A Christmas Message

Robert Pate

Well-known member
He taught and modelled His life as an example for us to follow...THAT IS THE NEW TESTAMENT...so live as He did

Then He christened it with a toast in the upper room then died and signed that new covenant with His blood and sealed that new covenant with His death...

His cross did NOT abolish it...nor its terms...but SEALED IT

No changes are allowed once the testator dies BTW

John the revelatory is clear....”Here are they that keep” what Robert?

The law, which has been abolished, Ephesians 2:15, Romans 7:6 is your security blanket. You are not sure that you are saved so you hang on to the law just in case. The law is not going to save you, if anything it will damn you to hell. You need to forget about the law and trust in Christ alone.


New member
The law, which has been abolished, Ephesians 2:15, Romans 7:6 is your security blanket. You are not sure that you are saved so you hang on to the law just in case. The law is not going to save you, if anything it will damn you to hell. You need to forget about the law and trust in Christ alone.

I do Trust in Him cuz I need Him...cuz the Law is out there pointing out sin and my need of Him...

I love Him for what He did for me and now He asks me to “keep My commandments” cuz I love Him...

Maybe you have a different Christ another gospel?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I do Trust in Him cuz I need Him...cuz the Law is out there pointing out sin and my need of Him...

I love Him for what He did for me and now He asks me to “keep My commandments” cuz I love Him...

Maybe you have a different Christ another gospel?

Trying to keep the commandments is the same as being under the law. If you loved him you would be living by faith in him. The scriptures make it very plain that he fulfilled the law and then abolished it, Matthew 5:18, Ephesians 2:15. You are not able to receive this truth.


New member
Trying to keep the commandments is the same as being under the law. If you loved him you would be living by faith in him. The scriptures make it very plain that he fulfilled the law and then abolished it, Matthew 5:18, Ephesians 2:15. You are not able to receive this truth.

Heaven and earth have NOT passed away so not one jot or tittle have passed...

That Ephesians text is about a man made law meant to keep you goy out...IN HIM tears that wall down and brings gentiles INTO citizenship of Israel...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Heaven and earth have NOT passed away so not one jot or tittle have passed...

That Ephesians text is about a man made law meant to keep you goy out...IN HIM tears that wall down and brings gentiles INTO citizenship of Israel...

That makes 0 sense. What are you going to do about this scripture?

"But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter. (law) Romans 7:6.

Romans 7:1-6 is biblical proof that the law has been abolished.


New member
That makes 0 sense. What are you going to do about this scripture?

"But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter. (law) Romans 7:6.

Romans 7:1-6 is biblical proof that the law has been abolished.

LOL...being delivered from the law does not mean the LAW is no more...

That’s like saying you were saved from drowning in the ocean because someone drained the ocean...or that standing under an umbrella while it rains you claim it is not raining cuz you aint getting wet...

You totally missed Paul’s point...death frees one from law of marriage...

And through Him HIS DEATH you are free to SERVE HIM LAWFULLY without fear of the law as its curse is destroyed by being IN HIM

what am I going to do with this text? Keep reading the next one and the entire chapter and book...

Maybe you should too...if you did you would read this:

Verse 7 “Is the law sin? Certainly not...I would not have known sin except through the law...” see? the law remains Helped Paul see his need for salvation...without law he just lived any way he pleased...namely sinfully...and to his death...

So he is grateful the law remains...verse 12 ”Therefore the law is holy and the commandment holy and just and GOOD”

DID YOU CATCH THAT ROBERT? Not only does the law remain but IT IS GOOD.

Verse 14 “For we know that the law is spiritual”...NO we DONT...Sorry Paul, Robert here at TOL only knows the law is only abolished...

Even Paul admits he still sins Verse 15...For what I will to do that I do NOT practice: but what I HATE that I do.

See? the law remains and he admits:

Verse 16 “If then I do what I will not to do I AGREE WITH THE LAW THAT IT IS GOOD.”

He admits he sins again and then:

21 I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. SEE? Would that you would say the same...the law reveals your need for HIM...instead you hate the law and blame it for making you sin...

NOT Paul, he says 22 “FOR I DELIGHT IN THE LAW OF GOD...”

