A Prophet like Moses promised - Deuteronomy 18:15-19


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The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken

I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee [MOSES], and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.

Now Jews would have us think that God has not provided a "spokesman" like Moses for some 3,500 years now... nothing but silence for 3 1/2 millennia.


New member
Now Jews would have us think that God has not provided a "spokesman" like Moses for some 3,500 years now... nothing but silence for 3 1/2 millennia.

Only the Israel of Jacob thinks that. Since the ending of Mosaic Judaism in 70 CE circumcision of the flesh is irrelevant. The Israel of God are those who have circumcision of the heart. Jesus Christ has relegated the Israel of Jacob to the synagogue of Satan. (Revelation 3:9)

God's Truth

New member
Only the Israel of Jacob thinks that. Since the ending of Mosaic Judaism in 70 CE circumcision of the flesh is irrelevant. The Israel of God are those who have circumcision of the heart. Jesus Christ has relegated the Israel of Jacob to the synagogue of Satan. (Revelation 3:9)

Only the Jews who reject Jesus are of the synagogue of Satan.

There are Jews who did not reject Jesus.


New member
Israel has existed in the land for 65 years now.
Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. Malachi 4:4-6

And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. Revelation 11:3-4


New member
Only the Israel of Jacob thinks that. Since the ending of Mosaic Judaism in 70 CE circumcision of the flesh is irrelevant. The Israel of God are those who have circumcision of the heart. Jesus Christ has relegated the Israel of Jacob to the synagogue of Satan. (Revelation 3:9)

Your assertion is based on conclusions the result of Scripture erroneously approached.


New member
I suggest you read the Bible. Old Testament.

I'm not a Jew. I would recognize someone equivalent to or greater than Moses.
Jews are, for the most part, blind. They read and memorize the Torah, but don't really understand it.


Well-known member
I'm not a Jew. I would recognize someone equivalent to or greater than Moses.
Jews are, for the most part, blind. They read and memorize the Torah, but don't really understand it.

The text doesn't say anything about "equivalent or greater than"
By saying "Jews are blind" you eliminate any possibility of discussion. What is really happening is that Christians read the Hebrew Bible with the assumption that the New Testament and Christian beliefs are true. The Torah, on its own, doesn't point in the direction of Christianity. But I don't expect you to listen to me- after all, I am blind.


New member
The text doesn't say anything about "equivalent or greater than"
By saying "Jews are blind" you eliminate any possibility of discussion. What is really happening is that Christians read the Hebrew Bible with the assumption that the New Testament and Christian beliefs are true. The Torah, on its own, doesn't point in the direction of Christianity. But I don't expect you to listen to me- after all, I am blind.

In my conversations with Jews, I find that they always want to challenge certain verses that are "prophetic" and demand that they not be separated from the "context". When included in the
"context" they lose sight of the "prophetic significance" completely.
However, if you look at patterns of the Holy Spirit, you can clearly see this "pattern" of concise "cryptic" verses inserted in the text over-and-over again in the Torah and Tenach.

For example: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:15 which is obviously "cryptic".
Jews state that God is just warning mankind about snakebites. Seriously, how dumb is that?

If you want to "be blind" then go ahead - stick your head in the sand. Those who earnestly seek G-ds Spirit will certainly be given understanding and insight, especially into His Holy Word, the Bible.


Well-known member
In my conversations with Jews, I find that they always want to challenge certain verses that are "prophetic" and demand that they not be separated from the "context". When included in the
"context" they lose sight of the "prophetic significance" completely.
However, if you look at patterns of the Holy Spirit, you can clearly see this "pattern" of concise "cryptic" verses inserted in the text over-and-over again in the Torah and Tenach.

For example: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:15 which is obviously "cryptic".
Jews state that God is just warning mankind about snakebites. Seriously, how dumb is that?

If you want to "be blind" then go ahead - stick your head in the sand. Those who earnestly seek G-ds Spirit will certainly be given understanding and insight, especially into His Holy Word, the Bible.

Has it never struck you as odd that these references are always "cryptic" and "hints"?
Did you ever notice that the Hebrew Bible was written many hundreds of years before the time of Jesus, and it made sense to the Israelites at the time?
For a specific example: Di dyou ever notice that Satan is not mentioned in Genesis at all?


New member
Has it never struck you as odd that these references are always "cryptic" and "hints"?
Did you ever notice that the Hebrew Bible was written many hundreds of years before the time of Jesus, and it made sense to the Israelites at the time?
For a specific example: Di dyou ever notice that Satan is not mentioned in Genesis at all?

