Coming on five years now but has aged well:
The NRA is a gun safety organization. They exist because they want there to be zero accidental or negligent discharges anywhere at anytime in America. Tell me what's wrong with that?
The NRA remains the standard bearer for gun safety.
True today too. GOA and other fringier organizations are devoted to and known for gun
rights, not gun
safety like the NRA.
They also naturally have an interest in gun law.
Because they have to, in self-defense. If they (Democrats) weren't really coming for our guns, the NRA wouldn't even be a villain in the Democratic party's false narrative rn. You have to recognize this fact. The NRA is a gun safety organization, that's their mission. Why are they villains in the Democratic party narrative? Because it's a false narrative, and the Democrats
really are coming for our guns.
The NRA is the best thing going for gun rights people like me, but they are far from ideal.
The Republican party is better, I've come to see (it's been five years) but also not ideal, but they are the best choice, and it's objective, and it's a blowout. iow support the Republican party first and only after that a gun rights organization, because gun rights organizations are largely just going to support Republicans anyway.
The Republican party lends an ear to the NRA, but Republican politicians are the officers in our government. If you're like me and believe in defending our Constitution at all costs (which includes the Bill of Rights and Second Amendment), then do vote Republican because Republicans feel this same way. See below for some good news about the fruit this ideology is starting to bear.
... I see the courts cracking down more and more on laws that contravene the Second Amendment. What we're really heading toward is whether or not the majority of Americans who are OK with gun control, are also OK with amending the Bill of Rights, because the Supreme Court is making it clearer and clearer that the Second Amendment affirms a right that most Americans seemingly don't believe that we possess.
iow when the Second Amendment is invaded, the Bill of Rights is being invaded, which means the Constitution is being invaded, and the Supreme Court's duty and responsibility in our form of government is to defend the Constitution.
(But this is what Republicans think only. Republicans endorse the appointments of conservative, "Originalist," Federalist Society approved jurists as judges and justices, and these are all synonyms for jurists who believe their first responsibility as a jurist, is to defend the Constitution at all costs.)
... The Second Amendment is a law aimed at lawmakers, and the S. Ct. is saying that gun control is meddling in gun markets, and that the Second Amendment specifically prohibits that. We have to decide whether we're going to amend the Bill of Rights, or if we're going to abide by it. The S. Ct. is going to force the issue.
See below. They are now doing it.
... we are heading toward a decision node wrt the Bill of Rights. We have never amended it since the first ten amendments amended the original Constitution itself, and if Americans really do believe in gun control, then the S. Ct. is going to force us to choose to amend it, instead of illegally making gun control laws.
[The Supreme Court's] 2022 ruling in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association vs. Bruen ... requires that firearm regulations don’t impede on the language of the Second Amendment and be “consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition.” US District Judge Roger T. Benitez in Friday’s decision said the ban on high-capacity magazines fails to meet that standard and that “there is no national tradition of prohibiting or regulating firearms based on firing capacity or ammunition capacity.”
Also, "California Gov. Gavin Newsom in a statement called the decision “politics, pure and simple,”" which is a lie, pure and simple.
So far, so good. Vote Republican. Trump SCOTUS ftw.