Search results

  1. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: The Origin of Earth's Radioactivity

    RSR: The Origin of Earth's Radioactivity This is the show from Friday, August 21st, 2020 SUMMARY: * How Did Radioactive Decay Start in Earth's Crust? (Re-run during recovery from a minor accident while Bob was out boating. "See you guys, Lord-willing, next week!") Real Science Radio...
  2. Jefferson

    A question for libs

    If a yet to be invented economic system eliminated poverty but still allowed millionaires to keep all their money, would you support it or oppose it?
  3. Jefferson

    Acts of the Apostles Pt. 21

    ThThurs: Acts of the Apostles Pt. 21 This is the show from Thursday, August 20th, 2020 SUMMARY: Acts: Welcome to our study in the Book of The Acts of the Apostles. To summarize the book of Acts in one sentence: The Kingdom of Israel Fades as the Body of Christ Grows. To say simply that...
  4. Jefferson

    Banned YouTube videos

    The left-wing Nazi-like censors at YouTube occasionally ban conservative videos. Conservative videos are posted every single day. But every now and then there is one that the leftists simply cannot tolerate going viral. So, having learned well from their teachers from Nazi Germany, they censor...
  5. Jefferson

    Jordan Hall on The Boy who Came Back from Heaven

    Jordan Hall on The Boy who Came Back from Heaven This is the show from Wednesday, August 19th, 2020 SUMMARY: Jordan Hall, founder of Pulpit and Pen, talks to Bob Enyart about The boy who came back from heaven, the fraudulent book heroically recanted by it's young co-author. Alex Malarkey...
  6. Jefferson

    Bob Interacts at with Adam Smith Institute's Tim Worstall

    Bob Interacts at with Adam Smith Institute's Tim Worstall This is the show from Tuesday, August 18th, 2020 SUMMARY: [Rerun while Bob recovers from a minor boating accident.] Bob Enyart interacts with a fellow from the UK's Adam Smith Institute, Tim Worstall, over at
  7. Jefferson

    [Show title withheld]

    [Show title withheld] This is the show from Monday, August 17th, 2020 SUMMARY: Producers of national TV programs use Google Alerts to get immediate notification if the subject of an upcoming segment is mentioned on the web. For that reason, BEL is delaying posting the topic of today's...
  8. Jefferson

    Alleged: The Scopes Monkey Trial Movie

    Alleged: The Scopes Monkey Trial Movie This is the show from Friday, August 14th, 2020 SUMMARY: * Hollywood Gets It Right This Time Portraying the Trial of the Century: (Rerun from the RSR archives! And tune in next week for Part 3, Lord-willing, of our List of Things that are Not...
  9. Jefferson

    The NBA got woke and is going to go broke

  10. Jefferson

    Trump just said 'Start a Petition' on the Russia Pulitzer

    Trump just said 'Start a Petition' on the Russia Pulitzer This is the show from Wednesday, August 12th, 2020 SUMMARY: * So we did! Ha! 8/14/20 Update: took down our Russia Pulitizer petition because "it violated our Community Guidelines." Right. By telling the truth (Gal. 4:16)...
  11. Jefferson

    Trump should get Nobel Peace Prize

    National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien: Trump should get Nobel Peace Prize for Israel-UAE deal I've got my popcorn. I'm all ready to watch liberal heads explode.
  12. Jefferson

    Bob Sues the Government

    Bob Sues the Government This is the show from Tuesday, August 11th, 2020 SUMMARY: Sign our petition: Pulitzer Rescind the NY Times Prize. See more below. Bob Enyart, as the pastor of Denver Bible Church, along with pastor Joey Rhoads, of Brighton Colorado's Community...
  13. Jefferson

    BEL's 2020 Predictions Already Being Confirmed

    BEL's 2020 Predictions Already Being Confirmed This is the show from Monday, August 10th, 2020 SUMMARY: Large studies and surveys suggest that BEL's List of 25 Ways the Shutdown Kills People is, tragically, on target, especially regarding starvation, stress, and suicide. But on the bright...
  14. Jefferson

    Not Physical Things Pt. 2

    Not Physical Things Pt. 2 This is the show from Friday, August 7th, 2020 SUMMARY: Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart and Fred Williams have fun listing the things, real things, that are not physical! No atheist can even attempt to argue against the reality of non-material things without using...
  15. Jefferson

    1 Thessalonians Pt. 6

    Theology Thursday: 1 Thessalonians Pt. 6 This is the show from Thursday, August 6th, 2020 SUMMARY: * First Thessalonians: Paul's letters to the Thessalonians tells of the future rapture of the Body of Christ and challenges Christians to be faithful while still here on earth. Bob's audio...
  16. Jefferson

    What Did Socialists Use Before Candles?

    What Did Socialists Use Before Candles? And Before Supporting It, What Did the Church Oppose? This is the show from Wednesday, August 5th, 2020 SUMMARY: Bob gives a quick update on comparing India's COVID deaths, where they give out hydroxychloroquine like candy, which is 29...
  17. Jefferson

    Way better than modern art

  18. Jefferson

    Judge Judy v. 16 year old George Floyd

    Guess who wins?
  19. Jefferson

    Trump Shakes Down Microsoft; Bob Shakes Up Newsweek

    Trump Shakes Down Microsoft; Bob Shakes Up Newsweek This is the show from Tuesday, August 4th, 2020 SUMMARY: Bob airs audio from President Trump, permanently posted to, from yesterday's answer about the government strong-arming Microsoft to take a cut from their likely...