Search results

  1. Tambora

    Gift fun

    Just for fun, see if you have been paying attention to other folks at TOL. Based on what you know of the people here at TOL, what sort of gift would you select for them that they would like? (And yes, I know this will turn silly and even derogatory for a few. That's just the drawback of being...
  2. Tambora

    SNL Trump youtube

    Saturday Night Live video skits of Trump & Hilary. Their character play of Trump and Hillary are hilarious! I'm going to hunt some and post them. Debate 1 Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) and Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) face off in the first presidential debate, moderated by Lester Holt...
  3. Tambora

    The Pendulum Swing

    I would like to focus on the race issue of the Trump election. Particularly the rhetoric of pushing for a KKK like nation. Is there any danger of that happening? To a degree, yes. I think it has to do with a pendulum swing scenario where one side gives an inch, but the other side took a mile...
  4. Tambora

    Get your Christmas list ready

    This looks like it might make it a bit more difficult to concentrate.
  5. Tambora

    youtube cheat sheet

    Of all the years I have been on computer and have learned various computer functions, I learned something new today that is very helpful! There is some music that I could listen to over and over. I learned today that you can right click on a video and make it loop (play over and over). Right...
  6. Tambora

    ECT water baptism

    This is from one of our respected members that has not been active here for a while, but used to be very active. Randy (aka Chickenman). He is a published author and wrote the following: Modern Church: Where Tradition Trumps Truth. Toss it, use it, or otherwise do what you like with it...
  7. Tambora

    Women and hats

    I was actually looking for piano classical music and found this. meshak You'll like this. Pick you a new one!
  8. Tambora

    Clete on Paul's distinct gospel

    I thought this was good. In a discussion of whether Paul and the Twelve were on the same page.
  9. Tambora

    New game

    I'll start this and see if it's as much fun as it looks! Give a short phrase that would be sort of a cryptic synonym of some well known phrase, word, movie or book title, etc. I'll give one and then give the answer to show as an example. But you only post the cryptic part and let others guess...
  10. Tambora

    Making music

  11. Tambora

    Take over the Happy Birthday wishes

    Psalmist started the birthday wishes for members years ago. When his health worsened so that he could not be here very often, he asked if I would take over. I have done it for a few years now. I think it's time for someone else (preferably the younger generation, but not limited to) to continue...
  12. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, Epoisses

  13. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, quip

  14. Tambora

    ECT Silence in heaven

    Revelation 8:1 KJV (1) And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. Any thoughts on what that means?
  15. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, Lighthouse

  16. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, Traditio

  17. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, Selaphiel

  18. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, Mr.Deets

  19. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, GuySmiley

  20. Tambora


    I have not forgotten.