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  1. musterion

    This is my surprised face

    GWU forensics team suggests Seth Rich was rubbed out after all. No kidding. Few cross Clinton, Inc. and live.
  2. musterion

    Good article: "Who Radicalized the Finsbury Park Van Man?"

    The kind of article that gets people attacked for pointing things out, not because the things pointed out are false.
  3. musterion

    People who live on air: complete and total frauds The logic of these New Age liars' position is if you can survive solely on light and don't actually need food or water, ever, then it stands to reason that you shouldn't need to die either. Why...
  4. musterion

    Do you like pets?

    The date is off so it could be fake, but the rap sheet of Antifa gives no reason to believe it's not impossible for them.
  5. musterion

    The most glaring example of homosexual hypocrisy you'll see for awhile

    Two points. 1. He's clearly not particularly dumb, but he is a fool who carefully selects what he allows to outrage him, EVEN THOUGH she correctly points out that he'd go head first off a tall building if Mohammedans ever got ahold of him, for being an unbeliever, a queer AND a witch. 2. He...
  6. musterion

    "One down, 216 to go." The Left created this, make them eat it.
  7. musterion

    Hodgkinson was an Occupier

  8. musterion

    Court finds that blacks can indeed be racist against whites The times, they are a-changin'. BLM and white guilt kiddies "occupy" HSSU admin offices in 3...2...
  9. musterion

    Q for KJOs (not picking fights, promise)

    If there is an edition of the King James that I see recommended more than any other, it is usually the 1769. What is its advantage over the 1611? (I assume there are those who say the 1611 is the best, so whichever you favor, why?) Honest question from ignorance, not debating nuthin'.
  10. musterion

    Brit speaks inconvenient truth on TV about his local mosque He visited an open house and received a welcome package, including a flyer. Spin, denial and obfuscation immediately ensued. The mosque, naturally, denied the flyer was theirs even...
  11. musterion

    Comey deleted "the memo" That's why no one will ever see it. Also because it may never have existed.
  12. musterion

    Two arrests due to exercising free speech Oh, right, I forgot. Europe isn't really much anymore on free speech.
  13. musterion

    Comey cleared Trump and implicated Clinton.

    Yep, that's the long and short of it.
  14. musterion

    London jihad murderer was the jihadist next door

  15. musterion

    "This is for Allah." Now 7 dead, 45 hurt. Motive?
  16. musterion

    The dim future of Britain

    Coexistence with Islam is impossible. So, predictions: Will the Brits vote for whoever might actually fight Mohammedanism in order to put a stop to all this? Or will they vote for whoever will be most appeasing to Mohammedans, in order to put a stop to all this? Option B ensures no end to...
  17. musterion

    NY high school goes all in for ramadan prom

    School admin says it's to respect the needs of all students, which is a lie. It's imposing the religious belief and practice of a minority onto the majority.
  18. musterion

    Strange thing yesterday

    Salvation Army had a storewide half off sale so I took the girls. We got there about 10 minutes before the doors opened. Several people were there ahead of us. Just before we walked up, a middle-aged woman and her elderly mother arrived as well. The daughter pushed her way up to the doors...
  19. musterion

    Offensive (?) video

    1.Are you offended by this? 2. If yes, why?