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  1. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    gems............. gems............. After a dialogue dovetails into futililty, or your conversations with another poster are no longer constructive, respectful or fruitful (after many attempts), can move on, put them on 'Ignore' and save some time and energy. As mentioned earlier, it...
  2. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    love in action...... love in action...... That God is Love is a given....that being an essential quality of the divine nature. It is the 'glue' so to speak of the gospel of the kingdom, which heralds the Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. pj
  3. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    get over yourself..... get over yourself..... Hardly. Funny that you appear to be endorsing an atheist of all people. I had enough of his antics and am done with it. Waste of time. You'll be going back on the Iggy list as well, and it has nothing to do with some egoic stance of who is wrong...
  4. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    more on evil more on evil I made my points, - consider terms, meanings and context. You seem you just want to be arrogant and argue. I also shared insights on 'good' and 'evi' from the UB perspective, which are logical...relatively speaking. I mentioned the potential of evil existing because...
  5. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    no more wasting time...... no more wasting time...... Certainly not trying to impress you. You have alot to learn. I leave you again with this, and hope my fellow theists will also consider it when dealing with your kind - You are now on my Ignore list. May Life afford you all it has to...
  6. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Omniradiant Reality......... Omniradiant Reality......... God is Spirit (John 4:24)....not 'a' spirit. Mind is different from the physical chemical elements of the brain, for consciousness is not limited to nor dependent upon matter. 'Being' is this living awareness that I Am. I...
  7. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    evil evil My former observations stand. I never implied God did not create evil or whatever your 'projecting' here, but that apparently....evil or the potential for it exists (somehow) because of God's allowing, and due to imperfections/limitations within this space/time dimension and our...
  8. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The Infinitude of God...... The Infinitude of God...... God is. Everything that has existence, being, shape, form or possible because of 'God' (the source of all potential). Understanding and stating the Allness of 'God' does not necessary imply God created 'sin', 'evil'...
  9. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Anyone familiar with basic metaphysics and my own theological perspective and terminology understands that 'God' is a word symbolizing/representing 'Spirit', 'Mind', 'Consciousness', 'Being', - we can call this reality 'Infinite Intelligence', 'Universal Mind', 'Supreme Being', 'Light'...
  10. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Everything,...what do you think 'Infinite Consciousness' or 'Universal Mind' is? :sherlock: What do you think 'God' is? God is the Light of Infinite Consciousness. pj
  11. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The consciousness that contemplates, knows and very real. It is the reality behind any thought, idea or concept. pj
  12. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    manifold unity....... manifold unity....... I'm assuming you've read Part 4 of the papers to qualify such a statement? Dont you think a thorough study of what the papers actually teach would be essential before making assumptions? Granted, the UB does present Jesus origin and personality...
  13. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    learning....... learning....... While such names for certain universes or sectors of space might appear 'sci-fi-esque' or outlandish(given by this group of celestials),...and even if such is a production of 'religious fiction', the Papers as a whole maintains a consistency thru-out...
  14. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    research materials............. research materials............. Dont think a refereral back to the superstitions of 'hellfire and brimstone' really cut the cake here, but a thorough knowledge of what the UB is and is about might remedy such ignorant assumptions. God looks at the integrity of...
  15. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Absolute Reality...... Absolute Reality...... My statement stands. I know 'God' by my own experience of 'God',....who is Life, Being, Consciousness, Love, Light, Spirit. 'God' is just a word denoting this all-pervading energy of Being....the universal Mind and Infinite Consciousness in which...
  16. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    proof is in 'Being' proof is in 'Being' Re-quote: The 'evidence' of my experience of 'God' is the 'experience' of Life itself.
  17. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    moving forward...... moving forward...... Yes, one of such obstinate manners is 'a waste of time' already. What I shared earlier applies - To an atheist then, there is no repore or convincing unless one has the experience and knowledge of 'God' for himself, in which such an experience can...
  18. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The significance of an epochal revelation...... The significance of an epochal revelation...... ~*~*~ As shared before, there are much more wonderful portions of the Papers that concern the exsquisite nature of Deity, dynamics of creation, orders of intelligence, the divine spirit-fragment...
  19. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    hello? hello? My link is to a single-view post with 2 live links in that post. Do you not know how to recognize live links (they are text that are underlined) and can be accessed by placing your cursor over them and "clicking"???? I 'couch' the live link in the text-title describing that very...