Advocate Gun Control!!!


Originally posted by Banzai
I really don't think that restraining from wearing a t-shirt like that could be considered "false front", and I'm surely not deceiving anyone. I mean, you're putting two messages together: Theology and The Right to Have a Weapon.

I like to evangelize, and I know from experience that if you kick a skeptic in the face with something that has nothing to do with the good news of Christ, or even something that can sound as the opposite of what the Bible preaches, you'll turn him away.

That's not "hiding the facts", but come on, it's just impossible to debate everything at once. So why make someone even more skeptic of the message of Christ because you just didn't care about a misinterpretation?

I think christians have more responsability than they are aware of. I'm not taking any chances.

Skeptics have to be kicked in the face sooner or later. Why wait until later?


New member
Originally posted by Banzai
Doesn't all heathens... :mad:

Quite a few do. You'll be suprised how many people here were saved through extremely blunt and intentionally offensive confrontational evangalism. I know of over a dozen easy.


Originally posted by Crow
Quite a few do. You'll be suprised how many people here were saved through extremely blunt and intentionally offensive confrontational evangalism. I know of over a dozen easy.

I was saved with the soft serve message but it didn't take until someone clobbered me one time. I would have rather been clobbered first.


New member
Originally posted by Crow
Quite a few do. You'll be suprised how many people here were saved through extremely blunt and intentionally offensive confrontational evangalism. I know of over a dozen easy.

I guess I've learned something today. :read:


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh
"Putting Gay back in the closet since 1998"

Alright alright, I'm game then.

what about:

- the devil in hell, and lots of souls falling into the flames
- the devil is singing "it's raining men! hallelujah!"

and below is written:

- no gays in paradise.
- TheologyOnline - straight since 1998.


New member
hmm I don't know if "straight since 1998" is a good idea... maybe that would mean TOL was gay before it ever existed? :D


New member
Banzai: Since you are from Brazil you missed the 2nd Amendment reference. I think the gun shirt is funny as well, in poor taste, especially when coming from a Theology source, but nontheless funny.
In my opinion, many of the posts on this thread are from "right wing fundamentalist wackos", that last word being especially liked by Rush Limbaugh, who I assume our Brazilian friend does not know but I'll bet gets me lots of insane replies.
Seems to me that it would not be a shirt that Jesus would wear, with or without Bob Enyart's approval.


New member
Originally posted by Jukia
Banzai: Since you are from Brazil you missed the 2nd Amendment reference. I think the gun shirt is funny as well, in poor taste, especially when coming from a Theology source, but nontheless funny.
In my opinion, many of the posts on this thread are from "right wing fundamentalist wackos", that last word being especially liked by Rush Limbaugh, who I assume our Brazilian friend does not know but I'll bet gets me lots of insane replies.
Seems to me that it would not be a shirt that Jesus would wear, with or without Bob Enyart's approval.

Yes, I forgot to reply to this topic here after I watched "Bowling for Columbine"... even though it doesn't matter if I agree with Michael Moore or not, I agree with you 100%.

Poor taste when coming from a Theology source. I agree with you.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Knight, you need to think about bumper stickers so we can show our support on our vehicles. :D


Staff member
Super Moderator
Originally posted by ebenz47037
Knight, you need to think about bumper stickers so we can show our support on our vehicles. :D
I created a new bumper sticker just last week:

"Proud Parents of a Teenage
Daughter in Public School Who
Hasn't Been Knocked-Up Yet."

Hey Jukia and Banzai, how much good taste do you think that is for a Christian?