Respect is earned, not entitled. Elders have earned it. Young people have yet to earn theirs.
Yet you say the following of the younger generation: "but never expect to a meaningful conversation with one, anymore, just exchange pleasantries, or a joke that requires no connections to be made."
Surely the pot is calling the kettle black.
There's such a thing as reverse ageism.
Some elders who expect respect for the simple reason that they're elders are sometimes pretty quick to dismiss an entire generation of young adults as being worthless, yet those same elders would expect young adults to cut their lives short for them should they be drafted in a war, and to support their social security benefits.
Some elders have forgotten that they were young once (except for the elders who swear they walked bootless through the snow to school, uphill both ways), and that maturity doesn't arrive all in a bunch at 15 or 18. I do agree that it's a longer process in this last half-century or so, and that's worth a conversation as to the hows and whys, but to dismiss them all as useless? How many elder parents think it's the other millennials who're worthless - not their own kids, who are marvels of course, because they had perfect parents?
How many 60's radicals settled down, entered the workforce, raised a family? A lot of them. Maybe most of them. The the world is driven by the innovation of young minds, not only by the minds of those who've accumulated decades of wisdom. Let the young adults have a chance to accumulate their wisdom too.
It's kind of like the parent at age 50 who says to their adult children: "Just wait till you get to be my age. Then you'll understand." When the adult child gets to 50, the 75-year-old parent says "Just wait till you get to be my age. Then you'll understand." And really, it's true. Give the young adults a chance. Every generation has its geniuses and its slackers. Most everyone else falls in that large middle ground who never got sent to the principal's office so the principal had no idea who they were on graduation day.
Good points, I believe this one reason I have an enduring love and empathy for the young, despite themselves, as there is this sometimes outrageous thing we all grew up with, the statements that began, "When I was your age!" It's also intuitively obvious that babies will be babies, until they learn to walk, talk, etc, this where we all began.
There's such a thing as reverse ageism.
Some elders who expect respect for the simple reason that they're elders are sometimes pretty quick to dismiss an entire generation of young adults as being worthless, yet those same elders would expect young adults to cut their lives short for them should they be drafted in a war, and to support their social security benefits.
Some elders have forgotten that they were young once (except for the elders who swear they walked bootless through the snow to school, uphill both ways), and that maturity doesn't arrive all in a bunch at 15 or 18. I do agree that it's a longer process in this last half-century or so, and that's worth a conversation as to the hows and whys, but to dismiss them all as useless? How many elder parents think it's the other millennials who're worthless - not their own kids, who are marvels of course, because they had perfect parents?
How many 60's radicals settled down, entered the workforce, raised a family? A lot of them. Maybe most of them. The the world is driven by the innovation of young minds, not only by the minds of those who've accumulated decades of wisdom. Let the young adults have a chance to accumulate their wisdom too.
It's kind of like the parent at age 50 who says to their adult children: "Just wait till you get to be my age. Then you'll understand." When the adult child gets to 50, the 75-year-old parent says "Just wait till you get to be my age. Then you'll understand." And really, it's true. Give the young adults a chance. Every generation has its geniuses and its slackers. Most everyone else falls in that large middle ground who never got sent to the principal's office so the principal had no idea who they were on graduation day.
How old are you?
Very much to the contrary, I was trying to say, with some polite obscurity, that I don't find this conversation meaningful. Please abstain from trying to gratiutously pick a fight, which is not adult, only goes to prove my point about not being meaningful, of being a bore, QED.
Sorry for your anger management issues, but that's not a discussion. It's call borderline narcissistic personality disorder, if you want to get technical, or perhaps reduce the behavioral characteristics to something perhaps more in your repertoire of the meaningful, clearly, what you're doing otherwise known as trolling. I've learned over a lifetime to pick my fights, and, sorry, you're not one of them, not even in the ballpark.
I believe this exhausts how much fun you can be, so please don’t expect any further replies, and try to have a nice day.
1 Timothy 6:5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.
Isn't one of the Ten Commandments devoted to trying to control unruly and disrespectful children?
Then I will ASSUME you are too young to be blasting the Millennials.Old enough to know better, young enough not to say.
Good points, I believe this one reason I have an enduring love and empathy for the young, despite themselves, as there is this sometimes outrageous thing we all grew up with, the statements that began, "When I was your age!" It's also intuitively obvious that babies will be babies, until they learn to walk, talk, etc, this where we all began. You can't just give up or stop loving. God didn't. And I just like the personalities of many young people, that, at least, many are not so filled with all the guile that's considered "adult." Often, a ridiculous personality that reflects somebody's been sucking lemons is an acquired trait.
Respect is earned, not entitled. Elders have earned it. Young people have yet to earn theirs.
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for
authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place
of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their
households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They
contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties
at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."
I expect that each generation thinks the following ones are feckless. It's in our nature to think that, but it doesn't mean they are any worse than us or the previous generations. Isn't one of the Ten Commandments devoted to trying to control unruly and disrespectful children?
Then I will ASSUME you are too young to be blasting the Millennials.
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for
authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place
of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their
households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They
contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties
at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."
I expect that each generation thinks the following ones are feckless. It's in our nature to think that, but it doesn't mean they are any worse than us or the previous generations. Isn't one of the Ten Commandments devoted to trying to control unruly and disrespectful children?
I actually very little respect for baby boomer lefties who never questioned the leftist pablum they were taught and now occupy positions of power and are the main constituency of the PC pushing establishment.
The millennial generation is accepting what they hear in school and on liberal media outlets uncritically. Half the baby boomers did the same. To the extent a generation acquires their belief system like that, the less respect I have for them. I actually very little respect for baby boomer lefties who never questioned the leftist pablum they were taught and now occupy positions of power and are the main constituency of the PC pushing establishment.
The millennial generation is accepting what they hear in school and on liberal media outlets uncritically. Half the baby boomers did the same. To the extent a generation acquires their belief system like that, the less respect I have for them. I actually very little respect for baby boomer lefties who never questioned the leftist pablum they were taught and now occupy positions of power and are the main constituency of the PC pushing establishment.
I don't respect the positions of Democrats in the slightest, but I do respect you as an elder. Now that I know, I will behave accordingly... ....assuming I remember that is.I'm 70 years old, a screaming left wing Democrat, but you respect me, how sweet.
And speaking of pinheads I don't respect.......41. How to change your image, from this... this, in a few episodes of life...