Could you please stick to the OP?
They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service (Jn 16:2).
Could you please stick to the OP?
Ad saying 'Killing Jews is worship' will not be banned from New York buses
t is obvious the U.S. is succumbing to Islam.
Isn't this like yelling Fire! in a crowded theatre? The First Amendment doesn't apply then and it shouldn't on New York buses. This is more pandering to the Muslims. What if someone buys a newspaper ad that says, "Killing Muslims Saves American Lives and Jobs". Isn't that the same?
Yes, I read the OP and the link. What will stop "Hate Groups" from using this as a precedent? That was my point. I could have expressed my opinion more clearly.You understand that it's an anti-Muslim organization putting up the ads, right? The American Freedom Defense Initiative is a right wing anti-Muslim group.
Yes, I read the OP and the link. What will stop "Hate Groups" from using this as a precedent? That was my point.
I agree but I'm also thinking this is the first wave of attack/counterattack ads that might occur and spread, if effective. The irony of the ad may be lost on some New Yorkers and the ad campaign backfire. It's like PETA's ads against fur with naked models. :think:I see, I just wanted to make sure it was clear to everyone.
I don't support legislating against freedom of speech, but also, I think advertising can fall into a different category. As can limiting speech in certain places, like a subway train. I think that freedom from certain things is as important as freedom of speech. There's a balance to be found.
I agree.Advertising advocating and encouraging murder should not be permitted on publicly owned property.
You understand that it's an anti-Muslim organization putting up the ads, right? The American Freedom Defense Initiative is a right wing anti-Muslim group.
============well done============
Very sinister of the The American Freedom Defense Initiative. Very deceptive.
It is true yes. Islam does want Jew's and Israel exterminated. But Islam also wants Christians exterminated.
============well done============
Very sinister of the The American Freedom Defense Initiative. Very deceptive.
It is true yes. Islam does want Jew's and Israel exterminated. But Islam also wants Christians exterminated.
Right, the holocaust happened because the Jews screwed up. What is the matter with you?Hopefully the Jews will have learned from past mistakes and are armed.
I'm surprised it passed. It has truth in it, but will likely anger some Muslims. When I first saw headlines about it, I assumed it was put out by Muslims, until I read the rest.....
Me too. :cheers:Right, some Muslims want Jews exterminated, and some Muslims want Christians exterminated. And some Christians want Muslims exterminated. And some Muslims want other Muslims exterminated. And some Christians and some Muslims want homosexuals exterminated... And so forth. Personally, I'd like to live free of the mayhem and the religious desire to exterminate massive groups of people and cultures because various ancient holy books say so.
Advertising advocating and encouraging murder should not be permitted on publicly owned property.
Right, the holocaust happened because the Jews screwed up. What is the matter with you?