One final admitting the law of sin dooms him as sin remains in his flesh HOWEVER he ends this chapter triumphantly

Verse 25 I THANK GOD...he writes that through His Son and with his MIND I MYSELF SERVE THE LAW OF GOD...

And with his flesh the law of sin...so constantly in need of repentance and transformation to be more like Him and doing His ways...

So there...Paul is CLEAR that the Law remains and points out his CONSTANT need for SALVATION...

Shall we go on to the next chapter where Paul is clear about the LAW OF THE SPIRIT?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
LOL...being delivered from the law does not mean the LAW is no more...

That’s like saying you were saved from drowning in the ocean because someone drained the ocean...or that standing under an umbrella while it rains you claim it is not raining cuz you aint getting wet...

You totally missed Paul’s point...death frees one from law of marriage...

And through Him HIS DEATH you are free to SERVE HIM LAWFULLY without fear of the law as its curse is destroyed by being IN HIM

what am I going to do with this text? Keep reading the next one and the entire chapter and book...

Maybe you should too...if you did you would read this:

Verse 7 “Is the law sin? Certainly not...I would not have known sin except through the law...” see? the law remains Helped Paul see his need for salvation...without law he just lived any way he pleased...namely sinfully...and to his death...

So he is grateful the law remains...verse 12 ”Therefore the law is holy and the commandment holy and just and GOOD”

DID YOU CATCH THAT ROBERT? Not only does the law remain but IT IS GOOD.

Verse 14 “For we know that the law is spiritual”...NO we DONT...Sorry Paul, Robert here at TOL only knows the law is only abolished...

Even Paul admits he still sins Verse 15...For what I will to do that I do NOT practice: but what I HATE that I do.

See? the law remains and he admits:

Verse 16 “If then I do what I will not to do I AGREE WITH THE LAW THAT IT IS GOOD.”

He admits he sins again and then:

21 I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. SEE? Would that you would say the same...the law reveals your need for HIM...instead you hate the law and blame it for making you sin...

NOT Paul, he says 22 “FOR I DELIGHT IN THE LAW OF GOD...”

One final admitting the law of sin dooms him as sin remains in his flesh HOWEVER he ends this chapter triumphantly

Verse 25 I THANK GOD...he writes that through His Son and with his MIND I MYSELF SERVE THE LAW OF GOD...

And with his flesh the law of sin...so constantly in need of repentance and transformation to be more like Him and doing His ways...

So there...Paul is CLEAR that the Law remains and points out his CONSTANT need for SALVATION...

Shall we go on to the next chapter where Paul is clear about the LAW OF THE SPIRIT?

The law is holy just and good because it reveals the nature and character of God. By the law we know that God is just, merciful and righteous.

However, if you are subject to it and practice it, then you are under a curse, Galatians 3:10.


New member
The law is holy just and good because it reveals the nature and character of God. By the law we know that God is just, merciful and righteous.

However, if you are subject to it and practice it, then you are under a curse, Galatians 3:10.

HalleluYah!! INDEED...yes the Law IS holy and just and good...NOT was...see? I knew you would turn it around bobby my boy...

By the Law we DO know about Yah His merci and justice and righteousness...oh and sin and our need of Him...

Yup...still today the Law shows us...

And yes WE...you and me both...still under the Law just IN HIM not under its curse...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
HalleluYah!! INDEED...yes the Law IS holy and just and good...NOT was...see? I knew you would turn it around bobby my boy...

By the Law we DO know about Yah His merci and justice and righteousness...oh and sin and our need of Him...

Yup...still today the Law shows us...

And yes WE...you and me both...still under the Law just IN HIM not under its curse...

Either you can't read or you don't believe Paul. It would be better if you could not read, Galatians 3:10.


Well-known member
Thankfully IN HIM and led by the Spirit we continue in the works of the Law...

Gal. 3:2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

Gal. 3:3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

Gal. 3:4 Have ye suffered so many things in vain? if it be yet in vain.

GAL. 3:5 He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?


New member
Gal. 3:2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

Gal. 3:3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

Gal. 3:4 Have ye suffered so many things in vain? if it be yet in vain.

