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  1. Sherman

    Kett's SPOTD 12-21-2012--Vegas bats a grand slam

    Bigbang123 is on the pitcher's mound. It hasn't been a good night for him or his team. Batters have been getting on base all night. Vegas has been hitting long balls with each at bat. He steps up again. Crack! It is outa here! The ball sails over the center field seats and on out of the...
  2. Sherman

    Kett SPOTD 12-20-2012 -Vegas bats a homer under the Christmas lights

    On TOL it's never too late in the year to play ball and vegascowboy slams the ball into the stands Again my SPOTD threads have rules. Congrats only--no bashing the awardee No Whining. If I see any rule violations I will close this thread or have a mod remove the offending posts or tags.
  3. Sherman

    Ace Age Continental Drift

    I viewed this one yesterday. The 3D on this one is much improved over Dawn of the Dinosaurs. I would rate it as fair. The images don't mesh perfectly when the figures move fast, but it isn't to the distracting quality of the previous film.
  4. Sherman

    Kett's SPOTD 12-2-2012--ACW hits a Grand slam

    The pitcher on the Mound is Town Heretic, one of TOL's best pitchers. His knuckle ball is hard to bat back. He pitches where the batter is vulnerable. The crowd is cheering the pitcher. Townie with his classy style is a popular one. The Batter on the other hand, like Roger Maris in 1962, is...
  5. Sherman

    Kett's SPOTD 10-06-12 Knight bangs The First Home Run of The Theology Club.

    Eeset pitches a ball that no one want to return. Some even question the legality of this pitch. It it a spit ball? Nope. It's a legit pitch. Up to the plate steps Knight. He takes a swing. Thwack! The ball goes up, up and up. It is gone! It lands in the upper level seats. Now...
  6. Sherman

    10-01-12 Kett's DPOTD - Dasquito slams it into the pitcher's glove.

    ....and the pitcher hadn't even pitched it yet. :rotfl: This has to be one of the stupidest at bats this season! Thread rules: No debate No whining Mocking the dumb post is OK.
  7. Sherman

    Theology Club: Numbers 14:11- 20--the power of petition before God.

    If the theology of Predestination as Calvinism presupposes is true, then prayer would be worthless. We would be compelled to rewrite much of the Bible or just plain ignore it. The Open View is gaining popularity because it deals with scriptures like the one below. Numbers 14:11- 20 <sup...
  8. Sherman

    Kett's SPOTD, 8-21-2012- Oldhermit On Ethics

    This brilliant post really is a gem mine. This poster is a bible scholar that has studied scripture for years, judging by his posts. I have highlighted the jewels in this post so you can find them easily. Good Job! You secularists out there have more that met your match. Thread rules: No...
  9. Sherman

    Kett's SPOTD, A rookie, oldhermit knocks it out of the park.

    The pitcher on the mound is Eeset. At the plate we have a new batter, oldhermit. Look at the arms and legs on that batter. He looks powerful. She underhand pitches it, thinking that the high show ball will be difficult to return. Oldhermit swings. Crack! It is a long ball! The ball is...
  10. Sherman

    Legend of the Guardians - The Owls of Ga'Hoole

    This movie is based the first of a series of fantasy novels, the Owls of Ga'Hoole written by Kathyrn Lasky that use Owls as characters. I would have never bought this film if my sister had not told me about it. The 3D in this film is flawless and stunning. In one shot the Owl pops out of the...
  11. Sherman

    Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs

    Ok the title sounds corny, but I bought this film in 3D because my husband loved the original. Needless to say the quality of the 3D on this was disappointing. The figures when they move look as though they are being viewed through sugary glass or water. The two images used to form the 3D do...
  12. Sherman

    7-20-12 Kett's DPOTD - Jerzy's pop fly.

    Up to to the plate steps jerzy. This fellow has been batting 000. Lets see if he even gets on base today. The batter swings. It's a pop fly. Hold on, the batter runs anyways, thinking he's hit a homer. He's circling the bases. The crowd is snickering. He heading for home and...
  13. Sherman

    7-19-12 -Kett's DPOTD--Horn's Epic Dribble

    I've debated with myself as whether I should award this post DPOTD as it cuts close to trolling. I decided will will recognize it for its sheer stupidity was well. The stupidity lies in equating inherited physical traits with a behavior. Rules of this thread. No debate. No whining. Mocking...
  14. Sherman

    Kett's SPOTD 07-12-2012 - LMOHM knocks the ball out of the park-it's a grand slam!

    The pitcher steps up to the mound. It's 'ol Gay pride himself thinking he can drag LMOHM down with his curve balls. The ball is sailing to the outside. The batter has to reach. Bam! That was a loud crack of the bat. The ball looks like it is sailing into orbit. This looks to be the longest...
  15. Sherman

    Kett's SPOTD 07-10-2012 - Chickenman's grand slam

    Knight has been pitching a curve ball that the batters having having a hard time returning. Up to the plate steps the Chickenman. :chicken: Knight pitches. the ball is curving in toward the hands. CRACK! The ball lifts high over the stadium and seems to hang in the air over the stands...