The topic is abortion, not God killing the wicked in the Bible.The Old Testament also says that God commanded his people to take life including women, children and babies so how do you make sense of that in your logic?
A Zygote/ Embryo / foetus is by definition a potential human rather than an actual one.
Human development is the process of growing to maturity. In biological terms, this entails growth from a one-celled zygote to an adult human being. |
I would argue babes cannot be wicked.The topic is abortion, not God killing the wicked in the Bible.
Please stay on topic.
Provide a source saying so. In a misguided attempt to defend abortion, you're failing human biology 101.
Human development is the process of growing to maturity. In biological terms, this entails growth from a one-celled zygote to an adult human being.
I would argue babes cannot be wicked.
Tihei Mauri ora
A ZEF is a potential human being because it is not yet ex utero. We do not give full human rights to those in utero because we recognise that there are any number of reasons why they might not even be born.
But to return to my original point "thou shalt do no murder" never applied to foetuses because the Hebrews did not accept 'ensoulment' at conception; it is, after all, a Christian belief.
Kiwi, there's a difference between the question your answering and the question I'm asking.
You keep answering "is the fetus a human", but I'm asking "is the fetus human?"
As in, the fetus is not a pig fetus, right? it's not a dog fetus? it's human?
Is the fetus alive?
Not saying it isn't alive isn't the same as saying it is alive. So is the fetus alive? yes or no
A ZEF is a potential human being because it is not yet ex utero. We do not give full human rights to those in utero because we recognise that there are any number of reasons why they might not even be born. But to return to my original point "thou shalt do no murder" never applied to foetuses because the Hebrews did not accept 'ensoulment' at conception; it is, after all, a Christian belief.
Nailed it-"is the fetus human?" Not "potential human"-is it human?Red herring/rabbit trail. Please stay on topic.
So you're saying that they're not human because they could die? Using that logic, no one is human, because we could all die.
First of all, that's an appeal to tradition, an informal fallacy.
Second, multiple times in the Bible scripture calls the baby in the womb a child, shows that the child is alive, has emotions, and more.
Third, I'm still waiting for my questions to be answered, Kiwi. Please answer them.
Here are my two questions:
1. I'm asking "is the fetus human?" As in, the fetus is not a pig fetus, right? it's not a dog fetus? it's human?
2. Is the fetus alive? yes or no
And a third question:
3. Did God make man in His Image and likeness?
A ZEF is a potential human being...
Yes it does, babies in the womb are living, they move, they have a heart beat really early, they respond to their mother. They are living and it's wrong to kill them at any time. God gives life, and only God should take life away.No, it doesn't and never did.
Tihei Mauri ora
Yes it does, babies in the womb are living, they move, they have a heart beat really early, they respond to their mother. They are living and it's wrong to kill them at any time. God gives life, and only God should take life away.
You need to understand the Bible. And where does it say in the Bible that God said it's ok to have an abortion?You are conflating modern, Christian theology with commandments given to Jews long before the Christian era. Try to learn a little history.
Try to learn what the Bible says about life in the womb:You are conflating modern, Christian theology with commandments given to Jews long before the Christian era. Try to learn a little history.
Yes abortion is wrong, it's wrong to take a life. Thou shalt not kill, includes babies in the womb.
No, it doesn't and never did.
No one is arguing it is not alive.
A Zygote/ Embryo / foetus is by definition a potential human rather than an actual one.
It is a potential human which becomes an actual human at birth, given that fully 50% of fertilised ovum self-abort before the first trimester it cannot be any other way. Otherwise every miscarriage is an abortion.
I answered your question. The foetus is a potential human being.
A ZEF is a potential human being because it is not yet ex utero. We do not give full human rights to those in utero because we recognise that there are any number of reasons why they might not even be born.
But to return to my original point "thou shalt do no murder" never applied to foetuses because the Hebrews did not accept 'ensoulment' at conception; it is, after all, a Christian belief.
I am not bound in my understanding by the words and worldviews of folk two millenia ago.
You seem to have so much to say about this topic, but when pressed to answer simple questions, you can't seem to answer them.You are conflating modern, Christian theology with commandments given to Jews long before the Christian era. Try to learn a little history.
You need to understand the Bible. And where does it say in the Bible that God said it's ok to have an abortion?
You seem to have so much to say about this topic, but when pressed to answer simple questions, you can't seem to answer them.
I have three questions that you have not answered yet. Could you please answer them?
I have answered them, you simply did not like the answers given.
Here is what the Bible says, that the crime of killing the unborn is murder:The Bible deals with abortion only once and it is noted as a finable offense not a capital one.
Here is what the Bible says, that the crime of killing the unborn is murder:
“If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman’s husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. - Exodus 21:22-25
If the baby is harmed, then life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.