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  1. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Blessings :) Blessings :) You're welcome,'re free to research all of my posts,...for me its mostly about 'creative dialogue' and 'expansion of consciousness' :) We repeat,...the papers came about thru a means that is unique and mysterious (beyond what has been revealed),....all...
  2. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Energy buffers or insulators....looking like 'wings' of a sort Energy buffers or insulators....looking like 'wings' of a sort Note the similar vision of seraphim contained in the biblical records, beings having 2-3 pairs of what look like wings, in Isaiah and Ezekiel. I wonder however if the...
  3. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Not 'channeling' in the modern nuance of the term Not 'channeling' in the modern nuance of the term Good question, but it must be known that the UB (or the Urantia Papers) was not brought forth by what we commonly know today as 'channelling' or a like phenomena,...but a unique process and...
  4. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Well, it depends on if the observer could identify the object or subject. A seraphim transport is not a UFO as conventionally understood, but to someone not familiar with could be. The key here is being able to 'identify' it.
  5. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Adam & Eve Adam & Eve ~*~*~ I'll run this by Caino, if he wants to add anything to pj's question posed to me in my 'Return To Oneness' thread here. I encouraged pj to bring up this question here, since the UB goes into a lot of detail about Adam & Eve, so I thought it fitting to explore its...
  6. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    so goes the story...... so goes the story...... Hi pj, I'll bite and address your 'story' above as a 'hypothetical'. First of all,....and it seems I've repeated this a few dozen or more times here,...the UB has nothing whatsoever to do with UFOs, or 'grays' (or any of the beings or...
  7. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Excellent :thumb: Re: UB intro. Video now in the OP (opening post). Another great UB Resource:
  8. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    God gives us freedom....... God gives us freedom....... Thats a matter of opinion/point of view, while in our discussion of such theologies we can ascertain which are of more value or significance, relative to subject and context. Problem is few are willing to read even the first 3 papers of...
  9. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Does that include all the different manuscript-traditions, interpolations, redactions, creative doctoring, apocryphal/inter-testamental works as well? Which canon? Or is it just because you say so? A wise man will take the best truths of all religious schools and traditions, since he recognizes...
  10. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Your 'beliefs' are noted ;) With 'beliefs' can come problems
  11. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    healing........ healing........ This thread is about the Urantia Papers. Hence my former statements apply to all who are forgetting that, while also correcting misrepresentations. Great that you are open to expand and explore the entirety of existence, the breadth of consciousness. I gather...
  12. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    read the text for yourself......... read the text for yourself......... Absolutely. The fundamental theology and doctrine of God, his nature, attributes and qualities are explained there. Also God's relationship to all others and creation, plus the ascension-plan and immortality-potential of...
  13. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    educate first......... educate first......... Apparently you are unfamiliar with what the papers teach, for they exalt God, our Spirit-Father and Creator (The First Source and Center). Read the first 10-12 papers for proof here. If you'd like to join the discussion, become properly informed...
  14. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    My viewpoints stand and are well articulated and informed on many levels. If you have a problem with any points in particular, treat them appropriately instead of assuming an opinion about the bible is being presented when its not. If you want to deal with truth, you'll research and recognize it...
  15. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    the Spirit light within........ the Spirit light within........ I dont have a disagreement with the above,.....neither does the UB. As we shared earlier.....the Spirit of God bears witness to truth, the indwelling spirit gives inner light or knowledge thru personal experience, and so the...
  16. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    honest research...... honest research...... This isnt a competition, neither is a 'historic' version of 'Christianity' necessarily correct or accurate. I dont see Paul as being all he was assumed to be, amid a collection of writings almost half attributed to him as being pseudographical...
  17. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Again, you cannot prove your 'version' of 'God' is any less fictional. We reiterate that it is the nature of God that is real itself, being pure Spirit. It is God-consciousness itself that bears witness to its own being. The thought-adjuster indwelling the soul is that pure pre-personal...
  18. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    respect for thread subject and forum rules respect for thread subject and forum rules With due respect, this thread is about the UB, so you are required to learn what it is, familiarize yourself with its teachings, etc. In order to have an informed discussion on it. That needs to be...
  19. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Then you are confining yourself to only one book, assuming it alone speaks for 'God', which limits your knowledge of reality generally and particularly. Jesus is purported to say many things, and such sayings vary as to their believability and their interpretation. Part 4 of the UB has much...
  20. freelight

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    I dont recall Caino's answer, but certainly the Spirit of 'God' indwells man ( as the thought-adjuster indwelling man's mind), and the Spirit of truth from Jesus, as well as other divine spirits of 'God' in their various forms and functions. Some spirits work within man, others bear their...