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    Trump News

    Since my screen name is in honor of my granddaughter who died suddenly at 8.5 months, I don't think you deserve any response to anything from here on. But have a nice life, it is the only one you get and when it is over---that's it.
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    Why don't Darwinists say that birds are fish?

    try to read the book. why should i do all thw work for you? does your mommy do your homework for you?
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    Why don't Darwinists say that birds are fish?

    i suspect the book might be too difficult for you, has lots of genus and species names that are hard to pronounce. clearly you have zero science background or interest
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    Why don't Darwinists say that birds are fish?

    Yes, the book (an the evidence it presents) concludes that fish are the ancestors of humans. Since you are clearly way beyond me in the ability to write short pithy posts just get on with your life. In the meantime, if you bothered to investigate who knows what might happen. However, the book...
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    Why don't Darwinists say that birds are fish?

    the issue at the moment is not whether the claims put forth in the book are true. the issue is why you do not believe i read the book? other than that you clearly have too much time on your hands in order to write an 8 paragraph response to my suggestion that you read the book (not just the...
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    Why don't Darwinists say that birds are fish?

    why would you not believe me?
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    Why don't Darwinists say that birds are fish?

    not only did i read it in hard cover but listened to it on audible. it seems however you have not read it or intend to do so. again, unless you are willing to read it why bother to criticize it, since you do not know what it says
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    Why don't Darwinists say that birds are fish?

    not only did i read it in hard cover but listened to it on audible. it seems however you have not read it or intend to do so. again, unless you are willing to read it why bother to criticize it, since you do not know what it says?
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    Why don't Darwinists say that birds are fish?

    I did read it some time ago. Shuben is a scientist. The book is in part about the discovery of Taktaalik and makes many references to the similarities in certain structures in fish to humans. You should read it and report back. The original post here suggested that birds came from fish, not just...
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    Why don't Darwinists say that birds are fish?

    Read Neil Shuben's "Your Inner Fish"
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    biden watch

    ah, 5th grade name calling
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    biden watch

    that is what you focus on? amazing
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    biden watch

    mean spirited (revenge, retribution, and putting personal enemies in jail), corrupt (34 felonies, can’t run a charity in NY, civil fraud, many associates in the pokey), bragging about assaulting women (and getting away with it ). goodness which doddering old fool (which method of...
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    Hunter Biden

    ah, then all those people who came from the trump rally carrying trump signs and banners somehow turned violent walking a fee hundred yards? why did trump wait 3 hours to suggest they stop and go home with his love.
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    Hunter Biden

    we used to do the same with those who stir up violent mobs to overturn an election. now we call them presumptive nominees
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    biden watch

    so the need for an extra $166 K/year is because of just the last 3+ years? we get to ignore the economy under both Bushes, Clinton, Obama, and Trump? How does that work?
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    Hunter Biden

    Ah, I see, all part of the Biden crime family plan huh? But tell me, what "lot of things" should have been addressed in this criminal complaint that was specific to filling out forms? Are you waiting for Jim Comer to spend more $ to find the fire under the smoke?
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    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    sorry, but that makes no sense. Was there a "dome" prior to the flood? And after several thousand years of various excavations all over the earth why is this the only remnant found?
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    A missing Link to Genesis 1:6 God said, “I command a dome to separate the water above it from the water below it.”

    Any particular reason we dont find similar remains all over the earth if the dome covered the whole earth? But was it a dome or some outer ball of metal circling the entire earth? Cant really put a dome over a ball unless the ball is sitting on a flat surface