A Christmas Message

Robert Pate

Well-known member
A Christmas Message
By Bill Gravestock

Two thousand years ago, when the fullness of time had come, God the Son, our savior, Jesus Christ left heaven because all of its stupendous glory was not a place to be desired while we were lost. He whom angels love, adore and worship, stepped down from his exalted throne and position, and condescended to come to this dark planet earth. At heavens appointed hour, he was born in a lowly stable and was clothed with our humanity. He grew up as a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty and there was nothing that we would desire of him. He suffered shame and humiliation as the rejected one in order that we might become the accepted ones. for our sake, he became poor that through his poverty we might be made rich. He was treated the way that we deserve, that we might be treated the way he deserves. He wore the crown of thorns that we might wear the crown of life. He paid the price that we might enjoy the inheritance. by his crucifixion and death he has taken our sins and buried them in a borrowed tomb, burying our old life of sin and failure forever, He's destroyed death, defeated the devil, shut the gates of hell and opened paradise for us. We're saved by his work and not our own. He arose again the third day, and by his resurrection and ascension, he has taken that perfect sinless life and righteousness to the throne of God. The Father has received him back, honored, embraced and accepted him as our representative and substitute in the place of our failure. He is the new Adam. Our humanity was constituted in Him. The warfare has been fought-the victory is accomplished. God, the Son, has reconciled us to the Father. For by grace are we saved through faith and not that of ourselves it is a gift from God.

Merry Christmas to Everyone.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There are many that believe in Jesus. They believe that he was a good man that went about doing good works, but they do not believe that he was the divine Son of God. They do not have saving faith. Jesus said,

"I said therefore unto you, that you shall die in your sins: for if you believe not that I am he, you shall die in your sins" John 8:24.

Only God can heal the sick and raise the dead. Only God can turn water into wine. Only God can feed 5,000 with just a few fish and a little bread.

Many will die in their sins because they do not believe that Jesus defeated sin, death and the devil and reconciled them unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.


New member
Not long after my conversion, I was given a litmus test to discover and understand what is that acceptable and pleasing will of the Eternal. It was a simple but very effective test. Does the world love or enjoy it. If so then The Almighty hated it.

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him".

The world loves celebrating what is called Christmas.


New member
Not long after my conversion, I was given a litmus test to discover and understand what is that acceptable and pleasing will of the Eternal. It was a simple but very effective test. Does the world love or enjoy it. If so then The Almighty hated it.

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him".

The world loves celebrating what is called Christmas.

Pleasing Him?...Robert is above all that...as with most christians rather than do His will His way keep His commandments and live as He did and taught...rather than persevere in spirit and in truth and overcome their former selves and the world...they prefer man’s traditions and “do what thou whilst”...

With golden calves they seek to worship Him...

Christmas: remember the Treason to His seasons...


New member
A Christmas Message
By Bill Gravestock

Two thousand years ago, when the fullness of time had come, God the Son, our savior, Jesus Christ left heaven because all of its stupendous glory was not a place to be desired while we were lost. He whom angels love, adore and worship, stepped down from his exalted throne and position, and condescended to come to this dark planet earth. At heavens appointed hour, he was born in a lowly stable and was clothed with our humanity. He grew up as a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty and there was nothing that we would desire of him. He suffered shame and humiliation as the rejected one in order that we might become the accepted ones. for our sake, he became poor that through his poverty we might be made rich. He was treated the way that we deserve, that we might be treated the way he deserves. He wore the crown of thorns that we might wear the crown of life. He paid the price that we might enjoy the inheritance. by his crucifixion and death he has taken our sins and buried them in a borrowed tomb, burying our old life of sin and failure forever, He's destroyed death, defeated the devil, shut the gates of hell and opened paradise for us. We're saved by his work and not our own. He arose again the third day, and by his resurrection and ascension, he has taken that perfect sinless life and righteousness to the throne of God. The Father has received him back, honored, embraced and accepted him as our representative and substitute in the place of our failure. He is the new Adam. Our humanity was constituted in Him. The warfare has been fought-the victory is accomplished. God, the Son, has reconciled us to the Father. For by grace are we saved through faith and not that of ourselves it is a gift from God.

