A Call-Out Thread For Town Heretic

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Not a call-out thread, per se, more of a "Yoo-Hoo!" for town to clarify the meaning of a phrase he uses often:

... the compact you still live in, derive benefits from and are subject to.

... In our compact we've determined ...

... not in a secular compact where people have a right to ...

... No compact can survive that ...

... the serious issues of the compact and the need to address them.

... the founding principles of our compact.

town said:

...within our compact...

...I think it's bad for the compact...

...something established within the compact...

and that's just since January 1st :noway:

the other day I asked him straight-out:
define "compact" in this usage

be succinct

that request for a definition got buried in another line of dialogue that was ongoing, so I thought it merited its own thread
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
A few dictionary definitions:


Main definitions of compact in English
: compact1compact2

• 1Closely and neatly packed together; dense.
‘a compact cluster of houses’
1. 1.1 Having all the necessary components or features neatly fitted into a small space.
‘this compact car has plenty of boot space’
• • 1.2 (of a person or animal) small, strong, and well proportioned.
• • 1.3 (of speech or writing) concise in expression.
‘a compact summary of the play’
3. •
• 2compact ofarchaic Composed or made up of.
‘towns compact of wooden houses’

• 1Exert force on (something) so that it becomes more dense; compress.
‘the rubbish was taken to the depot to be compacted’
‘compacted earth’
1. 1.1no object Become compressed by the exertion of force.
‘the snow hardened and compacted’
• • 1.2archaic Form (something) by pressing its component parts firmly together.
‘the foundation of the walls, compacted of Granite and Lime’
• • 1.3 Express in fewer words; condense.
‘the ideas are compacted into two sentences’

• 1A small flat case containing face powder, a mirror, and a powder puff.
• • 2Something that is a small and conveniently shaped example of its kind, in particular a compact camera.
‘a wide selection of films is available for your 35 mm compact’
• • 3Metallurgy
A mass of powdered metal compacted together in preparation for sintering.
‘strength is then introduced by infiltrating glass into the compact’

Late Middle English: from Latin compact- ‘closely put together, joined’, from the verb compingere, from com- ‘together’ + pangere ‘fasten’.
Main definitions of compact in English
: compact1compact2

• A formal agreement or contract between two or more parties.
‘they signed a compact with the United States’
‘a peace compact’

• Make or enter into (a formal agreement) with another party or parties.
‘the Democratic Party compacted an alliance with dissident groups’
Late 16th century: from Latin compactum, past participle of compacisci, from com- ‘with’ + pacisci ‘make a covenant’. Compare with pact.

Merriam Webster (focused):

4 Definition of compact
1. : an agreement or covenant between two or more parties

Black’s Law:

What is COMPACT?
An agreement or contract. Usually applied to conventions between nations or sovereign states. A compact is a mutual consent of parties concerned respecting some property or right that is the object of the stipulation, or something that is to be done or forborne. Chesapeake & O. Canal Co. v. Baltimore & O. R. Co., 4 Gill & J. (Md.) 1. The terms "compact" and "contract" are synonymous. Green v. Biddle, 8 Wheat. 1, 92, 5 L. Ed 547. COMPANAGE. All kinds of food, except bread and drink. Spelman

Law Dictionary: What is COMPACT? definition of COMPACT (Black's Law Dictionary)


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
now that's a compact! :thumb:


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
this one's been slightly modified - no word on whether they've gotten the invisibility booster to work yet :)



Well-known member
now that's a compact! :thumb:

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.
I'd hate to see Rhode Island and Delaware try and enter THAT one together!

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
i thought for the longest time that it had something to do with supra, but the supra was in the sports car/grand tourer class, not compact :idunno:

Toyota didn't invent that word. It has a meaning also, and he is using it correctly when he does.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
okdoser, You should pay more attention to more interesting threads like my thread on the manhandled man on United Airlines. If you listen to those videos and then play this one.

You will hear how much he sounds like a Tasmanian Devil.