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you don't like Paul, we get it. What is Keyes going to do?

you don't like Paul, we get it. What is Keyes going to do?

Or people can learn to actually debate and discuss issues.

Let's do that OK? This thread has gone on long enough without any Keyes supporters stating what Keyes himself will do to fight abortion as president.

I challenge anyone who has something to add to address What is Alan Keyes, as president, going to do to stop abortion?

If not, I'll bring my argument here.

* AlanKeyes.com is worthy of our support! If a presidential candidate is unwilling to use his authority as President to protect the innocent in our country, he is not qualified to be President of the United States.

How is presidential candidate Keyes, or even president Keyes going to "use his authority as President to protect the innocent in our country"? Specifics please.

Don't be pro-choice Fig - vote for a man who will do everything he can to stop abortion - Alan Keyes!:jazz:

We'll while you're playing jazz to the idea of Keyes being elected; I was wondering if you had the time to tell us what "everything he can do to stop abortion" really means? What, specifically is he going to do?

Alan Keyes takes the Godly position NOT because of HOW he will do it, but simply BECAUSE he will make murder illegal unilaterally. This is the only way to win the battle. Anything else will set us back another who knows HOW MANY years. I'm not willing to wait!

So Kevin is not willing to wait. I pose the same question to you. How is Alan Keyes going to make murder illegal unilaterally? Let me know when you get sick of waiting.

I agree the right to life supersedes any constitution, so how will Alan Keyes as the next president make murder unilaterally illegal? :plain:

genomax asked this very specific question, which was ignored throughout the whole thread; until now

This whole debate about oaths is irrelevant to the big picture: Millions of innocent babies are being slaughtered mercilessly. We need to do something about that instead of debating what is and isn't an oath.

Again, Kevin chimes in with an emotional post (does he make any other kind?) So "we need to do something". What?!?!

I oppose any and all candidates who would compromise on murdering innocent babies. Ron Paul happens to be the one up for discussion right now.

You don't think a president Keyes would compromise? Just guess what I am going ask next............How is he going to fight, without compromise, to outlaw abortion?

Are you guys seeing yet how intellectually bankrupt your arguments are?

How is President Alan Keyes going to outlaw abortion?


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wiz said:
How is President Alan Keyes going to outlaw abortion?

By making it illegal across the board in every state, and any stretch of land that wants to call itself part of the United States of America, and returning the right to life to babies, which is the most fundamental of all human rights. If the right to life is removed, no other right can be exercised.

Specifically Keyes is very outspoken about the fact that he will pass a Human Life amendment as well as overturning abortion laws such as Roe v. Wade.

pastorkevin said:
I oppose any and all candidates who would compromise on murdering innocent babies.

wizardofoz said:
You don't think a president Keyes would compromise?
If he did then I would withdraw my support from him in a heartbeat, just as I have President Bush who I once supported.


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WizardofOz said:
So Kevin is not willing to wait. I pose the same question to you. How is Alan Keyes going to make murder illegal unilaterally? Let me know when you get sick of waiting.

Let me know when you get a new question to ask and get tired of asking ones over and over again that have been answered.

Nobody should be willing to wait for the murder of innocent little babies like this one to be halted once and for all.


New member
By making it illegal across the board in every state, and any stretch of land that wants to call itself part of the United States of America, and returning the right to life to babies, which is the most fundamental of all human rights. If the right to life is removed, no other right can be exercised.

Specifically Keyes is very outspoken about the fact that he will pass a Human Life amendment as well as overturning abortion laws such as Roe v. Wade.

I know he's outspoken. He likes to talk a lot about it; but how is he going to do it? Talk is cheap Kevin. A politician saying he is going to do something is a lot different than actually doing it. Not to mention - read closely now - a president can't just make amendments to the constitution.

Read Article V - Amendments You are assuming Keyes will do something he does not have the power to do!

I'll even quote it for you so you can read it clearly.

The United States Constitution said:
Article. V. - Amendment Note1 - Note2 - Note3

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

Let me know when you get a new question to ask and get tired of asking ones over and over again that have been answered.

Answer mine and I will gladly move on. You have not answered how Keyes can plausibly outlaw abortion on a federal level. Your "strategy" is actually not a strategy at all. I just want you to see this.

Nobody should be willing to wait for the murder of innocent little babies like this one to be halted once and for all.

This is what I am softly trying to break to you Kevin; a president Keyes is not going to outlaw abortion. He has no such authority. I'm sorry; the truth hurts sometimes. You can either fight against the US Constitution which makes this harsh reality the way it is, you can find a way to make the constitution work for you, or you can wait, apathetically, for a case to come to the SCOTUS which has a big enough legal impact that it could actually reverse Roe v Wade.

The fed is what gives Rove v Wade its power. The same fed you are willing to wait, and wait, and wait for to reverse a very strong precedent set in 1973.

Keyes can't do it. I'm sorry. Come up with a better plan than waiting for enough pro-life justices, who will then in turn have to wait for a landmark pro-life case to hear and make a reverse ruling on. The president is a non-issue. This is not an executive decision to make.


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Hall of Fame
A lot of what's going on in this thread betrays a complete ignorance in regards to the president's constitutional authority and power.

He's not a king, people, sorry to break the hearts of the monarchists here...
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