20+ dead in concert bombing in England

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Can never have too many Mohammedan threat threads.

Ever noticed how the leftists here avoid these breaking news bombing threads until the official spin talking points have been released to them? THEN they descend on it to disinform and skew everything?

They are hanging out in my garbage can as planned, hanging on Fox News who is not sticking with the Seth Richard news story. Fox News fired Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly. Just how far right do those nutters think Fox is?


20+ dead in concert bombing in England

One is still far safer living in Britain and most places in Europe than in America!

The perpetrators tend to be citizens, 2nd generation males, often involved in a life of petty crime and who have failed to meet their parents' expectations!

Trump's description of them as "losers" may actually be unintentionally closer to the truth than he will ever know!

Martyrdom provides a convenient escape from a failure to cope with reality, and infuses one's life with what they perceive as religious significance - in an otherwise meaningless existence.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
He isn't, and we know you know that.

I don't actually.

I think the people on right wing bubble at TOL have no idea how mean, nasty spirited, petty and agenda focused they seem.

I've realised i could have a complete sense of humour and irony bypass with you guys, but I don't think i do.


Well-known member
He is taking no pleasure in it. You won't believe it but we're actually trying to be some small help by pointing out that you, yourself, have got to do something while you can. The Islam problem... and it is a problem...will only get worse throughout Europe because your leadership apparently wants it to become worse.


Well-known member



This Charming Manc

Well-known member
There is proper and fair free speech, there inciting others to illegal and violent acts.

Our free speech laws are not as stringent as the states and are not protected by a constitution, but there is a balance between opposing something you believe to wrong and inciting others to break the law. The racial element to it aggravates it offence but its a crime to encourage anyone to actively commits acts of violence against anyone else.

A number of radical Islamic imans within the UK have been prosecuted under the same bill, for supporting and encouraging violent jyhad.

Now Katie Hopkins is a distasteful low life and a cartoon villain for the left in this country. But I think she is wise enough to not cross that line in the her career as a political shock jock.

However I think those who claim to oppose ISIS need to understand that comments like Katies and many that I see on here are the ones that alienate muslims living in the west and allow them to find sympathy and solace in ISIS the narrative. In short casual racism and simplistic them and us arguments are the best things you can do the ensure ISIS thrives.
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Well-known member

Katie Howard said only, and I quote, "demand action." That was in no way inciting racism (which isn't even an issue here) nor violence. I know you know that, too.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Its in the light of her 101 previous comments and generally nastyness we know what she meant though, but I would agree there's no case to answer.

The UK police are not at liberty to say you no we are not investigating it. They will say there has been a complaint, we will look into it. they will look it into it they will say the complaints been investigated and there is no case to answer.

They have to this because for 50 years the police systematically ignored race crimes and treated black people poorly. The pendulum has swung a little to far but Id prefer it than the police feeling at liberty to drag black guys down the street by the hair which they did 40 years ago.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
This is how you prepare for islam. Keep in mind, if he is wearing a homicide vest, you still die. The good news is, that vile pig goes straight to hell where he belongs.



This is how you prepare for islam. Keep in mind, if he is wearing a homicide vest, you still die. The good news is, that vile pig goes straight to hell where he belongs.
Coprolalia is involuntary swearing or the involuntary utterance of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks.
Coprolalia comes from the Greek κόπρος (kopros) meaning "feces" and λαλιά (lalia) from lalein, "to talk".