87 dead after crane collapses at Mecca


New member
It is the law of life my friend...sow to the wind and reap the whirlwind. Sorry, my heart does not break for the wicked, nor will I weep or lose sleep at their calamity...I call it God's justice.

You aren't bothered at all about the 87+ people who likely never heard God's word who now have to face Him in judgement?


New member
Hall of Fame
You aren't bothered at all about the 87+ people who likely never heard God's word who now have to face Him in judgement?

Do you really believe that God holds someone responsible for what they don't know and have no access to know?

John 15:22 "If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.


New member


Luke 13:4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them,
think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?

5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Next comes the Judgement .


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Do you really believe that God holds someone responsible for what they don't know and have no access to know?

John 15:22 "If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.

Here here! and this as well....

Rom. 1:19 because that which is known of God is manifest in them; for God manifested it unto them.
Rom. 1:20 For the invisible things of Him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even His everlasting power and divinity;that they may be without excuse:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Define "wicked".


How God defines the wicked? Those that deny Him are by definition wicked, unrighteous and the right standing before Him only comes through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the belief & confession of His death, burial, and resurrection on your behalf, the understanding that He died in your place because you are wicked... until then you are wicked, dead in your sins. What do you intend to do about your spiritual situation AB? continue to ignore the inevitable, the manifest truth you were born with yet still deny? You know exactly what wickedness is if you are still denying Him...there will be no excuses accepted.

Rom. 1:18 ¶ For the 18wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hinder the truth in unrighteousness;
Rom. 1:19 because that which is known of God is manifest in them; for God manifested it unto them.
Rom. 1:20 For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How God defines the wicked? Those that deny Him are by definition wicked, unrighteous and the right standing before Him only comes through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the belief & confession of His death, burial, and resurrection on your behalf, the understanding that He died in your place because you are wicked... until then you are wicked, dead in your sins. What do you intend to do about your spiritual situation AB? continue to ignore the inevitable, the manifest truth you were born with yet still deny? You know exactly what wickedness is if you are still denying Him...there will be no excuses accepted.

Rom. 1:18 ¶ For the 18wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hinder the truth in unrighteousness;
Rom. 1:19 because that which is known of God is manifest in them; for God manifested it unto them.
Rom. 1:20 For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse:

So basically your template for wickedness is any adult that doesn't believe in the Christian God then? Be they atheist, agnostic, young or old, of other faith you have no sympathy at all for other human beings simply because they haven't come to the same faith as yourself? Is that about right?

Oh, and who gave you a portal into my mind whereby you have the arrogance to "know" what I do and don't believe exactly RM?


New member
Do you really believe that God holds someone responsible for what they don't know and have no access to know?

John 15:22 "If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.

If that is the case then why send missionaries anywhere? After all, they would have gone to heaven because they didn't know according to your interpretation of that verse.

What makes you think God did not give them His Word? and no, I am not bothered by the calamity of the wicked.

They died believing in Allah and not the true and living God? Christ is the only way.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
So basically your template for wickedness is any adult that doesn't believe in the Christian God then? Be they atheist, agnostic, young or old, of other faith you have no sympathy at all for other human beings simply because they haven't come to the same faith as yourself? Is that about right?

Oh, and who gave you a portal into my mind whereby you have the arrogance to "know" what I do and don't believe exactly RM?

It isn't a lack of sympathy and really sympathy has nothing to do with it. The greatest revelation that any human comes to is that there is a God, a Creator, and that man is not a god unto himself. He, God, has manifest Himself to the world (made himself known) and they (mankind) make a choice to humble themselves unto Him, their Creator or they choose not to, it is as simple as that. I do not propose that I know your spiritual condition or belief AB, and if you reread my post I did put the word "If"...I put it out there as a question, a convicting question but, a question all the same, and only one that you can answer...the ball is in your court to search out what is truth, and what is a lie, I know what I believe & why it is a personal journey and I pray that God would show himself to you if he hasn't already.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It isn't a lack of sympathy and really sympathy has nothing to do with it. The greatest revelation that any human comes to is that there is a God, a Creator, and that man is not a god unto himself. He, God, has manifest Himself to the world (made himself known) and they (mankind) make a choice to humble themselves unto Him, their Creator or they choose not to, it is as simple as that. I do not propose that I know your spiritual condition or belief AB, and if you reread my post I did put the word "If"...I put it out there as a question, a convicting question but, a question all the same, and only one that you can answer...the ball is in your court to search out what is truth, and what is a lie, I know what I believe & why it is a personal journey and I pray that God would show himself to you if he hasn't already.

