31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

New Study confirming COVID Vaccine causes Severe Autoimmune-Hepatitis is published days after W.H.O issued ‘Global Alert’ about new Severe Hepatitis among Children​


Gary K

New member
The fraud that is "the pandemic".


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Study Claiming Unvaccinated Increase COVID-19 Risk for Vaccinated Based on ‘Flawed’ Modelling: Experts

A team of experts from different fields, including medical statisticians and a medical anthropologist, has rebutted a recent article published in a Canadian medical journal that defends the use of COVID-19 vaccine mandates by claiming that a mathematical model shows unvaccinated people increase the risk of infection among the vaccinated.

“It is especially problematic that a modelling paper so detached from reality contains such explicit and strong condemnation of ‘the unvaccinated,’” said James Doidge, a senior medical statistician from the UK’s Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre, along with his fellow contributors, in a reply posted on the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) website on April 28.

“The potential for this work to foster social division and misplaced anger and blame is at odds with public health ethics.”


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The whiners who have been so vocal over the past couple years about trusting big pharma and trusting big government have been curiously silent lately.

When forensic investigative reporter Sonia Elijah dug through the buried Pfizer documents, she found even more. The actual vaccine efficacy rate (that Pfizer claimed was 95%) was likely as low as 12%. The following is an excerpt from the document itself.

Gary K

New member
Statistical significance does not a proof make, just generally. All it does it prove correlation.
You're very poorly read on "vaccines". Vaccine shedding has been used as a feature. In the mice plagues in Australia vaccine shedding was used to stop them. The vaccine targeted the ovaries of female mice and made them sterile, But the vaccine was designed to stop working after the second generation and because it was only distributed by direct contact it didn't infect all mice at once thus it left enough unsterilized mice to not eradicate the species. The stories on this episode have been censored as nothing about it can be found anymore but I read the story a year or so ago.

However here's a story for you on the same subject as to how scientists see self spreading vaccines as a good thing. It's a two year old story now so this research has been going on for years. What makes you think this technology was not used in the covid "vaccines" when these "vaccines" attack the female reproductive system causing even little girls and post menopausal women to bleed when they haven't been "vaccinated" but have been around "vaccinated" people? This is one of the most reported vaccine injuries reported and it began happening within a couple of months of the "vaccines" being released.


Gary K

New member
The whiners who have been so vocal over the past couple years about trusting big pharma and trusting big government have been curiously silent lately.

When forensic investigative reporter Sonia Elijah dug through the buried Pfizer documents, she found even more. The actual vaccine efficacy rate (that Pfizer claimed was 95%) was likely as low as 12%. The following is an excerpt from the document itself.
Phizer: We want our documentation classified for 75 years. Why? Because everything we do is honest, ethical, and beneficial to the human race. We are very altruistic and don't want people to know how much we do for them. :rolleyes:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
More bad news for all you useful idiots who chose to become the lab rats for this monstrous experiment.


The current publicised, but not watertight theory is that this is due to an adenovirus. But not just any adenovirus. Evidence suggests that Medicine Regulators around the world believe it is due to an “attenuated” adenovirus variant in both the AstraZeneca and Janssen Covid-19 vaccines that has gone rogue.

Gary K

New member
The whiners who have been so vocal over the past couple years about trusting big pharma and trusting big government have been curiously silent lately.

When forensic investigative reporter Sonia Elijah dug through the buried Pfizer documents, she found even more. The actual vaccine efficacy rate (that Pfizer claimed was 95%) was likely as low as 12%. The following is an excerpt from the document itself.
I don't find the current silence of the disinformation spreaders of all things corona virus curious at all. The powers that be are simply following the known human reaction to the removal of intense psychological pressure for a short time. People start to relax and then the pressure is suddenly applied again and when it is many will stop fighting and just surrender to the pressure. So the silence of this form of pressure is closely following the same thing the government and media are doing. To me it's just evidence of how closely they are controlled.

Just wait a for a month or two and you'll see them at full throttle again on the virus and the "vaccines" once again. You have noticed the virulence they show has been transferred to Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine haven't you? Just a shift in the narrative that has the same goals in mind.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I don't find the current silence of the disinformation spreaders of all things corona virus curious at all. The powers that be are simply following the known human reaction to the removal of intense psychological pressure for a short time. People start to relax and then the pressure is suddenly applied again and when it is many will stop fighting and just surrender to the pressure. So the silence of this form of pressure is closely following the same thing the government and media are doing. To me it's just evidence of how closely they are controlled.
You live in a very dark world of your own making for some reason known only to you and your therapist hopefully.
Just wait a for a month or two and you'll see them at full throttle again on the virus and the "vaccines" once again. You have noticed the virulence they show has been transferred to Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine haven't you? Just a shift in the narrative that has the same goals in mind.
You're inured.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I don't find the current silence of the disinformation spreaders of all things corona virus curious at all. The powers that be are simply following the known human reaction to the removal of intense psychological pressure for a short time. People start to relax and then the pressure is suddenly applied again and when it is many will stop fighting and just surrender to the pressure. So the silence of this form of pressure is closely following the same thing the government and media are doing. To me it's just evidence of how closely they are controlled.

Just wait a for a month or two and you'll see them at full throttle again on the virus and the "vaccines" once again. You have noticed the virulence they show has been transferred to Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine haven't you? Just a shift in the narrative that has the same goals in mind.
Ukraine was so yesterday

It's Roe v Wade today

Pay attention!

Gary K

New member
You live in a very dark world of your own making for some reason known only to you and your therapist hopefully.

You're inured.
Maybe you need to study into what I said, You'll find it is true and been proven by peer reviewed studies. These studies were conducted on pows undergoing psychological torture and why they gave into it. It's the removal of hope that crushes people. They are losing and then perceive themselves to be winning, but when their perceived wins are taken from then most give up their resistance. It's just too crushing for them to overcome the psychological shock.

I look at things much differently than most people on this site, My hope is not in man and mankind's abilities. My hope is in God and His power and ability. I believe what puts and end to all this is the second coming of Christ as Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled right and left so my life is not dark and forboding. It is light and cheerful. I see the end of sin, suffering, pain, and death. I see heaven.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Maybe you need to study into what I said,
I don't need to study into what you said, I used to live your mental life, every day for a decade. You're in your Mom's basement, in your mind. Get out and live. You're wasting talents. Help get good things done around here. Further America, further Christ, further morals, further straight thinking, further something good, you're only furthering Russia right now!
You'll find it is true and been proven by peer reviewed studies.
Why on earth would peer review establish anything in this world nowadays? Why would you accept or regard or receive peer review as anything besides another baseless ideological opinion?
These studies were conducted on pows undergoing psychological torture and why they gave into it. It's the removal of hope that crushes people. They are losing and then perceive themselves to be winning, but when their perceived wins are taken from then most give up their resistance. It's just too crushing for them to overcome the psychological shock.
You're the only one here who thinks he's in any kind of war right now. This is peacetime. Not in Ukraine, thanks to your beloved imbecile Putin and his raping and murdering marauders, but everywhere else is patently peacetime.
I look at things much differently than most people on this site, My hope is not in man and mankind's abilities. My hope is in God and His power and ability. I believe what puts and end to all this is the second coming of Christ
Oh for crying out loud. No wonder you're as useless as a bump on a log.
as Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled right and left so my life is not dark and forboding. It is light and cheerful. I see the end of sin, suffering, pain, and death. I see heaven.
Bump on a log.