2013 Inductees into the TOL Members Hall of Fame

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Maybe, but the purpose of the (supposed) honors is "contributions."

Just wondering what the actual contributions are . . .
It's not a Poster of the Year award though, Nang. So how much you've been around is likely only one consideration. And not everyone who is here posts as frequently.

And for those of you sending me neg reps, I am not sad, nor am I jealous, nor do I seek this kind baseless recognition from Knight, TOL, et al . . .]What galls me, is that there are so many good posts and contributions made to TOL every year that could be acknowledged,
So start your own and do that. Have a POTD thread and do that. You don't have to try to set someone else's floats on fire to have your own parade.

but are not, plus those named to the HOF in the past, have their honors cheapened by the naming of those who have apparently merely managed to stay in lock step with Knight over the last year.
I don't feel cheapened by the inductees. Granted, we're all keeping an eye on fool and hoping he doesn't do something that ends up on the news, but that's the way it crumbles, pedestal wise.

Makes me wonder if Knight actually reads all that is posted on TOL?
Let's hope not. :plain:


TOL Subscriber
It's not a Poster of the Year award though, Nang. So how much you've been around is likely only one consideration. And not everyone who is here posts as frequently.

So start your own and do that. Have a POTD thread and do that. You don't have to try to set someone else's floats on fire to have your own parade.

I don't feel cheapened by the inductees. Granted, we're all keeping an eye on fool and hoping he doesn't do something that ends up on the news, but that's the way it crumbles, pedestal wise.

Let's hope not. :plain:

Just trying to brace up a pedestal you were once elevated to, TH, lest the (supposed) honor be brought down to nothing . . But if you don't care, I will not bother to care either.




New member
Just trying to brace up a pedestal you were once elevated to, TH, lest the (supposed) honor be brought down to nothing . . But if you don't care, I will not bother to care either.



You're actually doing the opposite, and you should be mature enough to know that already - cheapening the award as you continue. What you and a few others did was childish from the start. Don't you think it's past time to drop it and move on?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Just trying to brace up a pedestal you were once elevated to, TH, lest the (supposed) honor be brought down to nothing
Calling it a supposed honor is what makes some hear sour grape mashing in the mix. The Hall is only Knight appreciating a surprisingly diverse group of contributors to the site, people who've spent time and energy to make the place more interesting.

I think that's a good thing.


Calling it a supposed honor is what makes some hear sour grape mashing in the mix. The Hall is only Knight appreciating a surprisingly diverse group of contributors to the site, people who've spent time and energy to make the place more interesting.

I think that's a good thing.
I agree. I think everyone should appreciate the countless hours that Knight, the moderators and the active members have poured into this site.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Apart from :granite:, I think they are all just fine. Thanks for asking. :)
I'm a little sore from moving furniture around, but otherwise not bad. I think one of us has a head cold. I can't remember who.

:think: Maybe we should have a "HOF Members, How You Doin'?" thread?


New member
I agree. I think everyone should appreciate the countless hours that Knight, the moderators and the active members have poured into this site.

We're here aren't we?
That may be construed as appreciation.
What I really appreciate here is the posters, some more than others and some not so much.
I believe the mods do an excellent job!


Just trying to brace up a pedestal you were once elevated to, TH, lest the (supposed) honor be brought down to nothing . . But if you don't care, I will not bother to care either.



feel free to start your own hall of fame for whoever you like :idunno:


New member
I think some time off from and for you will be good, maybe not for you, but the others who posted in this thread.

I thought for a while you just extrinsic and bit full of yourself, but now I think you are at you lowest worst forum behavior.

You have become more rude and arrogant, now you spew forth nothing hatred and contempt for other TOLer's. No wonder you stay in the Back Alley, there seems to nothing civil about you anymore.

I think the Knight and the TOL admin has given you a wide berth to do your thing, maybe you'll change your behavior toward others now when you come back. One can only hope, enjoy your time off.

BTW ... When you come back you really should apologize for lack of civility and poor forum posting behavior.

It is said that -- “I should Apologize for the ( Poor forum posting behavior )”. – I’ve never heard of that before, however, --- I was (( TOLD )) that -- “I was banned for calling names without cause”. – Now I have heard of That!!! – SOO, - If I called any of you names yesterday, show us where I Did, and I will Apologize for that. - But, I Never called anyone on TOL any name!!! -- I did call The President what he IS!! ---- SOOOO!!

( Matthew 25:40 KJV ) – 40-“Inasmuch ( As ye have done it unto one of the least of these ) my brethren, (( Ye have done it unto me ))”. --&-- ( Romans 3:10-12 KJV ) --//----

Let’s see now!!! ----- I have Never been Proven Wrong by any of this ~people, but yet, I’m the wrong one I ~guess~, - that’s how this works.

(( Matthew 23:33-34 KJV )) --&-- (( Acts 23:3 KJV )) --&-- (( Matthew 23:33-38 KJV )) ---//---- Let’s see how you defend yourselves against the real ( Poor Posting Behavior ) toward the real haters of the World!!!!

SOOO! -- I will stay gone until the Right one has been “Apologized” To. – Now let’s just see how the Laws of the Creation / God looks at this. – I will desire my way, and you’d best start Praying your Way. – For Justice “WILL” be done, you can count on that If you know the True God. – We’ll See. ------ You ~know, - the Laws of the Creation / God had the Scriptures written to support those who were in Harmony with GOD / LAW of the Universe!!!. --- OOOHH I wait the time; - I’m really going to Love THIS.

I’ll see you All your next Day!!!

Paul – 011414


New member
Are you off your meds?

Before I - “Congratulate You”, and the other Four on your appointment to the (( Hall Of Fame )), let me say this: ----- I was Banned just after you asked (( If I was Off My “Meds”? )), -- Then I was Banned!!! ---- The ( Meds, or the --- “Medication” ) that you refer to is just for the Carnal Flesh or Carnal Mind, not For the Spirit, or the Soul of the Person. – I did quit my carnal ( “Medication “ ) for my “Asperger’s”, - (( Because I Like the Way I think ))!!!!!!! --- ( 1Corinthians 2:14-15 KJV ) – 14- “But ( The “Natural Man” receiveth not the things of the “Spirit” ) of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15- ((( But he that is “Spiritual” ))) judgeth all things, yet “He Himself” is judged of no man”. ---//----- That is a “Part” of My – ( “Medication” ) Because I’m Christian!!!!! --- The - “Medication” For the Christian is the Truth / Christ / The Word of God!!!!

So, - “Therefore”!! -- (( Congratulations ))!!! - Congratulations to all Five of you now on the TOL ( Hall of “Fame” ) - there could not be a better Choice, especially you, Nick. This pleases me (( Greatly!! )).

Paul – 011414


New member
Maybe this has been covered, but how are past winners of the hall of fame?

Hi Lohmeyer,
We really don't ask them how they are doing.
Mostly we hope they will stay together like a herd and get brain fat.
Then when the aliens come we will offer them up.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Before I - “Congratulate You”, and the other Four on your appointment to the (( Hall Of Fame )), let me say this: ----- I was Banned just after you asked (( If I was Off My “Meds”? )), -- Then I was Banned!!! ----

Actually, I read the post in the woodshed for your infraction, followed the link and then replied. I said it because you are a.....goofball. Notice I didn't call you a demon possessed pervert like I do those that promote a false gospel. Frankly, it is hard to say what you promote at all with your goofy format.

TOL said:
Infraction for Letsargue: Name-calling without cause - January 13th, 2014, 03:48 PM

TOL said:
Nick M January 13th, 2014, 04:20 PM
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