“He said I was beautiful like her,”

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Get your armor ready!
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obvious double standards in your continuing and nauseating support for the current 'slut' in office Tam.
I want sluts jailed at the very least.
You ...... let them slut away all they want!
It's fine and dandy!
And you have the gall to suggest it is me that wants to let sexual perversion slide.

You can't make this stuff up!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So...Trump gets a pass? I thought so.

Not only does he get a pass, he gets fawning praise where he'll supposedly 'make America great again'. Quite how he's gonna do that (let's face it, he isn't) when he's hardly likely to crack down on 'sexual immorality' and the like is another thing the zealots won't wanna address...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I want sluts jailed at the very least.
You ...... let them slut away all they want!
It's fine and dandy!
And you have the gall to suggest it is me that wants to let sexual perversion slide.

You can't make this stuff up!

Well, you're all okay with a pair of 'sluts' occupying the WH so yeah, by your own criteria no less, I can't make this stuff up because it's happening by your very own continued support.

Silly to even try that route Tam. Real dumb in fact.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Then you are blind, and stupid to boot.

Hardly. You're the one with the fawning 'MAGA' thread and you're the one who's the religious zealot who'd lock people up for sex outside of wedlock and yet still endorses that 'slut' in the Oval office. You're real serious about cracking down on 'sexual immorality' aren't ya?



Every time I read one of your 'DIRTY' posts about our President, it makes me wonder if somewhere in the world, someone else is writing the same things about you? I'll bet you have a few Skeletons in your closet? Hopefully, you'll keep them there?
This is a president who continues to deny that he had any affairs, despite being forced to admit that he was the "David Dennison" listed on the "Stormy Daniels" nondisclosure agreement!

All the warning signs were there, but "Grosnick Marowbe" and his fellow conservatives, in their infinite wisdom, insisted on aligning themselves behind an amoral "Donald J" - they have no one to blame but themselves when Trump's skeletons keep falling out of his closet!!
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The Barbarian

Barbarian asks:
How should the "other woman's husband" feel about himself?

You won't say one bad thing about the porn star sluts, will ya?

Since I've told you that sexual relations outside of marriage is a serious sin, you already know that I oppose what she did with Trump, as much as I oppose Trump doing the same thing. The only difference between my position and yours, is that I consider both of them have behaved inexcusibly, while you give Trump a pass on his perverted behavior.

As it has been all along, you only want to make it about Trump.

Why bother lying about that? You know better. I know better. And everyone else knows better. So what do you hope to gain? It's been obvious that you don't give a hoot about morality, if Trump is involved in some kind of perversion as he was this time.

We've already seen you and AB defend husbands that have consensual sex with other women,

You're the only one who does that here. As you know, I consider it a serious sin, but you consistently defend one "special" husband who had time and again cheated on each wife in turn. Do you think no one has noticed?

and should NOT be punished and that it should be no crime at all.

Do you think what Trump did should be a crime, and should he be punished? C'mon. Do you really think that story is going to work for you? You will freely let Trump slide.

We see you defending married men , who have sex with porn stars. Might as well, as you don't really give a flip about morality. On the other hand, I think everyone, regardless of who they are, are sinning and offending God when they commit adultery. I don't see any difference, the way you try to excuse your perverted hero.

You are just too creepy.

Given your values or rather, the lack of them, I'm not concerned what you think.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Pat, if all you can do is post fawning memes then it don't mean much. Heck, 'friends of Scotland' being one such? He showed how much of a bully he is to residents of Scotland when he tried to build his bloody golf course. Get this through your head PJ. He does not care about you, America or anything else that doesn't pamper his childish little ego. He'll gladly welcome fawning dopes all day long although overall he doesn't care about any of you on that score either. He's far from the only "politician" to be guilty of that but how you dupes can't see through the blatant transparency of this egocentric crank is bewildering.

The Barbarian

No matter what Trump does, there are people who will give him a pass, because they've invested so much in worshiping him, they turn their back on God when God's commands forbid what Trump does.

Time to shake the dust from the shoes and move on.


Hall of Fame
Former Playboy model Karen McDougal told CNN in an exclusive interview Thursday night that Donald Trump tried to pay her after having sex during their alleged 10-month affair more than a decade ago.

