2nd Annual TOL-a-THON (2008)

Nathon Detroit

chickenman put us over 75% with yet another super generous donation. I also added "LIFETIME MEMBER" status to chickenman's account. :up:

Nathon Detroit

Psalmist put in yet another donation. We now have $1000 to raise by Sunday night at Midnight. Thank you Psalmist you have been an incredible help during this years TOL-a-THON!!!

If you have not donated yet please click here to make a donation in any amount.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

:geek: . . .

I remember when I was child how on the road trips that we took,
it seemed to get longer the closer we got to our destination, and . . .

"Are we there yet?"

It is like that as TOL approaches the August 18 ending date for the
2nd Annual TOL-A-THON

I believe it would be shot in the arm to to see the specified amount $4500 be filled by the end of the TOL-A-THON.

Of course the $4500 plus some extra for TOL in it's operation would be marvelous.

Small donations added to the medium donations added to large donation are more than gap fillers, they are foundational support.

If some of the blue subscribers are going along for the ride, a few dollars of appreciation are helpful.

Going from blue to green, $30 dollars a year, and though it is a paid subscription, it still helps; so do present paid subscription that are updated or up graded, like green to silver or gold or life.

For the price of a . . . Well, you have heard speech before . . . I think the TOL upgrade is worth it, especially if TOL is like a second home, or the first thing every morning and the last thing every night TOL will be there, and with a better server.

Your donations, subscriptions are greatly appreciated.

This is an unsolicted promotional pitch by Psalmist
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Nathon Detroit

Thank you assuranceagent!

I added a one year membership for you. God bless you for giving what you could. :up: