A New Standard of Interaction on TheologyOnline

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
assuranceagent said:
What kind of man makes fun of another man's disability?
Since when has the quality of a man's general ability to cogitate, absent some physiological abnormality, been considered a disability?

:think: Okay, so LH has been around a while. You aren't without a point.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Why drag poor Graphite into this? :think:


Math? That about sums up the sudden veering of this thread into near random word association.
WOW! That was COOL!

Or, to move back to your point, figures. :plain:
SEE! He's doing it again!

Now, about that general amnesty (for non-:troll:s)...
There is not enough Chinese representation here. I say in this new age of tolerance and diversity we open our arms and embrace the myst... uh .. the trolls.


New member
Awesome... I have to admit my debate style here has turned rather harsh in recent months. I applaud you for taking these steps to help us all understand each other better. Thanks.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
"Math? That about sums up the sudden veering of this thread into near random word association."
WOW! That was COOL!
There was a word in that sentence you felt required the use of a thesaurus...:think:...my apologies. Everyone, I think we all owe Stripe an apology...a very, very slow one.

I mean, we all owe Stripe "sorry words." :plain:

There is not enough Chinese representation here. I say in this new age of tolerance and diversity we open our arms and embrace the myst... uh .. the trolls.
I didn't think TOL penalized Orientation...:D


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
"Math? That about sums up the sudden veering of this thread into near random word association."

There was a word in that sentence you felt required the use of a thesaurus...:think:...my apologies. Everyone, I think we all owe Stripe an apology...a very, very slow one.

I mean, we all owe Stripe "sorry words." :plain:

I didn't think TOL penalized Orientation...:D

I can count.
Fixed it.

Now what it Elo going to read?