Merry Christmas to Everyone.

Yes salvation is a gift...but don’t forget to unwrap it...use it...put it on...live like you have it...take care of it...benefit others with it...let it transform you...make you less like your former self and more like Him...less like the world and more like a citizen of His kingdom...

That gift comes with an awesome owner’s manual BTW...tells you about the history of the Maker and His company His R & D, and costs in manufacturing this gift...includes testimonies of others who have received this gift and even from those that wish they had...some professional consumer reports and quality control tests...also a list of benefits from using it and instructions on how to use and take care of it properly...and so much more

Be sure to read and use it to maximize your gift’s potential...would hate for you to lose it

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Yes salvation is a gift...but don’t forget to unwrap it...use it...put it on...live like you have it...take care of it...benefit others with it...let it transform you...make you less like your former self and more like Him...less like the world and more like a citizen of His kingdom...

That gift comes with an awesome owner’s manual BTW...tells you about the history of the Maker and His company His R & D, and costs in manufacturing this gift...includes testimonies of others who have received this gift and even from those that wish they had...some professional consumer reports and quality control tests...also a list of benefits from using it and instructions on how to use and take care of it properly...and so much more

Be sure to read and use it to maximize your gift’s potential...would hate for you to lose it

It appears to me that you have turned what is the gift of God into something that is of a religious nature. There is no owners manual. There is the Holy Spirit who is the Christians teacher and guide that will cause you to cease from your own works and enter into his rest, Hebrews 4:10. The free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ cannot be lost. Once sealed by the Holy Spirit, always sealed, Ephesians 1:13.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Pleasing Him?...Robert is above all that...as with most christians rather than do His will His way keep His commandments and live as He did and taught...rather than persevere in spirit and in truth and overcome their former selves and the world...they prefer man’s traditions and “do what thou whilst”...

With golden calves they seek to worship Him...

Christmas: remember the Treason to His seasons...

The only thing that pleases God is your faith in his Son Jesus Christ.


New member
It appears to me that you have turned what is the gift of God into something that is of a religious nature. There is no owners manual. There is the Holy Spirit who is the Christians teacher and guide that will cause you to cease from your own works and enter into his rest, Hebrews 4:10. The free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ cannot be lost. Once sealed by the Holy Spirit, always sealed, Ephesians 1:13.

And the Holy Spirit teaches the Christian what? That jewish false witness fable the law was done away with at the cross? Something contrary to the Father’s will? Something different than what was taught and modelled by th Son?

Holy Spirit guides you to works which are rewarded in the end...read the red type words in the last chapter of the book of revelations...rewards not for good faith but good works...

Things sealed are also unsealed...He knows when and why...


New member
The only thing that pleases God is your faith in his Son Jesus Christ.

Oh sure...and then His Son confirms that faith with a reward for its good works...sadly for many His Son will say “Yes Father they do cry LORD LORD but have NOT done Your will”

Even satan and the demons have faith...just not good works from a relationship with the Son...is what your model is...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Oh sure...and then His Son confirms that faith with a reward for its good works...sadly for many His Son will say “Yes Father they do cry LORD LORD but have NOT done Your will”

Even satan and the demons have faith...just not good works from a relationship with the Son...is what your model is...

More than likely you will be in the "Lord, Lord, didn't we" group. These are a group of people that thought that salvation was about them and their good works, Matthew 7:21-23. The will of the Father is that you have faith in his Son Jesus Christ. Good works are a product of the Holy Spirit. If you want to do more works have more faith in Jesus and his Gospel, "So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" (which is the Gospel) Romans 10:17.


New member
I've just come back from the Town and although the words merry and happy are on peoples lips. There is only misery on their faces. If they do manage to force a smile it is as fleeting as a shadow.


