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  1. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    We'll let intelligent readers decide for themselves, the value and pertinence of the principle of 'self-responsibility'. pj
  2. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    God is Love....... God is Love....... Ah, the business aspect of religion. That 'God' being Love is already forgiving and that repentance and faith are all that is essential to re-turning to 'God' is a matter of divine nature. Such would be enough to make any intelligent person reconsider...
  3. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Reconcilation in a new light......... Reconcilation in a new light......... Here we see that 'sacrifice' includes olden forms of 'blood sacrifice', or 'atonement' by such means. As we learn later,....'loyalty relations' are what matter, as one's heart and will are 'loyal' to 'God'...or not...
  4. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Its your 'choosing'.......... Its your 'choosing'.......... Summary-points: In the Papers we find a definitive teaching on the sovereignty of free will, as it regards the condition and destiny of the individual soul as it exercises its 'free agency' within the liberties given by divine...
  5. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    figurative language........ figurative language........ Did you forget that Jesus used parables to teach with, and could you prove in every instance of these 'stories' in the gospels that they were in fact 'historical events' or just 'stories' told to relate spiritual truths and principles...
  6. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    rising above religious bigotry rising above religious bigotry The Westboro Baptist Church is disgusting. That goes without saying. Lets focus on more positive values and principles that make for our enlightenment, peace and progress. Focusing on insanity is not the cure, recognizing it for...
  7. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Love is the healer....... Love is the healer....... I would think the Westborow folks really need Jesus. Love this! This agrees in some aspects with my own sentiments consonant with the 'Perennial Philosophy' :) There is One Ultimate Supreme Universal Truth at the Heart of all religious...
  8. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Hardly. What I've shared here stands. When have I ever claimed to have a 'religious belief', 'philosophy', or 'point of view 'better than anyone elses? A belief, or 'point of view' is just that. It may be fundamentally sound or subject to change. This is not a 'competition'. pj
  9. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    kingdom of heaven kingdom of heaven Caino is just tired of the usual pop-Christianity that is stuck within a dogmatic-format and belief-system that assumes its the one and only 'truth' with no added progressive revelation....which your sentiment represents. Continually demeaning the UB as...
  10. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Progressive Revelation..... Progressive Revelation..... Readers here can investigate the dialogue and resource links to see what the Urantia Papers are all about for themselves. That's the beauty of free enterprise. The universal truths, ideals and principles expounded upon in the papers ever...
  11. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    recap..... recap..... The UB agrees and upholds Jesus as the way, truth and life, after all He is the Creator-Son, and Sovereign Lord of this very universe. Jesus is wholly proclaimed with Part 4 being a most complete record of the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus. One has to...
  12. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Progressive evolution............. Progressive evolution............. :thumb: The UB Fellowship pj
  13. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    evolving personality in the universe..... evolving personality in the universe..... Touching on the last paragraph above is the UB's revelation of the pre-personal presence of the Thought Adjuster which while being pre-personal in nature has the potential to unite to the personality of the...
  14. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    a living faith-community...... a living faith-community...... Thats the beauty of truth, it is reflected differently thru each personality, but is of one spirit (heart, soul, essence). The kingdom of God is more realized as we are spiritually united, rather than tied by the uniformity of...
  15. freelight

    The NEW-UPDATED 10 TOL Commandments

    links allowed for educational purposes (not spamming purposes) links allowed for educational purposes (not spamming purposes) I've discussed this with Knight before via PMs. It is expressly against protocol to link to other discussion forums/boards....but one can post pertinent links that...
  16. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The Tree of Life...... The Tree of Life...... Of interest to traditionalists, the UB teaches the 'tree of life' was 'real',...being transported from the higher worlds to Urantia for the purposes of sustaining the life-force and vitality of the ministers and sons of God sent here to serve and...
  17. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    seasoned wisdom...... seasoned wisdom...... "Taste and see that the LORD is good" pj
  18. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The greater vision...... The greater vision...... This paraphrase above depicts the dialogue between Jesus and Peter well, for it was the 'mind' of Peter that was being 'satanic' for he was not minding the will of God, even though his sentiments were well-intended. It was this 'adversarial'...
  19. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    the crux of the matter..... the crux of the matter..... What boggles me is how anyone cannot see the truth, principle and value of the above, which is the central theme and teaching of the UB, and reject it. - especially those who claim to be believers in this 'Jesus'. Furthermore are those...
  20. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Learning the teaching....... Learning the teaching....... Wrong. The Bible does NOT contain all the words, inspirations or totality of what God has revealed to his children, for the unfolding ministry of the Spirit of truth is never-ending, neither is all the truth of 'God' ONLY within one...