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  1. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Father-Mother-God Father-Mother-God As you may know...I've ever held reverence to 'Father-Mother-God'....honoring both genders archetyped as 'God/Goddess' of which man is the perfect reflection. See: here & here The paper's presentation of Our Father is not sexist or male domineering...As...
  2. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    relating concepts...... relating concepts...... As shared before....the papers present their own cosmology-context in which its theology is comprehended. Truths are related thru such frameworks as information constructs. Jesus is the 'Son of God/Son of Man' concept...the synthesis of both...
  3. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Fundamental Fundamental Wonderful. Please take advantage of accessing links here for your own reading...that's what they're for. Links are highlighted in blue....move your cursor over them and click. Read here to learn what the papers teach about the kingdom of heaven. If you agree with...
  4. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    truth be told....... truth be told....... Truth exists by itself no matter what conceptual frameworks are used for relating. Since you're not including an understanding of the cosmology revealed in the papers, your opinions are outside the field so to speak. Until you unbox yourself you can't...
  5. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    buggery buggery Face meet mirror. Oh the irony. pj
  6. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Get over it Get over it Your inanity has been or move along per Knight's rules and recommendations. Your dissertations are becoming a waste of time since they are circular, accusatory and condescending in nature....not edifying at all. There's no point in engaging a...
  7. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    be free...... be free...... You're still assuming that truth needs an apology. It doesn't. Your claim that the UB is fiction assumes its own burden of proof....requiring with it proof that the Bible is non-fictional, so your caught in a double blind which comes with assuming the apologetic...
  8. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The thought-adjuster is an actual fragment of pure divinity indwelling the mind of man, so that's a rather awesome thing to consider. At least 5 papers are devoted exclusively to it here (See following papers linked below each page). The indwelling presence is far from a satanic entity....but of...
  9. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    clarity on matters........ clarity on matters........ You're under a misplaced and false assumption that some kind of apologetics is needed to substantiate the UB. That's delusional. As shared previously, textual criticism typically applied to the Bible cannot be applied to the UB since the...
  10. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    progressive revelation progressive revelation All writings which contain truth have value. Since revelation is progressive, older concepts will be expanded, illuminated and upgraded. pj
  11. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    unity and uniformity........ unity and uniformity........ The papers have a great deal to say about spiritual unity vs. intellectual uniformity. We are united spiritually in Christ...having one mind "within" the Spirit....yet there may be versatility of interpretation and diversity of...
  12. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    learning learning Hi lets, Have you learned what the UB teaches? Please do that first .....research the thread and resource links. See here, here. Also UB websites The first 12 papers are essential. The papers hold to whatever truths are contained in the scriptures...but provides an...
  13. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    learning learning Skip
  14. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    holy bean sprouts holy bean sprouts Giggles :) Be careful of 'terms'.....they can be tricky. pj
  15. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    'literal' and beyond....... 'literal' and beyond....... We could say that truth is not 'literal', but only literally depicted :) Reality is prior to words, thoughts, concepts. It is the very heart of the Self...The inherent truth that is being....The light innate within consciousness. Nothing...
  16. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    addressing the subject addressing the subject Go back and review my posts.....they stand. Provide your proofs per my statements beyond assertion, belief, opinion and personal preference. Is that possible? If you make a truth or falsehood can it be proved? Specify what is false...
  17. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    terms...... terms...... Careful rainee.....those 'context' issues could put your panties in a pinch :crackup: also have to keep close tabs on hypostasis and prosopon issues....they can be tricky. Pot meet kettle. pj
  18. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Sadly this is your very 'script', projecting it on others. Yes, its an auto-loop, all you have is 'mere opinion/bare assertion'. Moving along....... :wave: pj
  19. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Try again. Same ole drill. pj
  20. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    proofs............... proofs............... Go back to here. My post and challenge to Journey stands,...which also applies to you, if you would claim the same thing, since you're pursuing this. Also I don't need to provide any 'textual criticism' for anything, since what is shared speaks...