‘Rape Melania’ sign at anti-Trump protest


Oh my God, a Playboy!! Oh Lord, its the End of Days.

Not that I ever had a hang up with it but would the Catholic church be all okay with Playboy?

Of course the Catholic Church wouldn't be okay with Playboy, there's no little boys in it.



Jimmy Carter was the first president to be interviewed by Playboy.
That disgusting devil!

I have to hand it to Jimmy, as terrible as a President that he was at least he didn't talk about his own daughter posing for Playboy or...ahem...dating her.



If you need an explanation as to what "dating" is in Donald Trump's world (forget it, this is a family oriented forum and there's no place for incestuous comments in it).

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Because Ivanka is relevant to the violent corruption of the DNC and its voters. aCW is just as phony as rusha and her prolife claims.


New member
Because Ivanka is relevant to the violent corruption of the DNC and its voters. aCW is just as phony as rusha and her prolife claims.

He is just as one-sided, our way or the highway, as most of you on here are on each side of your fence.

In short, he is just one more religious hypocrite.


Because Ivanka is relevant to the violent corruption of the DNC and its voters. aCW is just as phony as rusha and her prolife claims.

Speaking of pro life: You are aware that the organization that Donald Trump has said on numerous occasions "does good things" (Planned Parenthood) has murdered more human beings than Adolf Hitler?

Are you also aware of what that rainbow flag that Donald Trump is proudly displaying represents?


I bet you never thought that you'd be allies with abortionists and homosexuals ey Nick?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Speaking of pro life: You are aware that the organization that Donald Trump has said on numerous occasions "does good things" (Planned Parenthood) has murdered more human beings than Adolf Hitler?

Are you also aware of what that rainbow flag that Donald Trump is proudly displaying represents?


I bet you never thought that you'd be allies with abortionists and homosexuals ey Nick?

I'll bet you don't get invited too many get-togethers? Your attitude and personality are RANCID! I have good reason to believe you're NOT a member of the Body of Christ, due to your hate filled heart and mind.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
When a person hears the Gospel and places all their faith in Christ as their Savior, the Holy Spirit seals and indwells the believer. I find it difficult to believe that ACW was ever truly made a child of God. No one with so much HATE could possibly be saved.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Speaking of pro life: You are aware that the organization that Donald Trump has said on numerous occasions "does good things" (Planned Parenthood) has murdered more human beings than Adolf Hitler?

Are you also aware of what that rainbow flag that Donald Trump is proudly displaying represents?


I bet you never thought that you'd be allies with abortionists and homosexuals ey Nick?

Blah! blah! blah! You're a one trick Pony.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So when Melania Trump was posing nude for various magazines, would that be considered feminism and a rebellion against God's authority?

With all of the pain that Donald Trump has inflicted on various women over the years and not so much as uttered a word of heartfelt apology, I'm having difficulty mustering up an ounce of sympathy for his porn model 3rd wife.

Does your opinion really change many lives? I believe you believe it does. Most just see you as a "Hate-Monger" and a person they don't want to associate with.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Does your opinion really change many lives? I believe you believe it does. Most just see you as a "Hate-Monger" and a person they don't want to associate with.

I have realized that talking to ACW is futile. He is a psychopath, an extremist, a hatemonger, and suffers from obsessive compulsive behaviors and fixations when he focuses on things like homosexuals and Trump. He is probably a danger to people around him. I would not be surprised if he just disappeared from the forum one day because he got thrown into jail or a psych ward.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I think the basic take-away from this thread is that Liberals have unhinged seething hatred inside of them. No conservative has ever, or would ever, holdup a sign like this.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I think the basic take-away from this thread is that Liberals have unhinged seething hatred inside of them. No conservative has ever, or would ever, holdup a sign like this.
So writing something horrific down is the litmus?

Because here are a few lovely notes sounded by some of the conservative Trump supporters at his rallies, as reported by the NY Times:

“Kill her.”
“Trump that [redacted]!” The redacted word being a common one used to describe female dogs and aimed at Clinton.
“Build a wall — kill them all.”

Also from the article:
But what struck us was the frequency with which some Trump supporters use coarse, vitriolic, even violent language — in the epithets they shout and chant, the signs they carry, the T-shirts they wear — a pattern not seen in connection with any other recent political candidate, in any party.​

Here's a link if you want to hear the recorded gems, but be warned, the language is frequently vile and can't be reproduced on this site.

Or, there's plenty of violent, hostile crazy to go around, no matter what your persuasion is these days.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So the Thread Nazi wants to jump into my thread after he got me removed from his. Typical Leftwing jerk. Go tell it to your local Communist Party boss.

Maybe if you didn't act like a prize jerk it wouldn't have happened. Otherwise, he had your lunacy bang to rights. If you think vile garbage like this only emanates from the 'left' then you're either willfully ignorant or flat out stupid.