state predicated on the most degrading inhumanity visited on man, set against the end of it. Whatever the many faults and regardless of the disparate motives involved, there is in that end an absolute good set against an absolute evil.

And only the ignorant or willfully errant will play the tune of moral equivalence in that dance. You don't belong on that side of things, dr. You never did.


like marbles on glass
She interviewed a KKK leader. He called her a ‘n-----’ and threatened to ‘burn’ her
An Afro-Latina journalist’s interview with the leader of a KKK group that marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, last weekend devolved into racial epithets and violent threats.
The journalist said the conversation left her fearing for her safety.
At first, Ilia Calderón — a nightly newscast anchor with Univision — watched local Ku Klux Klan leader Chris Barker conduct a meeting of white supremacists on his North Carolina property.
Participants dressed up in robes and marched around with flaming torches
, according to Raw Story.
Then Calderón sat down with Barker, who almost immediately attacked the journalist.
“To me you are a n-----. That’s it,” said Barker, a grand wizard of the Loyal White Knights, a KKK chapter in Yanceyville, North Carolina.
Calderón seemed taken aback at first, but quickly shot back a reply.
“I find that offensive,” she said. “My skin color doesn’t define me.”
Earlier in the interview, Barker asked Calderón why she doesn’t “go back” to where she came from. She is an immigrant with both African and Colombian heritage.

Then he threatened to remove her and the millions of immigrants here with physical force, if necessary.

“We have nothing here in America; ya’ll keep flooding it,” he said. “But like God says – like Yahweh himself says – we will chase you out of here.”

“No, we’re going to burn you out,” he added, correcting his last statement.

Calderón, who acknowledged she was probably the first immigrant with African heritage to be on Barker’s property, asked the white supremacist how he plans to forcibly kick out so many immigrants.

“We killed six million Jews the last time,” he answered. “Eleven million is nothing.”

The incendiary language shocked Calderón, who said she expected a certain level of racist vitriol from the KKK leader.
“My team told me that I would be insulted, and I knew, but I never imagined the level," she told Univision. “... At that moment, I felt scared and unsafe.”

The Loyal White Knights participated in the ‘Unite the Right’ rally last weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia, that left three dead and dozens injured as white nationalists and anti-racist counter protesters clashed throughout the city, according to Independent.

The interview took place in July before the unrest in Charlottesville and President Donald Trump’s subsequent statements that only seemed to stoke further tension. The full interview, which was teased with a preview earlier this week, will air Sunday at 10 p.m. ET on Univision.

But after the protests — which bore witness to a car mowing down anti-racist protesters, killing one and injuring 19 — the Loyal White Knights praised the driver of the car for “running over nine communist anti-fascists,” according to Independent.

“When a couple of them die, it doesn’t bother us,” Barker said. “They’re always attacking and messing with our rallies.”​

Eagles Wings

New member
Yes, dr, facts float my boat. What the men who launched that war said about why they launched it, by way of...but your creative revisionist take is fun too. :plain:

And seriously, anyone who isn't under the age of fifteen or wearing glitter should refrain from using "lol" in any circumstance.

Uh oh. I just lol'd you in a rep comment. I know I have some glitter around here somewhere.:)

patrick jane

In an attempt to shift the focus from his moral equivalency gaffe within the context of the Charlottesville tragedy, the president has presented the notion that removing the monuments to the Confederate leaders and state will lead to the removal of monuments to men like Washington and Jefferson, who were themselves owners of slaves. "Where does it end?" he asks, as if his conclusion were foregone. But is it?

What the president overlooks is a crucial distinction, that our recognition and monuments acknowledging the contributions of Washington and Jefferson are not commemorating their moral flaws and are not in defense, let alone celebration of them. Rather, Jefferson is regarded for his essential contributions to the life and form of the Republic and Washington is revered for his martial leadership and his steady hand in steering our fledgling state on a straight and democratic course. The monuments venerating the service of those like Lee, Jefferson Davis, and others are invariably paying homage to the cause they served, to that institution and its spirit as much as they will ever be to the men themselves, a thing evidenced by proclamations and the uniforms and flags that attend them. And what those men served, some by sincere belief in it and others in spite of recognizing its taint, was a national evil, a cancer on the conscience of our United States.

For the president to seriously suggest an equivalence in advancing this domino theory is to compound his prior lapse of judgment and bring into further and serious question his ability to lead us through this dangerous period in American history, let alone unify his people.
Unify "his" people? Do you have some delusion that dems and liberals can be unified with Trump? Every liberal in America is tripping over each other, scouring the web for videos and articles etc condemning Trump for white supremacy and being a Klan member so they can feel better about themselves and their devastating loss in November.


New member
He absolutely does and there's reason to believe he has some fairly out of date racial prejudices. A hundred years ago he might have seemed progressive. Today, not so much.

Back to Charlottesville.

According to a reporter on the scene from The Rolling Stone Magazine, protesters of the Alt right rally were marching peaceably when a supporter of the alt right movement used his car as a lethal instrument, a weapon of terror. One woman died. Many more were injured. That same reporter describe a number of heavily armed men among the alt right, who came to Charlottesville with malice in their method.

The police appear to have made no effort to cordon off the opposing factions. Many incidents of violence and intimidation went on under the nose of police who only stood and watched.

Said notable racist leader David Duke, "We are determined to take our country back. We're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That's what we believed in, and that's why we voted for Donald Trump."

Quite a contrast to how marches of BLM have been handled. It's like there's a whole different standard...


like marbles on glass
Charlottesville Unite the Right organizer Jason Kessler:



New member
You know it's bad when Richard Spencer disavows you

Richard ☝��Spencer
✔ [MENTION=19497]Richard[/MENTION]BSpencer

I will no longer associate w/ Jason Kessler; no one should. Heyer's death was deeply saddening. "Payback" is a morally reprehensible idea.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Notice the lol in the dailystormer URL?

I'd say I'd be surprised if anyone here would say it out loud, but nothing surprises me anymore.

Yeah, I'd be surprised if anyone said anything out loud but given that certain far right snowflakes "think" the Nazis were "leftists" (and in some cases support some of the very same atrocious, inhuman ideals) then it wouldn't be that much of one...



like marbles on glass
Someone claimed to have hacked Kessler but there isn't any evidence to support a hack and the alleged hacker has proven to be full of it in the past. I wager that it wasn't a hack and that Kessler really is that much of a hateful piece of filth.

Kessler admitted to saying it, said he was on Ambien and alcohol and then he deleted the tweet - and I think his account also.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Adolph Hilter said:
As things stand today, the trade unions in my opinion cannot be dispensed with. On the contrary, they are among the most important institutions of the nation's economic life. Their significance lies not only in the social and political field, but even more in the general field of national politics. A people whose broad masses, through a sound trade-union movement, obtain the satisfaction of their living requirements and at the same time an education, will be tremendously strengthened in its power of resistance in the struggle for existence