Abortion is evil

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I don't claim to be a "self appointed spokesperson". I just know what He says because He left us His Word.
So according to you, nobody knows what "God says"?
Like many others you claim to "know what He says" and also like many others, you have differing beliefs on just what a lot of these truths happen to be.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I am not sure which kind of your posts I liked better. The long pretentious batches of nothingness or you baseless ad hominems. I suppose the latter. Easiest to scroll over
What a burn. And here I am just doubting all your claimed credentials, based on your non-ad-hominem shoddy reasoning and rhetoric.

Roll eyes.


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I just wanted to know if you would treat other forms of human reproductive substrates with any kind of care or reverence.

Well you certainly don't.

Of course having complete set of DNA is a meaningful point of division to make but does degree of similarity not have any meaning?

Babies are made in the image of God. That's the similarity that matters.

Can't a case be made that developmental level suggests there could be made a division in the degree of reverence that need be afforded during gestation as well?

No, no case can be made, because it's a baby, completely innocent, and because God says do not kill the innocent.

I for one have no problem with a day after pill,

You should, because if a baby has been conceived and is then killed by the drug, then it becomes murder.

but hold that partial birth abortion be punished like any murder.

The only difference between partial-birth abortion and pre-birth abortion is the location.

It's murder both times.

I think you err when you do not consider location

Location doesn't matter at all, because it's a baby, and it's absolutely wrong to intentionally kill a baby.

and biological commandeering simultaneously.

Punishing the child for the sin of the father is wrong.

Each give a woman independent grounds over a fetus.

False. And again, I remind you that "fetus" means "baby," so your attempt to dehumanize the discussion isn't going to work.

I also contend a raped woman has a window where her perogative reigns.

She doesn't... Because it's a baby, and it's always wrong to intentionally kill a baby because babies are innocent and made in the image of God, and because God says "do not kill the innocent."

Inaction for the first 16 weeks means she can no longer have an abortion just like a pregnancy derived of volition. It is the merging of a stolen choice and the stage of development of a fetus that allows the exception.

No exceptions should be allowed.

Why does a surrogate mother have any claim over the fetus in her womb? Why does the biological mother who provided the egg?

Claim, as in...?

A man is given lesser voice because of supply and demand.

He's given lesser voice because of feminism.

Sperm are a dime a dozen, eggs are worth $50,000 each easily.

Who's buying?

I should clarify that I do have a problem with the day after pill being used as first line birth control.

You should have a problem with it, period.

If a married couple used a condom and it breaks,

If a baby is conceived in such a situation, then no one has the right to kill the baby.

that's when I don't have an issue with it being used as a back up.

If a baby had been conceived, then using it is murder.

It is not murder.

Killing an innocent baby in the womb is, in fact, murder, no matter how many times you say it isn't.

I explained why. Get it?

Your explanations are invalid, because it is, in fact, murder.

When someone steals half your DNA and tries to commandeer your body to do the work of building a human being using said DNA, that woman deserves a say in it.

1) If a baby is conceived as a result of rape, NO ONE has the right to kill the baby, because God said "Do not kill the innocent."
2) If someone forces himself upon a woman, and a baby is conceived as a result, NO ONE has the right to kill the Baby, because God said "Do not kill the innocent."
3) If a man rapes a woman, the man should be executed upon conviction, and the baby should be loved. The baby SHOULD NOT BE killed, because God said "Do not kill the innocent"

One consideration the woman might have is the quality of the family.

When it comes to killing a baby, the only thing that matters is that God said "Do not kill the innocent."

Sometimes it will be clear, other times not so much. Sometimes heading another monster off at the pass is the least of two evils.

Punishing a child because he MIGHT become a monster is unjust and cruel.

You would rather she give birth at that age rather than take the morning after pill?

I would rather would-be rapists be deterred from committing the crime by the death penalty.

And the fact that it's a baby inside her womb means that taking that pill would be murder. And since murder is wrong, then it's not a matter of preference, it's a matter of right and wrong.

Why does she deserve the consequences of someone else's evil?

She doesn't. But the fact of the matter is that because the government does not punish criminals swiftly or painfully enough, she must bear the consequences (unjustly, of course, but there's no other valid choice), and hope that the government might punish her rapist, or at least realize that her rapist will not get away with his crime forever, because he WILL be punished on judgement day.

The point is the woman should have the right to decide to keep or not a pregnancy borne of rape on whatever criteria is in her heart.

The fact of the matter is that she has no right to take the baby's life, because God said, "DO NOT kill the innocent."


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So make it clear... Does the woman have the absolute right to murder her child or not?
It's already clear as all get out. None of my posts support murder so if you can't get that then eh, crack on.

What's clear as all get out is that you are stonewalling against Right Divider's question. Why do you refuse to just answer the question, Arthur Brain? Why do you refuse to say either "Yes [she does]" or "No [she does not]"?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
What's clear as all get out is that you are stonewalling against Right Divider's question. Why do you refuse to just answer the question, Arthur Brain? Why do you refuse to say either "Yes [she does]" or "No [she does not]"?
Nobody has a right to murder. That clear enough for ya now? None of my posts support any such thing.