31 Reasons To Reject The Jab

way 2 go

Well-known member
That's a lot of covid cases in poor people after they were vaccinated by the Fauci/Gates vaccine so 'necessary for protection from covid.'
only 3 weeks feb20 to march13

the question is OAS original antigenic sin

variant specific boosters fail to elicit variant specific response​

but then it starts to get interesting because of what they may have accidentally proven (or deliberately investigated and then buried in technical reporting far away from the headlines). they found original antigenic sin (OAS, also known as hoskin’s effect).

well, NOW i’m interested.


it’s easy to miss the significance here if you’re not familiar with what you are looking at. what they are saying is that exposing you to the spike/s-1 proteins of omicron elicited no immune responses that diverged from the previous vaccine.

assuming (and i think this is likely a good assumption) that this vaccine accurately modeled omicron, this is a sign of antigenic fixation. you have locked your immune system into one set of responses and it is not learning new ones when faced with novel pathogen variants. (read OAS link above for details on how this works)


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It's really remarkable how the quote-unquote "vaccines" work. They 'trick' the body into making the 'real' vaccine, is how these things work. The real vaccine is the spike proteins. You can't get enough spike proteins 'injected'. You'd need gallons of the stuff. So instead of that, fortunately, we have the tech to 'trick' the body into making the real vaccine for us. So instead of gallons getting injected into you, to get enough spike protein into you, in order to work as a real vaccine, to provoke the immune system in a predictable manner through the introduction of just the right kind of foreign material; and it's just milligrams.

Hopefully there are no chronic effects, everybody's fingers are crossed on this one, whether they are permitted through partisan expediency to admit it or not, every knowledgeable thinking person knows there remains this looming "known" unknown (aside from the "unknown unknowns" tip of the cap to Mr. Donald Rumsfeld) of chronic effects of this gene therapy drug.

We'll see. We all really hope that we didn't save millions just to lose billions in the future. We're just making the best judgment of the thing with the information we have (evidence) and logic. The effect of the drug wears off, this is a very good sign that the drug completely metabolizes and leaves no trace, or at least that the effect long term will be the same as if it does completely metabolize leaving no (ill) trace.


Gary K

New member
NZ scientist puts drop of Phizer's comirnaty on an electron microscope slide and observes it over time. What he finds is pretty scary. Structures formed that are not found in nature and self assemble into complex structures.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Vaccine Malpractice​

David Gortler
Senate Hearing Examines Continuing Response To Covid-19

Government pharmacists, physicians, and nurses have violated their oaths and obligations to protect patient safety.​

Adverse cardiovascular, thrombotic, and neurologic events related to the Covid vaccine have occurred around the world. As I and others have noted before, the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) own vaccine adverse event tracking system (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS) shows substantial and serious risks from the vaccine, even though the FDA only collects an estimated 10 percent of all adverse events.
Still, federal agencies and manufacturers aren’t officially warning American public about these risks, despite having known this information for almost a whole year. The narrative that receiving vaccines and boosters, possibly forever, is a patriotic duty has superseded the traditional and normal standards of public health and safety.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

DC's Gridiron dinner was COVID super spreader for vaccinated elite​

Fauci and CDC Director attend party where vaccine passports failed to stop coronavirus outbreak​

Emily Miller
18 hr ago
The Gridiron is a swanky dinner every year in Washington for the media elite to mingle with elected officials and do costume skits about politics. The dinner was shut down during the pandemic, but it came back on Saturday.
This year’s dinner required the white-tie guests to show proof of COVID vaccination to enter. Dr. Fauci and the CDC Director attended and were surely pleased with this policy.

The event is always off the record. But it’s leaking out now that the dinner was a super spreader for COVID among those in D.C. pushing hardest for the public to get vaxxed and boosted.
By late Wednesday, the Gridiron Club president Thomas DeFrank wrote his members that there are 14 guests with COVID from the dinner.


way 2 go

Well-known member

DC's Gridiron dinner was COVID super spreader for vaccinated elite​

Fauci and CDC Director attend party where vaccine passports failed to stop coronavirus outbreak​

Emily Miller
18 hr ago
The Gridiron is a swanky dinner every year in Washington for the media elite to mingle with elected officials and do costume skits about politics. The dinner was shut down during the pandemic, but it came back on Saturday.
This year’s dinner required the white-tie guests to show proof of COVID vaccination to enter. Dr. Fauci and the CDC Director attended and were surely pleased with this policy.

The event is always off the record. But it’s leaking out now that the dinner was a super spreader for COVID among those in D.C. pushing hardest for the public to get vaxxed and boosted.
By late Wednesday, the Gridiron Club president Thomas DeFrank wrote his members that there are 14 guests with COVID from the dinner.

their are people who still believe in the the vax pass and that it prevents wuflu , false sense of security like the mask provides.

Pro_1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.