Alt Right Movement


The rise of the Alt Right Movement is in effect !!

This article fits you and your fellow Trump lemmings to a "t".

Why Conservatism Must Stamp Out the Alt-Right

Nov. 15, 2016

Other than affinity towards their “tribe” (as they call it), the alt-right can be be categorized by what they are against: multiculturalism, feminism, immigration and political correctness…especially political correctness. *It is this latter characteristic that defines their infantile rants and behaviors.
In effect, they are nothing more than childish Internet pranksters who like to throw rhetorical Molotov cocktails and hide behind the anonymity of cyberspace. *They are the 400-pound shut-in sitting with a laptop in their basement believing they are at the vanguard of some new intellectual movement in conservatism. *Some of their leaders dress up their language more reminiscent of those they abhor- the intelligentsia that occupies academia. *In order to justify their behaviors, they have to “intellectualize” their rhetoric.

They actually stand opposed to true conservatism and represent a cyber-populism because they live in a bubble of virtual reality. *Their home is not in academia or politics where the real power is to which they aspire, but in the fake reality of the echo chambers of websites, blogs, chat rooms and message boards. *They are likely the ones who honestly believe they lost a “friend” because they were “unfriended” on Facebook.

True conservatism is an appeal to the aspirations of our Founders, not destroying the political order and remaking it in their perverted image of xenophobia and racism. *True conservatism believes that individuals possess the right to life, liberty and property and freedom from the restrictions of arbitrary force. *This means freedom of oppression from the government. *Yet, the alt-right views these Enlightenment thoughts as quaint and unrealistic. *To the extent they rarely endorse these ideas, they are bastardized to their own designs. *They, in fact, love the authoritarian leader...

Part and parcel of true conservatism is an emphasis on tradition and order and the rule of law. *The alt-right cannot violate the law in the real world, so they do it in the fake world of the Internet. *In their infantile manner, they find gleeful satisfaction in using the N-word in their chat rooms, but lack the balls to say so in an African-American community. *They can dally in anti-Semitic rhetoric provided there are no Jews within earshot. *In effect, they are cowards. *At least the KKK and the Nazi Party held rallies and said these things in public…that is, the real world.

Unlike true conservatives, the alt-right is actually anti-Christian. *They may support*Christendom because it united the European continent, but certainly not Christianity. *Ask any “leader” on the alt-right and most will describe themselves as atheist, agnostic, or “lapsed Christian.” *Some even describe themselves as “pagan.”

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The Berean

Well-known member
Milo Yiannopoulos is one of the alt-right's biggest stars and he's a "practicing" homosexual even though he claims to be Catholic.
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I think yall need to take the Alt-right more seriously being that they are the forerunners in having both 1) taken down the Liberal Reich and 2) revealed the ineptitude of Republicans.


You shouldn't trust everything you see on Wiki. The Alt-right movement is a lot different than what those liberal editors are going to put on there- it is not internet based anymore than these people out there protesting Trump.

'Alt Right' is a very broad abstract. But you all do what you do best with your labels :wave2:


New member
Yep - that entire description on wiki exposes, ur, describes the typical Alt Right Trumper, exactly.
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New member
Sometime ago, I invited someone to an assembly I was visiting.

After the service, I walked over to say hello to someone I knew there.

My guest walks over to let me know he has to work that day.

I introduce him to my "friend" - who immediately says to him "you know; God can save black people too..."

I knew the guy. I knew he meant well.

Of course, such individuals do not believe themselves racist.

I've long lost track over the years how often I've observed first hand this "not racist" racism.

It is that entrenched and in far too many who do not see themselves as "racist."

Such are ever like that religious hypocrite unable to see his hypocrisy even when the Lord Himself pointed it out to him.

Their mantra is ever the same - how that "those who know me know I'm not racist..."

Case in point... Post/id-de99ffadab5a4dbeb3907ef5552531c1

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Milo Yiannopoulos is one of the alt-right's biggest stars and he's an "practicing" homosexual even though he claims to be Catholic.

Have you seen his presser after the Orlando massacre by islam? He inadvertently admits the RCC problem with pedos. He mentions they(RCC) were the ones that took them in. That wasn't his intention, but I sure notice those things.


You shouldn't trust everything you see on Wiki. The Alt-right movement is a lot different than what those liberal editors are going to put on there- it is not internet based anymore than these people out there protesting Trump.

I consider the Alt-right to be a faction of the Libertarian movement, without the open desire to legalize heroin. The author of this thread is a hardcore Libertarian and is very much in love with his new political movement.

'Alt Right' is a very broad abstract. But you all do what you do best with your labels :wave2:

Besides the liberal social stance that the Alt-right takes (pro LGBTQ, pro abortion, etc.) what is it that you like about this phony conservative movement?


Besides the liberal social stance that the Alt-right takes (pro LGBTQ, pro abortion, etc.) what is it that you like about this phony conservative movement?

