A Weak Leader Invites Aggression: North Korea

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Looks like Joe's plan of handing the country over to the Taliban and giving them billions of dollars worth of the best military equipment that's ever been created is just like everything else he touches - turning to crap.

Oh well. As long as he got his 10% right?


Well-known member
:unsure: Actually, from what I understand a lot of historians don't believe she said that. They say that in spite of her lavish lifestyle she was rather intelligent, donated extensively to charities, and quite often showed actual sympathy to the "plight of the poor".....Whatever that means.

😐 They say that similar quotes were attributed to other royals long before she came to power though.

Do you suppose she "let them" cut off her head? :sneaky:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So what does President Potato do? Does he alienate his fossil fuel hating base and use the US military to bring Iran to heal? Or does he ignore the provocation and invite others to do likewise?



ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Expect the Democrat propaganda to seamlessly and inexplicably shift to "Kamala is our only hope to avoid World War 3! Donald Trump will engulf the world in flames!"

And then expect the mindless drones to mindlessly repeat it over and over and over
