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  1. Jefferson

    Cuteness Overload

    This little girl is feelin' the jam.
  2. Jefferson

    Carbon-14 Everywhere It Shouldn't Be = Young Earth

    Carbon-14 Everywhere It Shouldn't Be = Young Earth This is the show from Friday, February 12th, 2021 SUMMARY: * The 2021 Version of a RSR Classic: Carbon-14 doesn't lie. It has a relatively brief life and yet is plentiful in fossils and diamonds claimed to be millions and billions of years...
  3. Jefferson

    1 John Pt. 6

    ThThurs: 1 John Pt. 6 This is the show from Thursday, February 11th, 2021 SUMMARY: * John's First Epistle: Meet the Apostle John. He was the youngest of the Twelve. And at the time of this writing, he's now one of the last remaining. If you were an eyewitness to Christ's earthly ministry...
  4. Jefferson

    Impeachment, the Declaration, and the Bible Too

    Impeachment, the Declaration, and the Bible Too This is the show from Wednesday, February 10th, 2021 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart concludes his discussion, one that other conservatives have skipped, about the underlying issues raised by the impeachment, but addressed from a biblical perspective and in...
  5. Jefferson

    Impeachment, the Declaration, and the Bible

    Impeachment, the Declaration, and the Bible This is the show from Tuesday, February 9th, 2021 SUMMARY: How many conservative talk shows are doing this? While rejecting the Democrats' accusation against Donald Trump, Bob Enyart seriously evaluates the underlying issues from a biblical...
  6. Jefferson

    Did Bob just do a Super Bowl LV show without mentioning Brady?

    Did Bob just do a Super Bowl LV show without mentioning Brady? This is the show from Monday, February 8th, 2021 SUMMARY: [If you're joining us from the Denver radio broadcast, start at 28:20.] The 2021 Super Bowl made history with yesterday being the first time in NFL history that a player on...
  7. Jefferson

    Yet Another Squeeze: Animal Intelligence Squeezes Darwinism

    Yet Another Squeeze: Animal Intelligence Squeezes Darwinism This is the show from Friday, February 5th, 2021 SUMMARY: We're adding "animal intelligence" to[/url]. The claim that apes should have the highest intelligence in the animal kingdom because we humans supposedly...
  8. Jefferson

    Boomerang: Bob's atty returns a complaint to the Jeffco health dept

    Boomerang: Bob's atty returns a complaint to the Jeffco health dept This is the show from Thursday, February 4th, 2021 SUMMARY: If you're joining us from the KLTT broadcast, start at 28:30, and if you're looking for the normal Theology Thursday broadcast, that can be found here. On our...
  9. Jefferson

    Genesis Creation Pt. 9

    ThThurs: Genesis Creation Pt. 9 This is the show from Thursday, February 4th, 2021 SUMMARY: Genesis-Creation: A rock cannot make itself and a fire cannot burn forever. Matter cannot come from non-matter and a perpetual motion machine cannot exist. Therefore, the universe could not have made...
  10. Jefferson

    State police respond to Abolitionist riot and insurrection at Idaho capitol. Or maybe not....

    State police respond to Abolitionist riot and insurrection at Idaho capitol. Or maybe not.... This is the show from Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart interviews Idaho's Scott Herndon and airs audio of the abolitionist's meeting with abortion regulator Brent Crane. BEL does not...
  11. Jefferson

    Why's iHeartRadio interested in BEL Burning OJ's Memorabilia?

    Why's iHeartRadio interested in BEL Burning OJ's Memorabilia? This is the show from Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021 SUMMARY: An iHeartRadio sports program asked to interview Bob Enyart today on his purchase at auction and then burning at the L.A. Courthouse of O.J. Simpson's favorite memorabilia...
  12. Jefferson

    "Required Guidelines" says the State of Colorado

    "Required Guidelines" says the State of Colorado This is the show from Monday, February 1st, 2021 SUMMARY: Sounds like a contradiction to us here at BEL. On today's program you can listen in to a call from the county health department to Bob Enyart. Steve relates a complaint about Denver...
  13. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio Meets a Platypus

    RSR Meets a Platypus This is the show from Friday, January 29th, 2021 SUMMARY: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams let a platypus help them expose the List of Ways Darwinists Invent their Tree of Life. Evolutionists change their selection of what evidence they use to show...
  14. Jefferson

    Former VP Joe Biden on Equity; Dennis Prager on 'omos

    Former VP Joe Biden on Equity; Dennis Prager on 'omos This is the show from Wednesday, January 27th, 2021 SUMMARY: Former vice president Joseph Biden promotes equity and Dennis Prager promotes homosexuality. Any questions? For more, see[/url]. Today's Resource...
  15. Jefferson

    National Guardsmen in D.C. are Props of the Dems

    National Guardsmen in D.C. are Props of the Dems This is the show from Tuesday, January 26th, 2021 SUMMARY: Dennis Prager just said, "If you're prepared to lose your child, keep your kid in school." So Bob Enyart thanks him for warning parents, though 30 years too late, to pull their kids out...
  16. Jefferson

    Dom Enyart at the March: Let's Give the Pro-aborts Something to Cry About

    Dom Enyart at the March: Let's Give the Pro-aborts Something to Cry About This is the show from Monday, January 25th, 2021 SUMMARY: Colorado RTL might have been the only right-to-life group in the country to hold an in-person march this year. But CRTL doesn't call it a "March for Life" but a...
  17. Jefferson

    Do the democrats never stop cheating?

    Okay libs, please explain how down votes given against Biden's new press secretary show 10K votes but somehow miraculously dropped to 3.1K just 4 minutes later.
  18. Jefferson

    Population Genetics Expert Explains the Darwin-Slaying Science

    Population Genetics Expert Explains the Darwin-Slaying Science This is the show from Friday, January 22nd, 2021 SUMMARY: If one little baby ape, a long long time ago, had an especially helpful mutation, how long would it take before all apes inherited that single genetic improvement...
  19. Jefferson

    Simple things in the news to slightly more difficult things in theology

    Simple things in the news to slightly more difficult things in theology This is the show from Monday, December 28th, 2020 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart moves from a few simple things to understand (from current events), to only slightly more difficult to understand things (from theology). From the...
  20. Jefferson

    The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem

    The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem This is the show from Friday, December 25th, 2020 SUMMARY: * Preview of Multiple Conservative Site Search: powered by Google... And once you get to, while cell phone displays don't show an icon, a computer user who clicks on over to our...