About "Wrapped In A Flag" and Youtube


No, he just supported Hillary the baby killer. aCW doesn't care about abortion, his only desire is to see gays put in prison for being gay.

Some need to be put into mental institutions so that they can overcome the horrors that they were subjected to in their childhood and move on with life. ;)

Aaron: When that day comes, can I sit outside of your padded cell and read Holy Scripture to you?



Some need to be put into mental institutions so that they can overcome the horrors that they were subjected to in their childhood and move on with life. ;)

Aaron: When that day comes, can I sit outside of your padded cell and read Holy Scripture to you?


I support abortion using vitamin C. It gets rid of birth defects always.

patrick jane

Some need to be put into mental institutions so that they can overcome the horrors that they were subjected to in their childhood and move on with life. ;)

Aaron: When that day comes, can I sit outside of your padded cell and read Holy Scripture to you?

No, because you will be strapped to a bed in your own padded room. My childhood was completely normal. I think another member here hit the nail on the head when he surmised that you were sexually abused as a child and/or you are a homosexual with deep self hatred.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
A stupid person wouldn't pose a threat to your way of life, hence the reason that you secular humanists need to stop people like me.


Why would anyone want to stop you doofus? Too much entertainment value...:D

Oh, and as you've locked your personal blog for some reason I'll answer your question about the chatbox here. As usual, you're misinformed once again. My membership access allows me to see the chatbox just fine thanks. What it doesn't allow me to do is post in it so your pompous wittering on is available for all registered plus members to see if not respond to. Here's a hint dude. It's a 'chat' box, not a soap box...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You should check out the guy who made this outrageous statement:

Originally Posted by patrick jane
P.S. i am not against homosexuals or gay marriage either when based on love and family and doing good and charitable deeds. Jesus Christ's Commandments are from the Father and His teachings are as well.


Pretty sick huh?

When did I ever accuse Art Brain of being WizardofOz?

Sign, Aaron gives away his sock puppet accounts so easily.

Why on earth would you think Wiz has any sock puppet accounts? Sherman confirmed that he hasn't and yet you still plow on with the same demented shtick, why is that?

Oh, right, it's cos you're a loon...

patrick jane

Some need to be put into mental institutions so that they can overcome the horrors that they were subjected to in their childhood and move on with life. ;)

Aaron: When that day comes, can I sit outside of your padded cell and read Holy Scripture to you?

That last statement sounds sadistic, which I have sensed from you before many times. You would take sadistic pleasure of my confinement in a padded room at a mental institution, in effect mocking God by reading scripture to me. What would you read to me, how I'm going to hell because I made one post over 2 years ago saying I was OK with homosexuals? Or would it be more about YOUR obsession with whether or not I am actually gay and as YOU suggest, it must be because of my childhood filled with sexual abuse, and I need your help to stop being gay? Now, don't tell me that only God can help me because you inserted yourself into it by asking if you can "sit outside of my padded cell and read Holy Scripture to me?"

Would you suggest abstinence or quote this scripture? - 1 Corinthians 10:13 KJV -
“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”