18 000 psychologists, psychiatrists ... consder Trump mentally unfit to be President!


Shrinks Battle Over Diagnosing Donald Trump
Chaos in the White House fuels discord amongst the experts.

Jan 31, 2017

In the several days since psychologist John Gartner posted a petition on Facebook declaring that Donald Trump must be removed from office because he has “a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States,” more than 18,000 psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals have signed their agreement.

... contends that Trump “manifestly” meets the DSM-published criteria for at least three personality disorders

- narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)

- antisocial-personality-disorder

- paranoid personality disorder

They are a “toxic brew” that in his view not only make Trump “dangerous” but add up to “malignant narcissism,” not a diagnosis formalized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual but a label coined by the German-born psychologist and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm.

The President's "mental health" is rapidly becoming the national "elephant in the room!"

The 18 000 figure preceds Trump's vocal attacks on America's "so called" judiciary, the accusation of 3 million fraudulent votes and his recent "meltdown" at Thursday's press conference where he continued his campaign against the "dishonest press" as an enemy of the American people!

Whatever your political persuasion, Trump's behavior is well outside the accepted boundaries of what is considered acceptable for an American president or anyone holding positions of power!


Well-known member
The President's "mental health" is rapidly becoming the national "elephant in the room!"

The 18 000 figure preceds Trump's vocal attacks on America's "so called" judiciary, the accusation of 3 million fraudulent votes and his recent "meltdown" at Thursday's press conference where he continued his campaign against the "dishonest press" as an enemy of the American people!

Whatever your political persuasion, Trump's behavior is well outside the accepted boundaries of what is considered acceptable for an American president or anyone holding positions of power!

Well, a majority (out of 300 million folks) voted for Mr Trump to be President.
Whilst I suspect that (if the US allowed three terms of office) Former-President Obama would have walked into a third term with ease, I do remember how badly he was treated in word and deed during his office.
I think the USA might deserve a Republican President like President Trump. We get what we deserve...?

That some psychos have decided to label the President cannot make much difference, because psychiatry and psychology have to be some of the most inexact sciences and do attract some total quacks, you know.

Take their chosen conditions:-
narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)
paranoid personality disorder

Notice how they use the word 'disorder' rather than 'disability' thus showing the shadow of a negative agenda. If they loved their President then the word would be something like disability or illness. If they might happen to dislike President rump even more in future, we might see their classification move to 'mental deficiency' of that lovely adjective 'defective' which I believe is used in some US driving licence applications?

They have taken a characteristic like narcissus-complex and turned it into a bullet, methinks... :D
Antisocial....... whatever.... disorder simp[ly means that the US President is not liked much today?
And Paranoid personality etc is actually what many psychologists and psychiatrists can be disabled by after extended work ion their field?

The US has chosen a President, and whilst I accept that there might be some very exciting morning headlines in times ahead, I think that we get what we deserve...?

patrick jane

The President's "mental health" is rapidly becoming the national "elephant in the room!"

The 18 000 figure preceds Trump's vocal attacks on America's "so called" judiciary, the accusation of 3 million fraudulent votes and his recent "meltdown" at Thursday's press conference where he continued his campaign against the "dishonest press" as an enemy of the American people!

Whatever your political persuasion, Trump's behavior is well outside the accepted boundaries of what is considered acceptable for an American president or anyone holding positions of power!
Have a fun 8 years !!! :rotfl:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Same can be said of FDR trying to change the Court to 12 members, so he could pack it with his own men, and same can be said of Lincoln, who 'overruled' the court and jailed news reporters who spoke up just like you are doing here.

Since when is TOL a platform for left-wing activists anyway? Have you not enough other radical forums to post on?

patrick jane

Same can be said of FDR trying to change the Court to 12 members, so he could pack it with his own men, and same can be said of Lincoln, who 'overruled' the court and jailed news reporters who spoke up just like you are doing here.

Since when is TOL a platform for left-wing activists anyway? Have you not enough other radical forums to post on?
So true, great post


Liberals and their labels :rolleyes:

They have crowned sociopath gays and lesbians, lie and slander so rampantly that it's become a normal, accepted daily thing, label everything, call half the planet 'bigoted' and try to sabotage everyone with a different opinion then them..

..and yet, we're the one's with a mental condition..