The Alt Right is a mostly a collaboration of politically Right and morally Left ideology. That's exactly what Libertarianism is, though the Alt Right is a more diverse crowd that focuses on the shams of the Left.

They are people who favor Right wing government, but despise either liberals or conservatives telling them what to do.
Stop telling people what to do :rolleyes:


The Alt Right is a mostly a collaboration of politically Right and morally Left ideology.

"Politically right and morally left", does the term "meat-eating vegans" mean anything to you?

That's exactly what Libertarianism is, though the Alt Right is a more diverse crowd that focuses on the shams of the Left.

They are people who favor Right wing government, but despise either liberals or conservatives telling them what to do.
Stop telling people what to do :rolleyes:

Now that you've spoken for others, would you care to tell us what you like about the phony Alt-right movement? (other than being close allies with limp wristers like Milo Yiannopoulos).


"Politically right and morally left", does the term "meat-eating vegans" mean anything to you?

Having a government which doesn't get involved with what people do with their personal lives. There's a lot of inconsistency with those as yourself- it's perfectly legal to damn oneself in many ways, be pagan, anon anon, but you want to dictate their sexuality and general autonomy.

What the Alt Right wants is a government that keeps out of people's affairs and doesn't cater to lobbyists and agendas. Constantly going to the Supreme Court, for example, instead of having states serve their purpose as states is ridiculous- it is what the Left and Right want to do, and other people are tired of such things.

Now that you've spoken for others, would you care to tell us what you like about the phony Alt-right movement? (other than being close allies with limp wristers like Milo Yiannopoulos).

I think that they are rightfully tired of yall's nonsense :idunno:

You can look at their sins all you want, but the Right is currently benefiting heavily from them. They shaped public opinion and enthusiasm where yall frankly could not.


New member
I think yall need to take the Alt-right more seriously being that they are the forerunners in having both 1) taken down the Liberal Reich and 2) revealed the ineptitude of Republicans.

more like traditional democrats fed up with the status quo in swing and industrial states switched over to vote rebulican to elect Trump not Alt-right


more like traditional democrats fed up with the status quo in swing and industrial states switched over to vote rebulican to elect Trump not Alt-right


Pretty sure a lot of people voted for Obama because they were mesmerized by his statement for change where McCain was just another Bush. A lot of conservatives voted for him, including myself.
What a mistake that was, seeing the turnout :AMR:


The rise of the Alt Right Movement is in effect !!
Could we get fatty, fat, fat
Kim Jong Un
to ban this phrase? :think:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
"Politically right and morally left", does the term "meat-eating vegans" mean anything to you?

Having a government which doesn't get involved with what people do with their personal lives. There's a lot of inconsistency with those as yourself- it's perfectly legal to damn oneself in many ways, be pagan, anon anon, but you want to dictate their sexuality and general autonomy.

Thanks for acknowledging that people cannot be politically right and morally left no more than anyone can call themselves a "meat eating vegan". People's political stance reflects their moral worldview, yours does, mine does, as does everyone who votes or gets involved in the political process (debate, etc.).

What the Alt Right wants is a government that keeps out of people's affairs and doesn't cater to lobbyists and agendas.

Sounds like an "agenda" to me, a Libertarian one at that.

Constantly going to the Supreme Court, for example, instead of having states serve their purpose as states is ridiculous- it is what the Left and Right want to do, and other people are tired of such things.

You're confusing the judicial activist left with the true conservatives on the right who embrace the biblical based United States Constitution. Don't pretend that you Alt-righters are in the middle, as you're as socially liberal as they come and your economics aren't any better.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that you've spoken for others, would you care to tell us what you like about the phony Alt-right movement? (other than being close allies with limp wristers like Milo Yiannopoulos).

I think that they are rightfully tired of yall's nonsense

You can look at their sins all you want, but the Right is currently benefiting heavily from them. They shaped public opinion and enthusiasm where yall frankly could not.

We've had 8 straight years of an Obama pro LGBTQueer, pro abortion agenda. One would think that it's time for a change, but evidently the Alt-right doesn't think so.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks for acknowledging that people cannot be politically right and morally left no more than anyone can call themselves a "meat eating vegan". People's political stance reflects their moral worldview, yours does, mine does, as does everyone who votes or gets involved in the political process (debate, etc.).

You're the biggest pseudo-intellectual I've ever spoken with on this subject, seriously. You sit on the same nonsense you condemn the Left for and throw a cross on top of it.

the biblical based United States Constitution.

The very first Amendment of the Constitution ensures freedom of religion and limits religious influence. That's not biblical based, that's humanitarian based. If you want Christian based, see 'Christendom'.

We've had 8 straight years of an Obama pro LGBTQueer, pro abortion agenda. One would think that it's time for a change, but evidently the Alt-right doesn't think so.

.4% of marriages being between two men or two women has exactly nothing to do with the livelihoods of millions of other people. But you all are willing to put anyone in the Supreme Court based solely on their disapproval of gays.

It's unfortunate that you don't you see why so many people have had it with yall :rolleyes: