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  1. The Barbarian

    Trump Likely Can't Avoid Talking to Mueller

    Some of the president’s advisers want him to answer questions in writing, like Ronald Reagan did during Iran-Contra—but don’t count on the special counsel agreeing to it. Earlier this week, after weeks of rumblings about Donald Trump speaking to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, The New York...
  2. The Barbarian


  3. The Barbarian

    Israeli police recommend indicting Netanyahu for corruption: report

    Israeli police chiefs will recommend to the country's attorney general that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be indicted on corruption charges, according to reports in local media. The Times of Israel reported Wednesday that police chiefs, including the general commissioner of Israel's police...
  4. The Barbarian

    Biden says he would advise Trump against Mueller interview

    Former Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday said he would advise President Trump against interviewing with special counsel Robert Mueller if he were one of his lawyers, given the likelihood of Trump making false statements to investigators. “You are in a situation where the president has some...
  5. The Barbarian

    Trump built his own “deep state.” Now he needs the GOP to save him from it.

    Trump hired the people he now believes are out to get him. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was America’s longest-serving district attorney, a one-time nominee to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, and a part of the Office of the Independent Counsel under Ken Starr, tasked with...
  6. The Barbarian


    After more than five decades of reasonably virtuous living, I’m now told that I have betrayed my country and committed the ultimate crime. I did not clap during President Trump’s State of the Union address. Granted, my hands were otherwise engaged. They pounded my laptop’s keyboard as I...
  7. The Barbarian

    House intelligence committee unanimously votes to release Democratic memo

    The House Intelligence Committee voted unanimously Monday evening to make public the Democratic memo rebutting GOP allegations that the FBI abused surveillance laws, the committee's top Democrat said, a move that will put the issue back on President Donald Trump's desk this week. The classified...
  8. The Barbarian

    Republicans expected to release democrat memo

    Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee are likely to vote Monday evening to make public the Democratic memo rebutting GOP allegations that the FBI abused surveillance laws, a move that will put the issue back on President Donald Trump's desk this week. The classified memo from Rep. Adam...
  9. The Barbarian

    Can Trump be indicted?

    Turns out a memo from Kenneth Starr, during the Whitewater investigation, put forth that he can be indicted.
  10. The Barbarian

    As if he needed more bad news...

    South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy said the recently released, controversial GOP memo alleging FBI abuses of its surveillance authority does not have "any impact on the Russia probe," and even without the Steele dossier, there would be a Russia investigation. "There is a Russia...
  11. The Barbarian

    American people: "Trump should talk to Mueller under oath"

    A large majority of Americans in both political parties think President Donald Trump should consent to an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller, according to a new poll. The Monmouth University survey released Thursday found that 71% of Americans think Trump should agree to an...
  12. The Barbarian

    Democratic, GOP lawmakers: Memo doesn’t clear Trump in probe

    The "revised" Nunes memo, and further revelations about Russian involvement with Trump staffers has started to erode republican support for Trump. Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah, said the memo doesn’t end the need for the Mueller investigation. “I think it would be a mistake for anyone to suggest...
  13. The Barbarian


    The much-anticipated Nunes memo, released Friday after weeks of feverish build-up on the far-right, appears to be a dud. The declassified report accuses a group of current and former Justice Department and F.B.I. officials—including James Comey, his former deputy Andrew McCabe, and current...
  14. The Barbarian

    Highest-ranking career US diplomat to retire in blow to State Department

    Shannon’s departure means Tillerson has another high-level opening at the department, which has been hobbled by delays in White House approval of proposed appointees, efforts to cut its budget as much as 30 percent and Tillerson’s slow-moving reorganization plan. Without Shannon, only two out...
  15. The Barbarian

    He just can't help himself...

    President Donald Trump again keyed in on crowd size, this time claiming that the 45.6 million who watched the State of the Union address was the “highest number in history.” It’s not. President Barack Obama’s first State of the Union in 2010 drew 48 million viewers, and Bill Clinton and George...
  16. The Barbarian

    More trouble for Trump

    Why worry about Russia’s efforts to undermine our democratic system or possible obstruction of justice by the President when there’s a “secret society” within the FBI, a deep state attempting a coup and a Satanist plot to sell your children? As special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation...
  17. The Barbarian

    Ties that bind

    It sounded like an exhausted parent scolding a tantrum-prone toddler with a penchant for tossing toys from his stroller. In November 2008, Steven Molo, an attorney for Deutsche Bank, wrote a letter to the Supreme Court of New York about one of the company’s most troublesome clients. At issue...
  18. The Barbarian

    Nunes Memo was altered

    By Wednesday, the release of the Republicans’ memo seemed imminent. Trump, who has attacked the credibility of the law enforcement agencies tasked with investigating him, assured a lawmaker on Monday evening that he “100%” plans to release the memo. But on Wednesday night, Schiff announced a...
  19. The Barbarian

    And another one...

    The head of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention resigned Wednesday on the heels of a bombshell report that she had purchased stock in a tobacco company soon after taking her job, which oversees smoking-cessation programs. Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, who is an ob-gyn, also had...