ECT A Lot Of Stupid Logic Out There


New member
I said
Can you show me where everything you just said is written in the bible?

i JUST DID! I gave you scripture verses for everything I said. I gave them in the same post you just chose not to see them. Go back and read it again and read the scriptures I gave right that show you exactly where I got that from. And yes God did tell me that because it is in the Bible! The Bible is God's divine message to us. The Bible is how God has revealed Himself to humanity through history. So if I find it in the Bible then God said it because the Bible is the word of God!
2 Tim 3:16 - "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness"
I am not JUDGING you, those are YOUR words, I am using the words of God to show you that you need to be careful when making statements that are not found in scripture


New member
"I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book; if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away that person’s share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book" Revelations 22:18-19

these are the FINAL WORDS OF GOD
If YOUR revelations do not line up with the Bible they are NOT FROM GOD. And you should be very very careful. If YOUR revelations are adding any EXTRA-BIBLICAL information then YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED BY GOD.


New member
Also you should be VERY CAREFUL when giving your "revelations" you should probably not even use that word at all. If you have a prophesy thats fine if you have been given the gift but all prophesies line up with the word of GOd. if it does not lineup with the word of GOd it is NOT FROM GOD.
Also you should be VERY CAREFUL when giving your "revelations" you should probably not even use that word at all. If you have a prophesy thats fine if you have been given the gift but all prophesies line up with the word of GOd. if it does not lineup with the word of GOd it is NOT FROM GOD.

I said
Did God give you that judgment? Because that is carnal judgment. If your judging carnally something I said carnally you could condemn yourself.

Rom 2:1-3
1 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.
2 But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things.
3 And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God?
and like I said it is NOT a JUDGEMENT it is using the Bible and "quoting verses" to show you that you cannot make "revelations" that are outside of the word of God because the Bible tells you that you will be cursed for adding things to the word of GOd that are not in there. I am actually trying to help you to show you where scripture says not to do that and showing you that it is wrong so hopefully you can take my loving help and repent.


New member
Tinkerbell, I would not get caught up with this if I were you.

I am over it he is completely beyond reason and listens to nobody but the voices in his head. But I would not be a good Christian if I did not point out that what he is doing is dangerous. He twists scripture all day long and makes up these "revelations" that are extra-Biblical and it is sooooo dangerous. So I just wanted to point out that God condemns it or else my conscience would feel guilty for letting him knowingly go on sinning without saying anything. It is also dangerous because God forbid a new Christian were to read what he is writing and believe it! And that person would be misled and I can't have that on my conscience either. So now I feel better that I brought the warnings in the Bible to his attention and the need for repentance, and my conscience can be clear because i did my due diligence and now it is all up to him.
But thanks for your concern and I will take your advice I'm done trying to help. Thanks


The key thing that drew me to Calvinism in the first place is how logically sound it is- it is remarkably sufficient in showing any other theology as insufficient.

To be Anti-Calvinist is to neglect reason :plain:


New member
The key thing that drew me to Calvinism in the first place is how logically sound it is- it is remarkably sufficient in showing any other theology as insufficient.

To be Anti-Calvinist is to neglect reason :plain:


Yours is nothing more than Calvin's exact same erroneous reasoning on a thing from within his own vacuum.

The reasoning of a toddler playing under a sink who, on stumbling upon a bottle of Draino, opens it and proceeds to gulp it down to its own tragic detriment due to its' as yet undeveloped ability to properly distinguish between...

Those Things That Differr;

Those Things That Only Appear To;

Those Things That Are The Same; and...

Those Things That Only Appear To Be...

"This is liquid" that child reasons "and mommy gives me liquid whenever I am thirsty...I am thirsty...this will take away my thirst..." gulp, gulp, gulp...

That is expected of a child.

In an adult, however "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds..."

It is why your kind never quote the Scripture and or when you do; you only prove that yours is nothing more than the "gulp, gulp, gulp" of the traditions of men in your/their same incompetence.

Hebrews 5:12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 5:13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

What a character :chuckle:
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QUOTE=Tnkrbl123!;4943481]Also you should be VERY CAREFUL when giving your "revelations" you should probably not even use that word at all. If you have a prophesy thats fine if you have been given the gift but all prophesies line up with the word of GOd. if it does not lineup with the word of GOd it is NOT FROM GOD.

i JUST DID! I gave you scripture verses for everything I said. I gave them in the same post you just chose not to see them. Go back and read it again and read the scriptures I gave right that show you exactly where I got that from. And yes God did tell me that because it is in the Bible! The Bible is God's divine message to us. The Bible is how God has revealed Himself to humanity through history. So if I find it in the Bible then God said it because the Bible is the word of God!
2 Tim 3:16 - "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness"
I am not JUDGING you, those are YOUR words, I am using the words of God to show you that you need to be careful when making statements that are not found in scripture

I said
I cant see it there.


and like I said it is NOT a JUDGEMENT it is using the Bible and "quoting verses" to show you that you cannot make "revelations" that are outside of the word of God because the Bible tells you that you will be cursed for adding things to the word of GOd that are not in there. I am actually trying to help you to show you where scripture says not to do that and showing you that it is wrong so hopefully you can take my loving help and repent.

I said
I'm missing something here. What help?


