Adam & Eve heard the SOUND of the LORD God walking in the garden

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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It has everything to do with what you said. Only God is immortal.
More accurately, God is... as in aseity...uncaused.

"Fear not him who can harm the body but fear Him who can cast both body and soul in to hell."

They're both there. Body and soul. That's what makes a person complete. Both the body and soul are immortal eventually. At the resurrection, our corrupt bodies will be renewed and glorified and continue for eternity reunited with our soul.



New member
I totally agree, I've never said that Jesus is God, I don't believe that at all, Jesus is the Christ the son of God, anointed fully of God making him in the express image of God. But he isn't God, Jesus even calls God his God! There is only one God, God the father who is also the God of Jesus who is the Christ.

Jesus is Theos according to the established rules of Greek grammar, independent of your worldview.