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So what about golf?

The Tampa Bay Times' PolitiFact has tracked the number of times Donald Trump has played golf, compared with Barack Obama at the same point of his presidency. The count as of now: Trump 14, Obama 0.


Horse crap, that article is from April. The articles OWN CITATION at Politifact says Obama 29 Trump 44;
How far did you have to dig to find an article from last April that would make Obama look good?



No wonder you don't like Trump. The commies in Russia lost their best partner when Hillary was defeated.

She sold 20% of the uranium deposits belonging to the USA to Russia in exchange for millions which were given to the Clinton Foundation.

Being a good commie I am sure that you are just as disappointed as is Putin that Hillary lost the election.
Given that all 17 of America's intelligence agencies agree that it was the Russians who hacked the DNC server and released the emails in an effort to influence the 2016 Election in Trump's favour, that's a strange way for Putin to treat Hillary as his "best partner!"

Last fall, the US Congress passed a bipartisan legislation instructing the executive to impose additional sanctions on Russian for interfering in the 2016 Election - fast forward to February 2018 and the Trump Administration is still refusing to implement them!

Actions speak louder the words, and everything points to "The Donald" as being Putin's "best partner!"


Given that all 17 of America's intelligence agencies agree that it was the Russians who hacked the DNC server and released the emails in an effort to influence the 2016 Election in Trump's favour, that's a strange way for Putin to treat his "best partner!"

Last fall, the US Congress passed a bipartisan legislation instructing the executive to impose additional sanctions on Russian for interfering in the 2016 Election - fast forward to February 2018 and the Trump Administration is still refusing to implement them!

Actions speak louder the words, and everything points to "The Donald" as being Putin's "best friend!"