Modern liberalism is a mental condition :rotfl:


New member
Eider, they're referred to as a disorder in the sense that the first word description, for example, the word description: narcissism, is a result, of the personality ending up disordered from a much more normally healthier course or order.

In other words the personality is comprised of various factors the coming together of as one of which results in the order known as "the personality."

Someone who, say, is "ever worried about one thing, or another," for example, "is that way" because how they think about things does not follow a normally healthier course, or order of thinking about what ever it is they ever end up worried about.

When the personality ends up severely disordered from its' much more normal course; the result is the narcissism; the paranoia; and or what ever other descriptive the particular personality being observed is described as manifesting as a disorder from a much more normal personality's normal ordering of its' perception of reality.

Narcissism, etc., are merely coping mechanisms formed as a means of the particular person's coping with what ever trauma it is they are attempting to cope with.

It becomes a disorder when it becomes their ever needed norm.

It is a disorder when it ends up on autopilot; the person no longer able to follow a much more healthier order or norm.

Fact of the matter is that the people on here and elsewhere ever defending their false idol cannot but feel compelled to do so out of the qualities they themselves have attached to the man in their own self-delusion - qualities the rest of the world clearly sees he is simply not demonstrating.

The would be Emperor simply has no clothes.

His entire demeanor is the "face" of a man "only a mother could love."

Well, these "mothers" love him :chuckle:

Trump’s actions in office have been even more disturbing. His visit to CIA headquarters on his first full day in office, an overture designed to repair relations, was undone by his ego and bluster. Standing in front of a memorial to the CIA’s fallen officers, he seemed to be addressing the cameras and reporters in the room, rather than the agency personnel in front of them, bragging about his inauguration crowd the previous day. Whether delusional or deceitful, these were not the remarks many of my former colleagues and I wanted to hear from our new commander in chief. I couldn’t help but reflect on the stark contrast between the bombast of the new president and the quiet dedication of a mentor — a courageous, dedicated professional — who is memorialized on that wall. I know others at CIA felt similarly.

Edward Price worked at the CIA from 2006 until this month, most recently as the spokesman for the National Security Council.

One would expect a Top CIA agent to know a fraud when he sees one.

For further details on why he has left the CIA - Donald Trump - see the link below.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Danoh covered it well, so i'll summarize

it's only a disorder when it impairs their ability to operate successfully

considering that trump successfully won the election and is successfully transitioning to his new role, it's not a disorder

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Whatever your political persuasion, Trump's behavior is well outside the accepted boundaries of what is considered acceptable for an American president or anyone holding positions of power!

find a valid reason to start the impeachment and i'll support you 110%

this whining is not a valid reason


find a valid reason to start the impeachment and i'll support you 110%

this whining is not a valid reason
1. Trump's failure to place his multinational business empire in a blind trust, coupled with his decision not to release his tax returns, means that virtually every decision he makes could reflect a conflict-of-interest.

2. If it could be proven that Trump and his campaign were in contact with the Russians to influence the American election, that would be grounds for impeachment.

3. If Trump were to pull out of NATO and/or take Iraq's oil (a violation of the Geneva Convention), he could be impeached.

4. If the Republicans in Congress were to finally decide that Trump's behavior and decision-making were putting the nation at risk, VP Pence could invoke Amendment 25 and replace him.
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like marbles on glass
Well, a majority (out of 300 million folks) voted for Mr Trump to be President.

Actually, the majority voted for Hillary. She won the popular vote.

Take their chosen conditions:-
narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)
paranoid personality disorder

Notice how they use the word 'disorder' rather than 'disability' thus showing the shadow of a negative agenda. If they loved their President then the word would be something like disability or illness. If they might happen to dislike President rump even more in future, we might see their classification move to 'mental deficiency' of that lovely adjective 'defective' which I believe is used in some US driving licence applications?

They used the word disorder because that's the professional terminology as listed in the DSM-5.

They have taken a characteristic like narcissus-complex and turned it into a bullet, methinks... :D
Antisocial....... whatever.... disorder simp[ly means that the US President is not liked much today?
And Paranoid personality etc is actually what many psychologists and psychiatrists can be disabled by after extended work ion their field?

The US has chosen a President, and whilst I accept that there might be some very exciting morning headlines in times ahead, I think that we get what we deserve...?