Were any talking serpents mentioned in Genesis? If so, then we know the serpent was symbolic since real serpents lack the ability to converse.

You knew that didn't you?


New member
In my conversations with Jews, I find that they always want to challenge certain verses that are "prophetic" and demand that they not be separated from the "context". When included in the
"context" they lose sight of the "prophetic significance" completely.
However, if you look at patterns of the Holy Spirit, you can clearly see this "pattern" of concise "cryptic" verses inserted in the text over-and-over again in the Torah and Tenach.

For example: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:15 which is obviously "cryptic".
Jews state that God is just warning mankind about snakebites. Seriously, how dumb is that?

If you want to "be blind" then go ahead - stick your head in the sand. Those who earnestly seek G-ds Spirit will certainly be given understanding and insight, especially into His Holy Word, the Bible.


New member
Has it never struck you as odd that these references are always "cryptic" and "hints"?
Did you ever notice that the Hebrew Bible was written many hundreds of years before the time of Jesus, and it made sense to the Israelites at the time?
For a specific example: Did you ever notice that Satan is not mentioned in Genesis at all?

You need to stop listening to those false-teachers - the "rabbis" - and think for yourself. Job predates the Torah by hundreds of years. Clearly your false-teachers have "blinded" you to the reality of the Evil One. Read Isaiah 14:12-17 and Ezekiel 28:12-19 for starters. Your eternal destiny is at stake. The Devil wants your soul.


Well-known member
Were any talking serpents mentioned in Genesis? If so, then we know the serpent was symbolic since real serpents lack the ability to converse.

You knew that didn't you?

Assuming that it is not meant to be taken literally: Does that mean that the Christian interpretation from 1,000 years later, is what the text intended?

Probably best to start a separate thread about this.


Well-known member
You need to stop listening to those false-teachers - the "rabbis" - and think for yourself. Job predates the Torah by hundreds of years. Clearly your false-teachers have "blinded" you to the reality of the Evil One. Read Isaiah 14:12-17 and Ezekiel 28:12-19 for starters. Your eternal destiny is at stake. The Devil wants your soul.

The usual arguments. If you read about "Lucifer" in those texts, it is clear who it is referring to. And it is not the Christian "Satan"

Now, if you will let up on calling me blind, we could discuss this further. Perhaps in a second thread


New member
There are two literal accounts of creation in the first three chapters of the Bible, each with it's own sequence and how God created the world. If there is a clue it's not literal it's on the first two pages of your Bible when you open it up


New member
The usual arguments. If you read about "Lucifer" in those texts, it is clear who it is referring to. And it is not the Christian "Satan"

Now, if you will let up on calling me blind, we could discuss this further. Perhaps in a second thread

I see that you didn't read the references that I listed regarding Satan.
Job not only is written LONG before Moses ever wrote a single letter of paleo-Hebrew,
but it is obvious that Job was well known. There is absolutely no reason for G-d to
"repeat" himself by having Moses recopy the contents of Job. Job, by far, contains
so much more information on the creation than the Torah. As well, G-d tells us in
Job [and other refs listed] that Satan is an individual created being and not some
so-called "job description".
I suggest you lay down the "Torah" and carefully read through Job 1:6-9, 1:12, 2:2-7
Psalm 109:6, Zecheriahh 3:1-2, Ezek 28, Isa 14, and quit blaming "Christians" for
your lack of information.
Your eternal soul lies in the balance. Your "memories" will remain with you for eternity.

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Well-known member
I see that you didn't read the references that I listed regarding Satan.
Job not only is written LONG before Moses ever wrote a single letter of paleo-Hebrew,
but it is obvious that Job was well known. There is absolutely no reason for G-d to
"repeat" himself by having Moses recopy the contents of Job. Job, by far, contains
so much more information on the creation than the Torah. As well, G-d tells us in
Job that Satan is an individual created being and not some so-called "job description".
I suggest you lay down the "Torah" and carefully read through Job 1:6-9, 1:12, 2:2-7
Psalm 109:6, Zecheriahh 3:1-2 and quit blaming "Christians" for your lack of information.
Your eternal soul lies in the balance.

My soul doesn't lie in any balance.
Job was not written before the Torah.
The mentions of "Satan" in Job, Psalms or Zechariah are not what Christians call Satan.
I do not have lack of information, nor do I blame Christians for that.
You interpret the Hebrew Bible to match your beliefs, and why not? Muslims deal with Jesus in Muslim terms. It is no different. Just don't pretend that the Christian interpretation is the original or obvious meaning. It ain't.