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  1. aCultureWarrior

    Happy Birthday Mr. President

    I'm sorry that our country isn't respectful enough of your great achievements that we didn't give you your own holiday.
  2. aCultureWarrior

    Marijuana legalization: LESS government?

    Pitfalls Abound as Legal Pot Sales Begin Colorado and Washington state are launching the world's first legal recreational marijuana markets in 2014. Though pot has been sold for three decades at coffee shops in the Netherlands, the two states are the first to regulate and allow a full industry...
  3. aCultureWarrior

    The Politically Incorrect Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.

    First co-recipient of the Margaret Sanger/Planned Parenthood baby butcher award, violent sexual degenerate, communist sympathizer, plagiarist, fraudulent Christian, you name it, Mike King did it all.
  4. aCultureWarrior

    More from "The Religion of Peace"

    Since these types of incidents are frequent throughout the world, I thought I'd start a thread where we can document how "peaceful" the religion of Islam is. Kenya police: church attacks kill 15, wound 40 [It took the AP a few paragraphs to mention that it was at a Christian church where the...