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  1. The Barbarian

    Jared Kuschner now a suspect in DOJ criminal investigation.

    The Justice Department has opened up a criminal investigation into potential money- laundering violations by Deutsche Bank — including transactions linked to President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, according to a report. The DOJ is investigating why the bank didn’t alert the US Treasury to...
  2. The Barbarian

    Mitch, you're such a bleeding-heart liberal...

    Mitch McConnell says America made up for slavery by electing Barack Obama Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) scoffed at the idea of reparations during his weekly press conference Tuesday, saying that slavery was part of America’s distant past, and pointing as evidence to the election...
  3. The Barbarian

    This is why your dog can maniuplate you

    Dogs’ Eyes Have Changed Since Humans Befriended Them Two specialized muscles give them a range of expression that wolves’ eyes lack. Dogs, more so than almost any other domesticated species, are desperate for human eye contact. When raised around people, they begin fighting for our attention...
  4. The Barbarian

    St. Tom was right...

    A common creationist objection to evolution is that man could not evolve as the intended creation of God, since evolution, although not random, is affected by random factors. "How,"the creationist might ask,"can a process that is at least partially due to contingent factors result in an...
  5. The Barbarian

    McConnell whines that he's being blamed because he cut off help for 9/11 heroes

    Mitch McConnell doesn't want to be criticized for ignoring 9/11 first responders. Mitch McConnell lashed out at comedian Jon Stewart after the former Daily Show host criticized the Senate Majority Leader for dragging his feet on authorizing funds to compensate 9/11 first responders. Appearing...
  6. The Barbarian

    Trump's people find him trailing Biden in battleground states

    Data from President Donald Trump's first internal reelection campaign poll conducted in March, obtained exclusively by ABC News, showed him losing a matchup by wide margins to former Vice President Joe Biden in key battleground states. Trump has repeatedly denied that such data exists. The...
  7. The Barbarian

    North Carolina republcans work for bipartisan end to Gerrymandering

    RALEIGH — Greensboro-area legislator Jon Hardister joined a bipartisan group of N.C. House members Wednesday in a renewed effort to curb partisan gerrymandering. Hardister, R-Whitsett, combined with a fellow Republican and two Democratic representatives in sponsoring a bill that would put...
  8. The Barbarian

    Hong Kong flinches on extradition law

    After huge demonstrations, Carrie Lam backed down and suspended a bill that would allow Hong Kong to extradite people from Hong Kong to China. Backed by China's strong man Xi Jinping, the bill would have allowed anyone to be taken and sent to China.
  9. The Barbarian

    Fox News comments on election law

  10. The Barbarian

    Replacement named for Sara H. Sanders

    It was tough finding someone to fill her shoes, but the WH has announced a new press secretary who will continue her fine work.
  11. The Barbarian

    And you thoiught it couldn't get worse

    Almost 7 in 10 say the federal government is doing a bad job of governing, including 43% who say it's the worst job of governing in their lifetimes.
  12. The Barbarian

    Who was doing what, when? Timeline for the Russiagate investigations

    Hugely complicated. No wonder Mueller has been raking in the perps.
  13. The Barbarian

    It's not new

    Phillips says the Know Nothings displayed three patterns common to all other nativist movements. First is the embrace of nationalism—as seen in the writings of the OSSB. Second is religious discrimination: in this case, Protestants against Catholics rather than the more modern day squaring-off...
  14. The Barbarian

    Who's to blame?

    More Americans blame Trump for the government shutdown The two YouGov polls found a 4-point increase in those blaming Trump. There was a 4-point increase among registered voters who most blamed Trump in the two Morning Consult polls. And surveys from Reuters/Ipsos also found a 4-point increase...
  15. The Barbarian

    Micheal Cohen to testify about campaign hush money

    Michael Cohen Agrees to Testify to Congress About Work for Trump WASHINGTON — Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer who implicated him in a scheme to pay hush money to two women claiming to have had affairs with him, has agreed to testify before the House Oversight...
  16. The Barbarian

    And they get another one...

    The Russian agent involved in the infamous Trump Tower meeting has been arrested in an unrelated matter. It has been discovered that she has much more extensive connections with high-level Russian officials than we had been told, after the meeting. Again, it's in a matter unrelated to the...
  17. The Barbarian

    Trump claimed ex-presidents told him they wanted to build a wall.

    Three of them so far, say it’s not true. There are only four living ex-presidents. One WH policy should be "honesty is the best policy." President Donald Trump claimed without evidence on Friday that past presidents have privately confided to him that they regret not building a wall along...
  18. The Barbarian

    Ann Coulter tantrum because Trump isvisiting the border

    Conservative commentator Ann Coulter slammed President Donald Trump’s decision to visit the border this week as “ beyond moronic” in a series of angry posts to social media. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced on Twitter earlier today that the president will travel to...
  19. The Barbarian

    Bolton connection with Russian spy on his clearance application?

    Dems Want to Know If Bolton Told White House About Contact With Alleged Spy National security adviser appeared with Butina at gun rights roundtable when he worked for NRA
  20. The Barbarian

    Alternative truth #256