GAL. 3:5 He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

Made perfect? Nawww course not...not sinless...just less sin than yesterday by His Spirit and Grace working in me His workmanship... HalleluYah

Don’t forget...faith first...and without works is dead...so saved now we WANT to keep the laws...gratefully and wish to do anything to Please our first Love...

Or did you marry to fall in love...


Well-known member
Made perfect? Nawww course not...not sinless...just less sin than yesterday by His Spirit and Grace working in me His workmanship... HalleluYah

Believers are dead to sin. Romans 6:2KJV

There is no such thing as "less sin" for the believers.

Don’t forget...faith first...and without works is dead...so saved now we WANT to keep the laws...gratefully and wish to do anything to Please our first Love...

Or did you marry to fall in love...

James was writing to the Jews (circumcision).

God required faith plus works before the MYSTERY was revealed to the Apostle Paul.

All you need to do is to compare what James says with what Paul says, and you'd see this for yourself. Faith alone is counted for righteousness....not just for salvation, but for living a life of faith.

Romans 4:5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

So far, you refuse to see that very simple thing, so there is no sense talking to you about love.


New member
Believers are dead to sin. Romans 6:2KJV

There is no such thing as "less sin" for the believers.
So we SHALL continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly NOT.

Being freed from the eternal consequence of sin how can we wish to live any longer in it?

Buried in death with Christ we are now able to be resurrected...united in death united in resurrection...how indeed shall we live any longer in it...dont be a slave to sin

Poor Paul still realized sin still resided in him...He saw another law in his members warring with the law of his mind...”O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?”

YAY HalleluYah through HIM HIS SON...I with my MIND serve His Law extracting myself daily from the law of sin...

Never perfect or sin less...but persevering to the end...continuing the His work in me to perfection...becoming MORE like Him...less than my former self...

Kinda reminds me of the attitude my favorite teachers taught me...”the more I learn the more I need to learn”

James was writing to the Jews (circumcision).

God required faith plus works before the MYSTERY was revealed to the Apostle Paul.
aaaahhh yes the mystery of once being saved no longer needing to obey or preservere or overcome or witnessing through good works

All you need to do is to compare what James says with what Paul says, and you'd see this for yourself. Faith alone is counted for righteousness, not just for salvation, but for living a life of faith.
Paul is clear WE ESTABLISH LAW...everywhere we go...to everyone we meet...on earth as it is in heaven

Romans 4:5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

Even satan and the demons believe...they just dont obey...

when you truly believe on Him you will WANT to obey what He instructs us to do...Keep His Father’s Will...follow Him...His Way

So far, you refuse to see that very simple thing, so there is no sense talking to you about love.
I am sure you have simplified married life down to just keep doing whatever it was I wanted to do for myself while I was single since the mere profession of love is all...”I DO” for you is merely words...and enough

Robert Pate

Well-known member
A Christmas Message
By Bill Gravestock

Two thousand years ago, when the fullness of time had come, God the Son, our savior, Jesus Christ left heaven because all of its stupendous glory was not a place to be desired while we were lost. He whom angels love, adore and worship, stepped down from his exalted throne and position, and condescended to come to this dark planet earth. At heavens appointed hour, he was born in a lowly stable and was clothed with our humanity. He grew up as a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty and there was nothing that we would desire of him. He suffered shame and humiliation as the rejected one in order that we might become the accepted ones. for our sake, he became poor that through his poverty we might be made rich. He was treated the way that we deserve, that we might be treated the way he deserves. He wore the crown of thorns that we might wear the crown of life. He paid the price that we might enjoy the inheritance. by his crucifixion and death he has taken our sins and buried them in a borrowed tomb, burying our old life of sin and failure forever, He's destroyed death, defeated the devil, shut the gates of hell and opened paradise for us. We're saved by his work and not our own. He arose again the third day, and by his resurrection and ascension, he has taken that perfect sinless life and righteousness to the throne of God. The Father has received him back, honored, embraced and accepted him as our representative and substitute in the place of our failure. He is the new Adam. Our humanity was constituted in Him. The warfare has been fought-the victory is accomplished. God, the Son, has reconciled us to the Father. For by grace are we saved through faith and not that of ourselves it is a gift from God.

Merry Christmas to Everyone and a Happy New Year.