A God of Wrath and Fierce Anger


New member
Behold, the Day of the LORD [YHWH] cometh,
cruel both with wrath and fierce anger,
to lay the land desolate: and he shall
destroy the sinners thereof out of it.

Isaiah 13:9


Well-known member
Hang on- I thought that there aren't any sinners. Jesus took care of that...Oh, I forgot. He took care of it for Christians only. How convenient.


New member
Hang on- I thought that there aren't any sinners. Jesus took care of that...Oh, I forgot. He took care of it for Christians only. How convenient.

Those declared "righteous" through THE BLOOD SACRIFICE, will be removed from the earth, like Enoch, prior to the "Day of the LORD" (Time of Jacob's Trouble).
see also Genesis 18-19 for the example of Lot.
Hebrews 5:12
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Well-known member
God cannot judge sins once those sins have been paid for to His satisfaction. To do so would make Him a liar and an unrighteous judge, and to say He will judge what Christ dealt with is blasphemy against both Father as Judge and Son as Sacrifice.

Law results only in wrath but those in Christ have died to Law. There is no arguing with Paul on that point, short of sheer ignorance or unbelief (which abounds on TOL).

To have died to Law means believers are dead to all judgment by Law. That in turn demands that they're just as dead to all the wrath of Law. Christ already dealt with the cause for both: the believer's sin.

So, Law offers no threat to those who are in Christ and has no place in their life, simply because He is their life now. Law was not made for them. 1 Tim 1:9

That is why the doctrine of the believer's unconditional eternal security in Christ is true.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
God cannot judge sins once those sins have been paid for to His satisfaction. To do so would make Him a liar and an unrighteous judge, and to say He will judge what Christ dealt with is blasphemy against both Father as Judge and Son as Sacrifice.

Law results only in wrath but those in Christ have died to Law. There is no arguing with Paul on that point, short of sheer ignorance or unbelief (which abounds on TOL).

To have died to Law means believers are dead to all judgment by Law. That in turn demands that they're just as dead to all the wrath of Law. Christ already dealt with the cause for both: the believer's sin.

So, Law offers no threat to those who are in Christ and has no place in their life, simply because He is their life now. Law was not made for them. 1 Tim 1:9

That is why the doctrine of the believer's unconditional eternal security in Christ is true.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hang on- I thought that there aren't any sinners. Jesus took care of that...Oh, I forgot. He took care of it for Christians only. How convenient.

God's Grace if offered to both Jew and Gentile alike in this "Dispensation of Grace." Christ died for the sins of ALL humanity. However, only those who hear the Gospel and place all their faith in Christ as their Savior will reap the benefits.


Well-known member
Those declared "righteous" through THE BLOOD SACRIFICE, will be removed from the earth, like Enoch, prior to the "Day of the LORD" (Time of Jacob's Trouble).
see also Genesis 18-19 for the example of Lot.
Hebrews 5:12



Well-known member
The so-called affections of God such as —hate, longing, sadness, hope, anger, are attributed to God only in an anthropomorphic`sense. God's anger, wrath etc. are human affections—-anger for example means the punitive justice of God.

When we get too involved with this "anthropomorphic" juggling it may help us to understand God in one way, but it also contributes to some irrational thinking and opinions, in another way.


I guess we need some remote, scholarly ecclesiarchy -- a magisterium, if you will -- to tell us how to read it. That the point?

john w

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Hall of Fame
God cannot judge sins once those sins have been paid for to His satisfaction. To do so would make Him a liar and an unrighteous judge, and to say He will judge what Christ dealt with is blasphemy against both Father as Judge and Son as Sacrifice.

Law results only in wrath but those in Christ have died to Law. There is no arguing with Paul on that point, short of sheer ignorance or unbelief (which abounds on TOL).

To have died to Law means believers are dead to all judgment by Law. That in turn demands that they're just as dead to all the wrath of Law. Christ already dealt with the cause for both: the believer's sin.

So, Law offers no threat to those who are in Christ and has no place in their life, simply because He is their life now. Law was not made for them. 1 Tim 1:9

That is why the doctrine of the believer's unconditional eternal security in Christ is true.

Correct, musty!



New member
A God of wrath and anger is the god of the personality. The real God is unfailing grace, harmony, non-judgment, benevolence, kindness, mercy, love, joy, peace. We are one this the unmatched pureness of these qualities because we are one with God through the infinite and eternal soul.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Hang on- I thought that there aren't any sinners. Jesus took care of that...Oh, I forgot. He took care of it for Christians only. How convenient.

For me it is convenient. For others, like King Saul, not so much. Yes, all sin was dealt with. But those outside of the Lord Jesus Christ, son of David, will perish without his life. Just like Saul.

patrick jane

Hang on- I thought that there aren't any sinners. Jesus took care of that...Oh, I forgot. He took care of it for Christians only. How convenient.
That's right because jews suffer from extreme unbelief, it's a sickness and it must be hereditary


Well-known member
For me it is convenient. For others, like King Saul, not so much. Yes, all sin was dealt with. But those outside of the Lord Jesus Christ, son of David, will perish without his life. Just like Saul.

Why Saul as an example?


New member
That's right because jews suffer from extreme unbelief, it's a sickness and it must be hereditary

It is clearly evident when reading the Tanakh (Old Testament). Terms such as "stiffnecked", "rebellious", stubborn, and "uncircumcised heart", can be found throughout the Tanakh.
Deuteronomy 9:24


New member
God cannot judge sins once those sins have been paid for to His satisfaction. To do so would make Him a liar and an unrighteous judge, and to say He will judge what Christ dealt with is blasphemy against both Father as Judge and Son as Sacrifice.

Law results only in wrath but those in Christ have died to Law. There is no arguing with Paul on that point, short of sheer ignorance or unbelief (which abounds on TOL).

To have died to Law means believers are dead to all judgment by Law. That in turn demands that they're just as dead to all the wrath of Law. Christ already dealt with the cause for both: the believer's sin.

So, Law offers no threat to those who are in Christ and has no place in their life, simply because He is their life now. Law was not made for them. 1 Tim 1:9

That is why the doctrine of the believer's unconditional eternal security in Christ is true.
Is the law not tied and fully encompasses by the two commands of the Christ? And as such are we not to keep those commands, and base all actions off of those commands?


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