51, 44 rest
51, 44 rest
51 Sorry, but that doesn't address the point I made.
Yes does
You are simply trying to play semantics.
'S not a game. Lower-case "s" "spontaneous" means, in this context,
happening w/o apparent cause. Or on its own.
Lower-case "g" generation means production. In this case life produced.
Using language (semantics) isn't necessarily "playing" w/ it.
"Spontaneous" and "generation" have, and have had, their meaning long before, during, and after meat and maggots
You aren't dealing with what Spontaneous Generation really was in the history of science.
Yes i am. As in post 17 where i mentioned Louis Pasteur.
Like u, i'll try to use upper-case "S" 'n "G" when referring to it re: meat and maggots
spontaneous generation, held that complex, living organisms are generated by decaying organic substances, e.g. that mice spontaneously appear in stored grain or maggots spontaneously appear in meat.
U c there i'd write: "Spontaneous Generation." Like u did right before it.
Saying that nonlife or death produces life, whether that life's simple or not, is as counter-natural, and moronic, as Abiogenesis and abiogenesis r
That is different from abiogenesis. Even you can see that abiogenesis is not trying to generate mice from stored grain or maggots in decaying meat.
Like i mention 1st para above, "spontaneous" and "generation" retain their common meanings despite being used together to also refer to a specific idea about mice, grain, maggots, and meat. Which theory, Spontaneous Generation, illustrates the broader theory of unlife, unnaturally, happening into life.
Eg: abiogenesis (nonlife-genesis)
That is different from abiogenesis.
"spontaneous" and "generation" are not. Indeed, Abiogenesis and Evolution say that, just throw in alot o' time, and the simple life that jus happened (or was wind-generated, or chemical-generated, or electricity-generated, or sulfur vent-generated) eventually
transformed into all these 4 things: mice, grain (plants, animals), cow, and maggots
Simple denial like this doesn't work.
Abiogenesis, whether simple or complex, doesn't exist becuz it duzn't work.
Abiogenesis duzn't work becuz it duzn't exist
I even posted some of the relevant quotes in the post to Bob.
Then i may try to look at your writing to him.
I addressed one of 'em from your post 38 in my post 40
That's still ad hominem to abiogenesis, isn't it?
Ad hominem doesn't only apply to people, but ideas as well.
"Ad hominem" means: against the opposer's character, or person. "Against the man." Directly.
Abiogenesis isn't a person. Isn't a man, isn't a hominem
You didn't use argument or reason,
To the contrary: pointing out that abiogenesis is fiction like Frankenstein is,
is an argument. A reasonable one. And also reason.
It's not an appeal to prejudice. Unless you're anti-Frankenstein or anti-science fiction.
In both cases, nonlife, or unlife, generates into life.
And both have appealed to electricity-generation. Frankenstein with those little metal knobbies in his neck. Abiogenesis guessing that mebbe the same thing--electricity bolts--generated some bubbles or other chemicals INTO LIFE. Wake-up chemicals
...but the ad hominem attack of comparing abiogenesis to science-fiction or Frankenstein movies.
By definition, that's not an ad hominem attack. Just like unlife couldn't turn into life without Life (God), Ad Hominem can't attack ideas (directly) cuz ideas're neither alive nor people.
Neither's Frankenstein
44 It will work in your kitchen. It has worked in several labs and for science fair projects.
Creating life?
Did it win the blue ribbon?
the class of reactions between molecules that is known as "chemistry".
Nonliving chemicals don't create living arrangements of chemicals.
Nonliving chemicals exist, but they don't create.
They're not Creators.
Whereas life, living arrangements of chemicals, create, reproduce, procreate
all the time
heat amino acids they link together to form proteins. Proteins themselves are not alive. However, under certain common conditions, the proteins will spontaneously form cells...the cells 1) metabolize (both break down chemicals for energy and make new components of the cell), 2) grow, 3) respond to stimuli (they actually depolarize exactly like nerve cells), and 4) reproduce. Doing all 4 of those things is what makes an entity alive.
There u have it. And this is not an attack. It's a compliment. U, like God, or Dr Frankenstein, have created life. Altho not as complex as theirs
In Genesis 1 God speaks men and women (both plural so that there are several of them) into existence all at once.
To the contrary: Gen 1-2 r the same account. One more general. One more detailed
Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 are stories to tell us theological truths; they are not actually how God created.
To the contrary: God tells truth with, 'n thru, what He actually does.
Just like actually, creatively, feeding 5,000 illustrates
that He Himself wants to be our satisfaction.
'N jus like His creation declares God's glory
God actually created life by chemistry. How do we know? From the evidence God has left us in His other book: His Creation.
Life, physically, IZ chemistry, the "dust of the ground."
God made Adam alive by breathin into Adam's nostrils God's spirit (breath) of life.
And man became living. A living soul.
In contrast (respectfully) to your "heating amino acids turn into living cells" fantasy.
Take care