about being a victim... Is there no such thing?


New member
just about ZERO of these posts has anything to do with


who is truly a victim and who is just playing acting the role

fake victims give real victims a bad name



New member

yeh, try ALL Catholic Churches
The Catholic Church NEVER forbade Blacks to attend. now maybe some individual racist clergy or parishioner in the old days tried to keep Blacks from going to the RCC, but i have never heard of it and the Church officially has always taught that ALL are created in God's image.. all lives matter AND are even SACRED

There is a school of thought which holds the Pagan Church (See Greek and Roman mythology) strenuously resisted the spread of Christianity. That would be north to Europe, south to Africa, and east to Asia.
One of the tenets is that Islam was created in 600 AD for that very purpose.


New member
just about ZERO of these posts has anything to do with victims, who is truly a victim and who is just playing acting the role of fake victims giving real victims a bad name

Original Post:
Some Republicans act like if a person is downtrodden, especially after a certain age, it is ALL that person's fault
Accrding to them, there are no victims..
(Republican Chick)

So, frame the question in such a way as to permit or solicit an answer.

What can I say? Yes, conservatives do criticize the victim mentality. What else is new? And they should. You can't have an entire society sitting in front of the television, smoking out, and feeling sorry for themselves between trips to the welfare office. Heck, they don't even have to go that far, today, just to the nearest ATM.

People are catching on that it is a big voting scam. Look at the electoral maps and see that those dense populations in the deep cities are enough to swing the elections. They have been told that if they stick together, they can vote themselves a paycheck without doing anything to earn it. If this sounds like Bill Clinton, that is exactly what his point was. You know, Bill Clinton instituted welfare to work and the extreme left of that party got all ticked off and indignant. They wanted no part of that. They preferred psychological slavery. That's how the current administration got elected -- classic Democratic Machine politics, something for nothing.

This rant should come as no surprise to anyone. The question remains, what should we do about it? That's where we need a consensus, left and right. Until then, we'll just argue.


New member
Except when they hated protestants and fought them

the Church fought protestants, as u put it, b/c the protestants fought them... hunted down priests and killed them.. But you never hear about that kind of thing... until/unless u become Catholic, go 2 RCIA classes... or what have you. You won't hear about it in the general public forum b/c... that said forum is anticatholic

but then the devil.. of course he is going to attack Christ's Church... wouldn't be Christ's Church if that diddn't happen on a frequent basis

"You will be hated by all" Jesus said



New member
Original Post:
Some Republicans act like if a person is downtrodden, especially after a certain age, it is ALL that person's fault
Accrding to them, there are no victims..
(Republican Chick)

So, frame the question in such a way as to permit or solicit an answer.

What can I say? Yes, conservatives do criticize the victim mentality. What else is new? And they should. You can't have an entire society sitting in front of the television, smoking out, and feeling sorry for themselves between trips to the welfare office. Heck, they don't even have to go that far, today, just to the nearest ATM.

dont know anyone fits this description

and that is NOT what i am talking about


Hall of Fame
just about ZERO of these posts has anything to do with


who is truly a victim and who is just playing acting the role

fake victims give real victims a bad name++

Victims, for the most part, are those who are harmed (financially, emotionally, physically, etc.) through no fault of their own. By no fault of their own, I am describing regular people taking part in their day to day activities, not someone who participates in risky activities that end with a negative result.

Example: someone who smokes nonstop while being aware of the damage that is done to their throat and lungs is NOT a victim should they become ill.

That goes for any type of activities that we know are unhealthy and decide to participate in anyways.


New member
dont know anyone fits this description and that is NOT what i am talking about

What you have done is pick out one of the extreme positions and associated them with a one of the major parties. It is done all the time.

It is another example of what is rampant on this forum.

Apples are red.
An apple is a fruit, therefore,
A fruit are red.


Well now that is also a pretty good description of the "jokers to the left of me"....:luigi:
I have not yet seen any demonstration of a person on the left claiming s/he was a victim because of the speech of a conservative.

I would like to read an example from your own sensibility.


New member
Victims, for the most part, are those who are harmed (financially, emotionally, physically, etc.) through no fault of their own. By no fault of their own, I am describing regular people taking part in their day to day activities, not someone who participates in risky activities that end with a negative result.

Example: someone who smokes nonstop while being aware of the damage that is done to their throat and lungs is NOT a victim should they become ill.

That goes for any type of activities that we know are unhealthy and decide to participate in anyways.

i speak of people who unwittingly engaged in dangerous activities when they were young or ignorant or... you know... no one ever told them the dire conequences.. Some peple are just not raised properly, undisciplined... uncatechized... and when that is combined with being unloved, you have a disaster on your hands



Hall of Fame
i speak of people who unwittingly engaged in dangerous activities when they were young or ignorant or... you know... no one ever told them the dire conequences.. Some peple are just not raised properly, undisciplined... uncatechized... and when that is combined with being unloved, you have a disaster on your hands


Well, my preference is that you give an example. Otherwise, I don't know.

I was given instructions of what is unhealthy and unsafe. That is a responsibility for ALL parents and guardians.

If a child is not told something is dangerous, I would tend to have more empathy as compared to a rebellious child who just wishes to get something over on mom and dad.

Life happens ... and there ARE some victims. I would say that any child who is living in poverty IS a victim. Wouldn't you agree?


New member
Well, my preference is that you give an example. Otherwise, I don't know.

I was given instructions of what is unhealthy and unsafe. That is a responsibility for ALL parents and guardians.

If a child is not told something is dangerous, I would tend to have more empathy as compared to a rebellious child who just wishes to get something over on mom and dad.

Life happens ... and there ARE some victims. I would say that any child who is living in poverty IS a victim. Wouldn't you agree?

not necessarily. Some would say that i was raised in poverty.. yet i had about as good a childhood as one could ask for...

wish i could say the same about adolescence...LONG story... but that period in my life was just the opposite...

still recovering... or... attempting to... no joke

anyway, where was I?