I am over it he is completely beyond reason and listens to nobody but the voices in his head. But I would not be a good Christian if I did not point out that what he is doing is dangerous. He twists scripture all day long and makes up these "revelations" that are extra-Biblical and it is sooooo dangerous. So I just wanted to point out that God condemns it or else my conscience would feel guilty for letting him knowingly go on sinning without saying anything. It is also dangerous because God forbid a new Christian were to read what he is writing and believe it! And that person would be misled and I can't have that on my conscience either. So now I feel better that I brought the warnings in the Bible to his attention and the need for repentance, and my conscience can be clear because i did my due diligence and now it is all up to him.
But thanks for your concern and I will take your advice I'm done trying to help. Thanks

I said
One point you say your not judging me. The next point you say I'm sinning. Your not very consistant. Your judging me carnally that I am sinning. And you say your not judging me. You are very confusing.

Rom 2:1-3
1 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.
2 But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things.
3 And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I said
I know what your saying. I have been where your at. And I won't go back. You don't know what I'm saying because you haven't been where I'm at or you wouldn't have gone back.
The Holy Spirit only quotes verses. The verses are a language from the Holy Spirit. One cant learn this language until they have purged their carnality.
This is lie. The entire paragraph.

What do you hope to accomplish by saying things that you know are false?

Do NOT answer that. I don't care.

The bottom line is that you believe what you want and say what you want, whether it makes any sense or not.
That is THE definition of stupidity.


This is lie. The entire paragraph.

What do you hope to accomplish by saying things that you know are false?

Do NOT answer that. I don't care.

The bottom line is that you believe what you want and say what you want, whether it makes any sense or not.
That is THE definition of stupidity.

I said
Be careful that bitterness will defile you.

Heb 12:15
15 looking diligently lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled;


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Here you go, Clete. If Jesus had guardian angels, as you assert, then your other assertion is false, that there are no guardian angels.

1 point for Squeaky.

There are no guardian angels in the way, 'I believe whatever I want' -Squeaky was using the term.

But, Squeaky has used "carnal" or "stupid" logic to determine which passages apply to guardian angels.
Not only that, but he (and you) knew what was being said before you decided it made sense to award him a "point" which he didn't actually earn but which he will now use in any argument he ever has on the topic from now til the cows come home.

Whether he's right or wrong about the issue (and I think his point is a good one, though far from conclusive, since those angels, not being omnipresent, can't be here helping the little ones out of jams if they are always in heaven seeing the face of the Father), he at least had to use logic to decide to use that particular verse for that particular issue, as no verses explain that "If Clete, in the year 2017, tries to reject the existence of guardian angels, thou mayest quote this verse to him." So he is refuting his OP.
Precisely. :up:

And not only that, but the clear evidence is that there are no such angels going around "helping the little ones out of jams" in the first place. How many millions of Christians have been murdered because of their faith? How many scores of millions of Christians have starved to death because of famine, economic depression, and war? How many billions of Christians have died in ordinary, accidental ways right along with all the unbelievers and heathens around them?

There very simply are no guardian angels.

If Squeaky were to claim that the Holy Spirit led him to that verse (which is a legitimate claim), he would then have a NEW revelation from the Holy Spirit, one that is NOT in scripture, which is also refuting his OP.
I'm not sure what you mean by "which is a legitimate claim" but perhaps that's a topic for another time.

Game, set, and match to Clete.
Well, okay but I have to call out the ref for awarding unearned points even if it didn't affect the outcome! :)

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I said
Be careful that bitterness will defile you.

Heb 12:15
15 looking diligently lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled;

Now you know the heart of another man? Wow! This whole "Holy Spirit Revelation" B.S. is quite a trick!

I'm not bitter. You're stupid and I simply call it as I see it.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
And it is not our "guardian angel" it is the HOLY SPIRIT who is the COUNCILLOR. The Holy Spirit is the one who councels and guides all believers and is given to every believer at the moment they believe.

Really great point! :BRAVO:


Now you know the heart of another man? Wow! This whole "Holy Spirit Revelation" B.S. is quite a trick!

I'm not bitter. You're stupid and I simply call it as I see it.

I said
lol Do you even know what the heart is? Can you define the heart? If you cant you really shouldn't be using it to argue with.

patrick jane

I said
lol Do you even know what the heart is? Can you define the heart? If you cant you really shouldn't be using it to argue with.
[COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • 1.
    a hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation. In vertebrates there may be up to four chambers (as in humans), with two atria and two ventricles.
    synonyms:informalticker"my heart stopped beating"

    • [COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

    • [COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

    • [COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

    • [COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • 2.
    the central or innermost part of something.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"right in the heart of the city"[/COLOR]
    synonyms:center, middle, hub, core, nucleus, eye, bosom"the heart of the city"

    • [COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

verb[COLOR=#878787 !important]informal[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • 1.
    like very much; love.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"I totally heart this song"[/COLOR]



[COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • 1.
    a hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation. In vertebrates there may be up to four chambers (as in humans), with two atria and two ventricles.
    synonyms:informalticker"my heart stopped beating"

    • [COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

    • [COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

    • [COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

    • [COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • 2.
    the central or innermost part of something.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"right in the heart of the city"[/COLOR]
    synonyms:center, middle, hub, core, nucleus, eye, bosom"the heart of the city"

    • [COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

verb[COLOR=#878787 !important]informal[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#878787 !important][/COLOR]

  • 1.
    like very much; love.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"I totally heart this song"[/COLOR]

I said
lolol I hope you don't try using that standing behind a pulpit.