‘I Understand You Are a Christian!’: Bernie Sanders Angrily Erupts During ...


New member
Bernie and Donald have so much in common.


There is Trump's so called "Christianity" the New Age's version of the so called "gospel of prosperity" long ago exposed for the fraud both "gospels" are, in the book "The Seduction of Christianity."

Trump is...a clueless fraud.

The New Age Peale Factor: (Part 1) Norman Vincent Peale and the Occult


Another example would be men like Norman Vincent Peale who counts Mormon "prophets" among his best friends. As the keynote speaker at the 85th birthday party of current Mormon
President Spencer W. Kimball, Peale praised Kimball as a great man of God and a true prophet of Jesus Christ. One can only wonder what "God" and what "Jesus Christ" Peale had in mind.
Brigham Young did not compromise: He plainly declared that the Christian God is "the Mormon's Devil." p. 68, The Seduction of Christianity, Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahan


There is Trump's so called "Christianity" the New Age's version of the so called "gospel of prosperity" long ago exposed for the fraud both "gospels" are, in the book "The Seduction of Christianity."

Trump is...a clueless fraud...

Here's another good article exposing Donald Trump's pastor. I've used it in another thread where I exposed both frauds (Trump and Peale).

The False Teachers: Norman Vincent Peale