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  1. J

    Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

    Once one gets to the heart of "aCultureWarrior's" convoluted ramblings, they are confronted by the fact that he can't produce any credible sources that can confirm his assertions - the more he attempts to redirect the conversation to camouflage this deficiency , the more obvious it becomes! One...
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    Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

    Given that Stanton Jones is on staff at Wheaton College, a Protestant institution that in 2004 terminated another instructor for converting to Catholicism, the results of his "research" would require him to be totally at odds with that of The Sandfort at Columbia - a university that doesn't...
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    Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

    In 2004, Wheaton College removed a staff member for committing the unforgivable sin of converting to Catholicism - some Catholics might take offence that converting to their faith would constitute grounds for dismissal at a Christian College! Regent University was established by Pat Robertson...
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    Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

    Does "aCultureWarruir" now claim to know the sexual orientation of the 1000's of members of the APA who are all conspiring to perpetrate this "homosexual agenda? Apparently "aCultureWarrior" strategy of casting doubt in the "message" rests on conducting a "smear" campaign against the...
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    Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

    In his infinite wisdom, "aCuthureWarrior" has designated himself as the unquestioned authority as to is/who isn't conducting pro paraphilia studies! With all due respect, one can't expect to be taken seriously when they cite themselves as the final authority when it comes to these matters!
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    Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

    1. Despite !a CultureWarrior's" accusations, there are no other sources accusing Dr. Theo Sandfort of conducting pro paedophilia studies! 2. Whatever their redeeming qualities, "Christianity Today" and the "Baptist Press" do not claim to be scientific journals, where members of the American...
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    Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

    Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5 Presumably neither "CatholicCrusader" nor his family would consider going to a doctor when they are sick because "the medical community as you call it has been co-opted by politics!" As for "aCultureWarrior," attempting to find fault with one...
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    Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

    Conversion Therapy The American Psychiatric Association (APA) opposes psychiatric treatment "based upon the assumption that homosexuality per se is a mental disorder or based upon the a priori assumption that a patient should change his/her sexual homosexual orientation" and describes attempts...
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    Russians Attacked US Troops in Syria: Our Fearless President Refuses to Acknowledge!

    :angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob: - one of leaders was Dmitry Utkin, a former lieutenant colonel in Russia's military intelligence agency, the GRU. He and the firm have been closely tied to the oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin, known as "Putin's chef" (1...
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    Trump opposes chain immigration - unless...

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    Top Trump aides had opposed US decision to move embassy to Jerusalem: reports

    Apparently Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defense Secretary James Mattis were among those advisors in the White House who the opposed decision to relocate the American Embassy in Jerusalem. While the announcement may be praised by Israeli "hard-liners" and Trump's base, it alienates...
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    Roy Moore: America Was 'Great' During 'Slavery'

    Apparently "the gold old days" when America was Great, in Judge Moore's opinion, included slavery, where millions of innocent individuals, based on the color of their skin, were relegated to lives of bondage where they were considered to be no better than "property" It would be asking too much...
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    Hollywood pedophiles

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    Shooting at First Baptist Church in Texas

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    boycott the NFL

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    KKK leader says that he is "glad" about Heather Heyer's death

    :angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob: David Duke of the KKK has praised President Trump in an email for his news conference and now the North Carolina KKK leader says that he is “glad” that anti-white supremacist protester Heather Heyer was run down...
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    Anthony Scaramucci's wife hates Trump - files for divorce!

    :angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob: Deidre Ball (Scaramucci) filed for divorce after three years of marriage because of Scaramucci's efforts to get close to President Donald Trump Deidre Ball (Scaramucci)reportedly "despises" Trump Deidre's...
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    Trump/Russian Connection - possible"Smoking Gun!"

    :angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob: Chapter 1 - Peter W. Smith, a Republican operative, organized a group prior to the Presidential Campaign, in an effort obtain those missing e-mails that they believed Russian hackers had stolen from Hillary...
  19. J

    Trump Actinfg Presidential - "low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, ... "

    Trump Actinfg Presidential - "low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, ... " North Korea, nuclear proliferation, Syria, chemical weapons , Venezuela, Russian interference in eections, travel bans, Trumpcare, Opiod epidemic - America is confronted by host of problems, both foreign and...