I figured it would be "as simple as that", otherwise how else can you effectively write off every non believing adult as "wicked"? Do you honestly think that every agnostic for example, is making a conscious choice not to believe the same as you? Do you think life is really that black and white? When you say such things as you have on this thread my first reaction is one of revulsion for the callousness of your sentiments to be quite frank.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I figured it would be "as simple as that", otherwise how else can you effectively write off every non believing adult as "wicked"? Do you honestly think that every agnostic for example, is making a conscious choice not to believe the same as you? Do you think life is really that black and white? When you say such things as you have on this thread my first reaction is one of revulsion for the callousness of your sentiments to be quite frank.

be sure to whine to God about how unfair it is when you're standing before the Judgement Throne


Well-known member
The Vikings abandoned their pagan religion and became Christians.

The Vikings did not have what they believed to be a final, perfect revelation which overrode all prior and corrupted revelation from more or less the same deity. But that's only a minor academic point. The main issue is, individuals are saved by Christ, not entire faiths. Islam isn't going anywhere.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I figured it would be "as simple as that", otherwise how else can you effectively write off every non believing adult as "wicked"?

I write off nobody, people make the choice...they write themselves off (as you say).

Do you honestly think that every agnostic for example, is making a conscious choice not to believe the same as you?

Yes, I do...every person is born with the knowledge that there is a Creator.

Do you think life is really that black and white?

Yes, I do... people make it difficult by their own pride that "hey, I'm not a bad person" when it has nothing to do with how "good" a person is but, the rejection of that which is good.

When you say such things as you have on this thread my first reaction is one of revulsion for the callousness of your sentiments to be quite frank.

Well that is your choice as well, all I have done is give you the information, and just as it was given to me, you have the choice to search out God or to reject Him. If I gave the information sprinkled with sugar would it change the message? Sorry, it offends you so.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I write off nobody, people make the choice...they write themselves off (as you say).

It's not what I say at all RM, it's just what you say.

Yes, I do...every person is born with the knowledge that there is a Creator.

And yet somehow manage to block it, have doubts etc. I pretty much sussed your reasoning would amount to 'pride' as with the following so I'll get to that next.

Yes, I do... people make it difficult by their own pride that "hey, I'm not a bad person" when it has nothing to do with how "good" a person is but, the rejection of that which is good.

Because of course pride can be the only reason that people don't believe the same as you? It can't be anything else at all? You think that every non believer is deliberately doing so with full knowledge and going against it? It would sure make it easier to condemn those people in your own mind and have such little empathy for all the "wicked" who haven't found the same path as yourself I guess.

Well that is your choice as well, all I have done is give you the information, and just as it was given to me, you have the choice to search out God or to reject Him. If I gave the information sprinkled with sugar would it change the message? Sorry, it offends you so.

Eh, according to you there isn't really any need to 'search out' anyway as everyone already "knows" apparently but your 'information' is sprinkled with cyanide rather than sugar. Callousness and associated never has held much sway with me RM.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
It's not what I say at all RM, it's just what you say.

OK, if that is how you see it...

And yet somehow manage to block it, have doubts etc. I pretty much sussed your reasoning would amount to 'pride' as with the following so I'll get to that next.

I have no doubt that God intends to do just as he has spoken through the prophets, and His own Son which died so you would not have to. I really couldn't care less how you "suss" it.

Because of course pride can be the only reason that people don't believe the same as you?

What you see as pride I account to assurance that God is who He said He is, and that I am just a sinner saved by faith alone in His Son who paid the price for my transgression so I would not have to. All have sinned the price is the same for all, it is the personal choice to receive God's free gift or reject it based on whatever convoluted reasoning you come up with, it does not change the choice or the consequence now does it?

It can't be anything else at all? You think that every non believer is deliberately doing so with full knowledge and going against it?

Yes, I do believe that all men make a choice for God or against Him.

It would sure make it easier to condemn those people in your own mind and have such little empathy for all the "wicked" who haven't found the same path as yourself I guess.

Oh, so it is a matter of empathy...if I just pity the unbeliever enough it will magically change the cure. If a person rejects water because they are thirsty would my feeling bad for their condition make them drink? Talk about circular logic...

Eh, according to you there isn't really any need to 'search out' anyway as everyone already "knows"

Inherently yes, all humans are born aware that they are a created being, the person that never heard of the "Christian God" cannot be held accountable for rejecting Christ but, the person that has heard the message of the Gospel & rejects God & His Son is guilty of rejecting the truth.

apparently but your 'information' is sprinkled with cyanide rather than sugar. Callousness and associated never has held much sway with me RM.

Well what is cyanide to one is sugar to another, I hold no account for those that reject God of their own free will. God will force Himself on anyone, He is a gentleman that way, and I will not attempt to force the message because I am just a messenger not the author, people are free to seek out the truth on their own, God will always answer those that genuinely seek Him.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
If they all agree with Al Qaeda then why are there Muslims who are fighting them?

They are fighting for the control you idiot. There is no civil war (in the way we think of it) in Syria or Iraq. It is Sunni and Shia fighting for the control.

As if you have a competence problem and knew not of these things. You dishonest anti-American, anti-Christ jerk.