New member
More than likely you will be in the "Lord, Lord, didn't we" group. These are a group of people that thought that salvation was about them and their good works, Matthew 7:21-23. The will of the Father is that you have faith in his Son Jesus Christ. Good works are a product of the Holy Spirit. If you want to do more works have more faith in Jesus and his Gospel, "So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" (which is the Gospel) Romans 10:17.

Product of the Holy Spirit eh? So you admit there are works?!!!

How do we know they are good?

What is the standard?


New member
More than likely you will be in the "Lord, Lord, didn't we" group. These are a group of people that thought that salvation was about them and their good works, Matthew 7:21-23. The will of the Father is that you have faith in his Son Jesus Christ. Good works are a product of the Holy Spirit. If you want to do more works have more faith in Jesus and his Gospel, "So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" (which is the Gospel) Romans 10:17.

Since it’s the worlds season of giving gifts...how about you give me a gift?

Give me a gift by describing how those who are in the new heaven and the new earth live...their behavior

Is there anybody stealing? Murdering? Etc et al...

Are any living contrary or outside or without Law?

Can’t wait to get my gift...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Since it’s the worlds season of giving gifts...how about you give me a gift?

Give me a gift by describing how those who are in the new heaven and the new earth live...their behavior

Is there anybody stealing? Murdering? Etc et al...

Are any living contrary or outside or without Law?

Can’t wait to get my gift...

Our old sinful Adamic nature has been crucified with Christ, Romans 6:6. This will become a reality after we are resurrected. There is no sin in heaven. We will not be living according to rules and laws because it is rules and laws that cause sin, Romans 7:7-12. We will be living by the Spirit of Jesus and not the letter of the law, because the letter (law) Kills but the Spirit brings life, 2 Corinthians 3:6.


New member
Our old sinful Adamic nature has been crucified with Christ, Romans 6:6. This will become a reality after we are resurrected. There is no sin in heaven. We will not be living according to rules and laws because it is rules and laws that cause sin, Romans 7:7-12. We will be living by the Spirit of Jesus and not the letter of the law, because the letter (law) Kills but the Spirit brings life, 2 Corinthians 3:6.

Oh look a fruit cake...

Thanks sooo much... extra nuts too

So the kingdom of heaven is lawless...

interesting...living by the Spirit...without laws

Makes no sense to have a throne then...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Oh look a fruit cake...

Thanks sooo much... extra nuts too

So the kingdom of heaven is lawless...

interesting...living by the Spirit...without laws

Makes no sense to have a throne then...

Living by laws and rules means that you will be judged by the law and condemned to hell. It appears that you are not able to receive truth. Perhaps you are a reprobate?


New member
Living by laws and rules means that you will be judged by the law and condemned to hell.
and then I had faith in Him and asked Him to save me...and was saved and now I wish to watch Him change me from what I was to something more like Him and His ways...less condemnable...ya dig?

It appears that you are not able to receive truth.
what appears to you has been long doubtful as truth...as doubtful as what you offer as truth with your lawlessness...and laws make us sin...

Perhaps you are a reprobate?
why? because I advocate we keep His commandments if we love Him...?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
and then I had faith in Him and asked Him to save me...and was saved and now I wish to watch Him change me from what I was to something more like Him and His ways...less condemnable...ya dig?

what appears to you has been long doubtful as truth...as doubtful as what you offer as truth with your lawlessness...and laws make us sin...

why? because I advocate we keep His commandments if we love Him...?

You are still under the Old Covenant and are under the judgment of God. You try to mix the Old Covenant with the New Covenant. They don't mix.


New member
You are still under the Old Covenant and are under the judgment of God. You try to mix the Old Covenant with the New Covenant. They don't mix.

He taught and modelled His life as an example for us to follow...THAT IS THE NEW TESTAMENT...so live as He did

Then He christened it with a toast in the upper room then died and signed that new covenant with His blood and sealed that new covenant with His death...

His cross did NOT abolish it...nor its terms...but SEALED IT

No changes are allowed once the testator dies BTW

John the revelatory is clear....”Here are they that keep” what Robert?