“After we had been intimate, he tried to pay me, and I actually didn’t know how to take that,” McDougal told CNN’s Anderson Cooper of their first alleged intimate exchange, adding that she began crying in the backseat of the car taking her home afterward.

“I got home to my apartment and I cried a lot. I felt really terrible about myself.”

McDougal also told Cooper she felt “so guilty” about the fact that President Trump was married to First Lady Melania at the time, and noted that he drew comparisons between McDougal and his eldest daughter, Ivanka.

“He said I was beautiful like her,” McDougal told Cooper. “And, you know, ‘You’re a smart girl.’


Skin-crawling creepy

At least she has the decency to ADMIT she was wrong and apologize.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I'm not saying you and Trump should be prevented from talking about that. If Trump wants to tell his girlfriends that they remind him of his daughter, that's his right. And it's your right to be pleased about it.

I'm just pointing out that it's more than a little creepy.

It might indeed make some people regard you as 'The nastiest old Geezer on TOL.'. That'll make your hero Trump proud.

Creepy Things Donald Trump Has Said About Ivanka

“Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?”

“Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father….”

“You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body.”

“Ivanka posing for Playboy would be really disappointing… not really. But it would depend on what was inside the magazine…I don’t think Ivanka would [do a nude shoot] inside the magazine, Although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

When asked what he and his daughter both consider their favorite things, Trump answered, “I was going to say sex, but I can relate to [golf and real estate].”

“Porn star Stormy Daniels told a magazine six years ago that she had an affair with Donald Trump starting right after his wife Melania gave birth to their son, Barron…He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful and smart just like his daughter,” Daniels said.


You're a sick old man.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No matter what Trump does, there are people who will give him a pass, because they've invested so much in worshiping him, they turn their back on God when God's commands forbid what Trump does.

Time to shake the dust from the shoes and move on.

Perhaps you ought to notify 'The Archdiocese of Rome?'

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Barbarian asks:
How should the "other woman's husband" feel about himself?

Since I've told you that sexual relations outside of marriage is a serious sin, you already know that I oppose what she did with Trump, as much as I oppose Trump doing the same thing. The only difference between my position and yours, is that I consider both of them have behaved inexcusibly, while you give Trump a pass on his perverted behavior.

Why bother lying about that? You know better. I know better. And everyone else knows better. So what do you hope to gain? It's been obvious that you don't give a hoot about morality, if Trump is involved in some kind of perversion as he was this time.

You're the only one who does that here. As you know, I consider it a serious sin, but you consistently defend one "special" husband who had time and again cheated on each wife in turn. Do you think no one has noticed?

Do you think what Trump did should be a crime, and should he be punished? C'mon. Do you really think that story is going to work for you? You will freely let Trump slide.

We see you defending married men , who have sex with porn stars. Might as well, as you don't really give a flip about morality. On the other hand, I think everyone, regardless of who they are, are sinning and offending God when they commit adultery. I don't see any difference, the way you try to excuse your perverted hero.

Given your values or rather, the lack of them, I'm not concerned what you think.

Do those close to you realize what a filthy guy you are? Or, do you keep it a secret?

The Barbarian

Barb has explicitly stated that adultery is a serious sin so he's not giving a free pass on that score to anyone. You, on the other hand are quick off the mark to label anyone sleeping with Trump as a slut who should be ashamed of herself so how about Trump? Did anybody force him to drop his pants and cheat on his wives? His current wife is an ex pornstar too.

Oh, and as for those remarks about Trump's daughter? The ones he said outright on public broadcast were more than creepy enough.

The members of the cult believe that God's rules don't apply to Donald Trump. Hence any woman he manages to pay or threaten to sleep with him is a slut, but he gets a pass.

His comments on his daughter make any rational person's skin crawl. One comment he made on Howard Stern's show went beyond creepy and was insulting to his daughter as well. Can't say it here for obvious reasons.



Every time I read one of your 'DIRTY' posts about our President, it makes me wonder if somewhere in the world, someone else is writing the same things about you? I'll bet you have a few Skeletons in your closet? Hopefully, you'll keep them there?

Those protesting that the rest of us are being too critical of this President, were chanting, less than 2 years ago, that Trump's political opponent should be "locked up!"

Our self-proclaimed Biblical scholar, "Grosnick Marowbe," should be well aware that there is a reoccurring theme in Scripture whereby the judgement we are so willing to pass on others is often the one we receive ourselves!
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