You'll make up something, and then act like it's fact.
And there it is, right on schedule!
Danoh doesn't feel he gets all the thanks and reps that he thinks he deserves.from others.
No, you're simply that entrenched in the error you conclude on such things from.
I neither click on the "thanks" feature to anyone, nor expect it from anyone.
I have not bothered with it in a very long time.
You're a Trump supporter, Tam.
A man not only a life-long, politically and financially corrupt, but a man who thrives on pettiness and double-standards.
That right there says all one needs to know about where you and your pals conclude on things from.
You and your pals were each manifesting that all over TOL way before I came along.
And you and your pals were each manifesting that all over TOL way before Trump came along for your obvious hypocrisy to truly show itself for what it your obvious conclusion "he speaks to me."
What a dis-grace-ful thing not only to hear one self say - that such an individual as Trump "speaks to me" - but even more dis-grace-ful - to have ended up so blind to one's hypocrisy that one actually finds that kind of "speaks to me" sound.
No, Tam, the day you and yours start heaping up the high-fives my way will either mark the day the truth of this kind of a post actually got through to you and yours, at last, or it will note I have ended up in favor of the wrong pac, once more.
You're MADs, somewhat.
But Grace MADs you are not.
Very little grace- in your gospel of grace - but towards yourselves.
Again, your support of that vile individual now in the White House, says it all.
Don't worry about whether or not I need a thank you.
Focus on the one you are not giving your thank yous to - the Lord - in your support of your kind of double-standard.
Regretabbly, Tam.
Nevertheless, Rom. 5:8