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  1. musterion

    Shots fired at Texas Mohammed art exhibit Lutherans, no doubt. It's always the Lutherans.
  2. musterion

    Always expect the unexpected.

    Especially when it's completely predictable. Leftists genuinely surprised that the new minimum wage laws in New Sodom will end up costing jobs. Only morons couldn't see it coming. I want to see him extend that same theoretical liberty to Wal-Mart, then I'll believe he's sincere about wanting...
  3. musterion

    Bigot businessowner punishes peaceful marijuana users

    He should be sued and forced to return to Colorado and hire back everyone he displaced. Right?
  4. musterion

    Hillary: Religion must be changed to defend abortion
  5. musterion

    Sodomite admits she's out to recruit schoolkids

    No real surprise, other than the honesty.
  6. musterion

    "Lucy" was a baboon

    Or at least partly.
  7. musterion

    Theology Club: Calvinist MADs

    Someone recently wondered if they exist. They do, and the late Ernie Campbell was one of them. He's written some excellent commentaries (I was given the whole set) but his Calvinism really comes through in a lot of his interpretations. This is an article he wrote on the sovereignty of God in...
  8. musterion

    Rubio: sodomites are born that way So Rubio evidently believes homosexuality is not a sin and the Word of God is in error.
  9. musterion

    Attempted post-birth abortion in Philly

    21 years later. To TOL's leftists (meaning all abortion advocates): If this young man's cerebral palsy been detected in the womb and, on that basis, the mother had chosen to abort him, would you have approved her decision? Don't dodge the question -- be adults and say yes or no.
  10. musterion

    Horrible torture of U.S. Airmen by the USAF

    First GITMO, now this. Call your congressman NOW. This is outrageous. Only chickens would do this. 9AqqmjGzeTQ#t=35
  11. musterion

    Judge cuts sentence for rapist of 3 year old

    Scumbag sodomized a toddler while holding his hand over her mouth so she couldn't cry out to her mother, who was calling for her. Scumbag got the mandatory 25-life but this judge, also a scumbag, decided to give him only 10 years. The scumbag judge's reasoning? The other scumbag "did not...
  12. musterion

    ECT Poll: The Rod of Iron

    What do you believe about the following prophetic passages:
  13. musterion

    ECT The great Bible doctrines revealed through Paul

    William R. Newell listed the following. Does anyone find that these doctrines are not peculiarly Pauline but were already given in prior revelation? If so, where?