Antisocial personality disorder is what was once termed psychopathy or sociopathy. Narcissistic and paranoid personality disorders are just that: disorders with specific clinical criteria. While I understand the ethical argument against making a diagnosis of public figures based on their public behavior (as opposed to an individual clinical diagnosis), that doesn't mean these disorders aren't empirically defined or that they're just some endearing little personality quirk. These disorders are damaging to the person who has them and to the people around them and in their sphere of influence.
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New member
Danoh covered it well, so i'll summarize

it's only a disorder when it impairs their ability to operate successfully

considering that trump successfully won the election and is successfully transitioning to his new role, it's not a disorder

Yes Hitler was successful too. I guess he was completely normal.


New member
Danoh covered it well, so i'll summarize

it's only a disorder when it impairs their ability to operate successfully

considering that trump successfully won the election and is successfully transitioning to his new role, it's not a disorder

You remain ever clueless.

One would think a so called "well informed" Native American such as you purport being, would recognize in Trump the very over blown megalomania that cost Custer his and his men's lives that very avoidable day...

No; Trump is far from the first major individual in the spotlight and or leader in history who's severely disordered personality was concluded by some within the masses as o so peachy.

There is a huge world of difference between arrogance actual strength.

But far too many erroneously conclude arrogance is a positive sign of actual strength.

Recent case in point - Former UFC Fighter: The once great, Ronda Rousey.

As she literally plowed thru opponent after opponent, she was for a time on a winning streak that caused many to conclude she was not only unstoppable; but right to go around behaving as if God was forever patting Himself on the back for bringing her into the world.

She became a huge, huge, huge star; her fans ever excusing her every vile mistreatment of anyone who did not meet her standard of why she was o so wonderful.

The more objective individuals repeatedly warned her she was headed for her own self-inflicted demise.

Not surprisingly, she took "great personal umbrage" to that - as all over-inflated sense of self individual's do.

(In this, it is no surprise she and Trump were at odds with one another - over blown narcissism does not mix well with its' own kind).

When she fell; she not only fell hard; but completely freaked out.

She has yet to recover from that fall almost three years later.

She fell because her opponent had been able to see she was stuck in her own self-delusion; refusing to listen to anyone who in her warped mind was not really giving her much needed feedback but was instead pointing out things the press might have a field day with.

A year later, she came back with the exact same style of figting that cost her her glory.

Again, she was devestatingly humiliated.

Not surprisingly, her many fans continue to rationalize their fallen false idol's fall, to this very day.

That right there is where Trump is dangerous.

Narcissism that overblown is simply incapable of outside feedback that said individual is severly off course.

Hitler at the height of his power taking great issue with his General's attempts to point out to him his delusions were costing Nazi Germany's war effort.

Fortunately, because he had the power of life and death over his Generals, together with his having basically shut down all of Germany's free press; he continued on his merry; greatly self-deluded way; and lost the war, and we're all better off the little Trump who'd thought he could...could not.

It will continue to be interesting seeing how far Trump gets...

More so, as with the Adversary and his cronies are depicted in Scripture, how Trump continues to trump himself to his own self-inflicted demise.

His is the very same exact overblown narcissism that not only eventually allowed law enforcement to finally bring to justice the late Mob Godfather: John Gotti- by Gotti's own self-inflicted fall - but the very same exact overblown narcissism that saw Gotti in prison; still bragging to one and all not only how he had outwitted law enforcement, but how Cosa Nostra would never be the same without him.

Lol - he was in prison for life, and yet even that obvious reality had been unable to pierce past his massive need to preen.

What characters overblown narcissists and their willful lemmings...ever are....

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
1. Trump's failure to place his multinational business empire in a blind trust, coupled with his decision not to release his tax returns, means that virtually every decision he makes could reflect a conflict-of-interest.


if you think that actually has legs towards an impeachment, go for it!

2. If it could be proven that Trump and his campaign were in contact with the Russians to influence the American election, that would be grounds for impeachment.

i agree!

3. If Trump were to pull out of NATO and/or take Iraq's oil (a violation of the Geneva Convention), he could be impeached.

a long shot, but worth watching

4. If the Republicans in Congress were to finally decide that Trump's behavior and decision-making were putting the nation at risk, VP Pence could invoke Amendment 25 and replace him.

another long shot, but certainly possible