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  1. Jefferson

    Biden Administration Doing Its Best to Start World War III

    Biden Administration Doing Its Best to Start World War III Since Russia invaded Ukraine, the Biden Administration has done all it can to get involved. The U.S. has sent more than $54 billion to Ukraine since the war against Russia started, according to The New York Times in early August. The...
  2. Jefferson

    Tulsi Gabbard announces she is leaving Democrat Party

    Tulsi Gabbard announces she is leaving Democrat Party, calling it an 'elitist cabal of war mongers' Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard announced she is leaving the Democratic Party, denouncing it as an "elitist cabal of war mongers," while calling upon other "common sense independent minded...
  3. Jefferson

    1 John Pt. 8

    ThThurs: 1 John Pt. 8 Thursday, October 6th, 2022 SUMMARY: It's telethon month! If you enjoy Real Science Radio, The Dominic Enyart Show, Theology Thursday, and Bob Enyart Live, consider assisting financially to keep us around! Help us reach our $30,000 goal by purchasing any KGOV product...
  4. Jefferson

    Why are liberals less happy than conservatives?

    Why are liberals less happy than conservatives? Ambivalence about marriage and the family is bad for mental health Liberals, especially liberal women, are significantly less likely to be happy with their lives and satisfied with their “mental health”, compared to their conservative peers aged...
  5. Jefferson

    Which verse is your least favorite?

    We all have a few verses that we would not mind if God decided to leave them out of the Bible. My top pick is I Thessalonians 4:11 - "that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you," A "quiet life?" Seriously? I only...
  6. Jefferson

    Does God Exist? (Part 2)

    Does God Exist? (Part 2) Wednesday, October 5th, 2022 SUMMARY: Today we are continuing our worldview series. Having a solid worldview is critical as it will serve as the foundation for our lives. We’re now going to take a look at the law of what we ought to. When we ask the question...
  7. Jefferson

    Does God Exist? (Part 1)

    Does God Exist? (Part 1) Tuesday, October 4th, 2022 SUMMARY: Today is our first-ever video podcast on The Dominic Enyart Show! As we’re venturing into the world of video, we’re hoping to find a new audience with it. Since this new audience will not be familiar with our beliefs here at...
  8. Jefferson

    Atheist Dan Barker Exists…. He Thinks…

    Atheist Dan Barker Exists…. He Thinks… Monday, October 3rd, 2022 SUMMARY: It's telethon month! If you enjoy Real Science Radio, The Dominic Enyart Show, Theology Thursday, and Bob Enyart Live, consider assisting financially to keep us around! Help us reach our $30,000 goal by purchasing...
  9. Jefferson

    Mega sequence Volcanism: Minor Issue for HPT

    Mega sequence Volcanism: Minor Issue for HPT Friday, September 30th, 2022 SUMMARY: *Tippecanoe and Tejas Too: Host Fred Williams and special guest Doug McBurney review the latest Hydroplate Theory “Hit Piece” from Edward Isaacs via the Journal of Creation (#36). Find out where the...
  10. Jefferson

    129 People Killed After Stampede at Soccer Match

    What is wrong with soccer fans?
  11. Jefferson

    #1 Top Remedy for Calcium Plaque in Your Arteries

    In mid September of 2022, Dr. Eric Berg uploaded perhaps his most controversial, yet important and beneficial YouTube video to his 8 million subscribers. Less than one hour later the video was removed. My suspicion is that Dr. Berg was aware of how often YouTube creators get their channels...
  12. Jefferson

    Genesis Creation Pt. 11

    ThThurs: Genesis Creation Pt. 11 Thursday, September 28th, 2022 SUMMARY: Genesis-Creation: A rock cannot make itself and a fire cannot burn forever. Matter cannot come from non-matter and a perpetual motion machine cannot exist. Therefore, the universe could not have made itself from...
  13. Jefferson

    Don’t Teach The Left to Bully Us

    Don’t Teach The Left to Bully Us Tuesday, September 27th, 2022 SUMMARY: The FBI yet again reveals itself to be a political hack of an organization by raiding the home of a pro-life spokesman. This ordeal further separates good from evil. The battle lines have been drawn. We are now faced...
  14. Jefferson

    Will CNN be sold to FOX News?

    Media Matters Head ‘Terrified” CNN Will Be Sold To Fox News The head of Media Matters For America is “terrified” that CNN will sell to Fox News, leaving the Murdoch owned business in charge of a major swath of news coverage. Many Democrats have been sounding the alarm as CNN has made a noted...
  15. Jefferson

    Pastor Bob Debates Atheist Reginald Finley Part 2

    Pastor Bob Debates Atheist Reginald Finley Part 2 Monday, September 26th, 2022 SUMMARY: * The Infidel Guy: also known as atheist Reggie Finley, whose family appeared on ABC's program Wife Swap, discusses the existence of God with Bob. This debate lasted four hours. Today we air part 2. *...
  16. Jefferson

    Webb Telescope Above, HPT in the Trenches

    Webb Telescope Above, HPT in the Trenches Friday, September 23rd, 2022 SUMMARY: *JWST’s Lyin’ Eyes? Now the Webb Telescope is producing reactions like: “back to the drawing board” from Big Bang proponents and causing more than one atheistic cosmologist (bitterly clinging to an invisible...
  17. Jefferson

    Genesis Creation Pt. 10

    ThThurs: Genesis Creation Pt. 10 Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 SUMMARY: Genesis-Creation: A rock cannot make itself and a fire cannot burn forever. Matter cannot come from non-matter and a perpetual motion machine cannot exist. Therefore, the universe could not have made itself from...
  18. Jefferson

    Josef Mengele Looks Innocent by Comparison: Phalloplasty

    Josef Mengele Looks Innocent by Comparison: Phalloplasty Wednesday, September 21st, 2022 SUMMARY: Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, we’re exposing the disturbing surgeries performed on vulnerable children. These twisted surgeries rival that of even Josef Mengele (who earned “the Angel of...
  19. Jefferson

    O Former-Vice President! My Former-Vice President!

    O Former-Vice President! My Former-Vice President! Tuesday, September 20th, 2022 SUMMARY: In a recent interview with Joe Biden, he was asked if his mental faculties were up to the task of being president. In typical Biden fashion, he responded, “watch me.” Mr. Biden then immediately...
  20. Jefferson

    Pastor Bob Debates Atheist Reginald Finley

    Pastor Bob Debates Atheist Reginald Finley Monday, September 19th, 2022 SUMMARY: * The Infidel Guy: also known as atheist Reggie Finley, whose family appeared on ABC's program Wife Swap, discusses the existence of God with Bob. This debate lasted four hours, and next week's BEL program...